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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoy this episode. I love the girls' mash-up and it's just a really fun episode.

    In this episode, Will challenges the Glee Club to make a mash-up of two songs. Girls VS. Boys. Meanwhile, Will's wife, Terri, takes a job as the school nurse, even though she has no medical or nursing training, and gives Finn a "Vitamin D" tablet to wake him up and he's more energetic. The boys group does this and then the girls decide they need to have it in order to make it fair.

    Songs sang: It's My Life / Confessions Mash-Up by the boys of the Glee Club. Halo / Walking On Sunshine by the girls of the Glee Club.

    Best part of the episode: Halo / Walking On Sunshine.

    Worst part of the episode: Terri.

    Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Freaking Ridonkulous.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In this episode, Will-in order to keep their spirits up-challenges the boys and the girls to separately by group gender do their own mash-ups-putting two songs together-with the best getting their choice of songs for sectionals. Terri gets a job at the school as the new nurse since the previous one had an accident, actually, Sue-in a manipulative move-tripped the elderly nurse-and made the suggestion to Terri since Sue knew about Will and Emma's closeness at lunchtime. Sue also suggests Coach Ken propose to Emma. Finn has been tired lately so nurse Terri gives some over-the-counter pills which makes him and the other boys very energetic during their number of "It's My Life" and "Confessions". After Kurt reveals to the girls what happened, they also take Terri's pills-well, except pregnant Quinn who gets something lighter-as they get a bit hyper during "Walking on Sunshine" and "Halo". When the principal finds out, he fires Sue and makes Will take on a new co-director, Sue herself! Also, Emma, with some conditions, accepts Ken's proposal...Both the comedy and music were very entertaining here and while I still find Terri very annoying, she also had some moments. Nice to see Rachel extend an olive branch to Finn knowing what an outsider she'll become. Too bad not all the characters are fully developed. Since Fox has extended this series for a full season, maybe they will be after the initial thirteen eps...
  • So, a jealous wife decides to spy on her husband by moonlighting as the school nurse. Yeah, I thought it was crazy, too. 'Vitamin D' shines a light on Terri's craziness as her jealousy over Will and Emma's friendship escalates to new heights. At the same time, Will decides to form a boys vs. girls competition to give the club more energy and more fun. To perform better, the club decide to go to Terri for Vitamin D so they can have more energy and perform better.

    The cast performances are all fine. Matthew Morrison's Will Schuester doesn't shine really until the end of the episode. Throughout the episode, he doesn't play a very large role, as he's trying to get space from Terri, coach the club, and spend time with Emma. Jane Lynch is entertaining as Sue Sylvester. As part of her plan to destroy the Glee Club, she decides to go after Will by lying to his wife about a fake affair he is having with Emma. Jessalyn Gilsig is good as Terri Schuester, but she really shows her crazy in this episode. While I understand her wanting to keep an eye on her husband to make sure he isn't cheating, pretending to be a school nurse is just insane. How was she able to get away with it so easily, and why was she not arrested for giving drugs to students? Jayma Mays gives a strong performance as Emma Pillsbury. While still being close to Will, her relationship with Ken is taken to the next level, leaving her at odds. Her confrontation with Terri was nice to see, as it was interesting to finally see someone stand up to her. Patrick Gallagher and Iqbal Theba are fine as Ken Tanaka and Principal Figgins. Lea Michele is great as Rachel Berry. Now that she is back in Glee Club, all she cares about is winning and tries to put out all the stops to defeat the boys by herself. On Vitamin D, it was actually pretty funny, as she talked faster and more than normal. Cory Monteith is hilarious as Finn Hudson. While he was losing sleep trying to balance his school life with his personal life, he's gotten to the point where he's exhausted, which leads to him going to the nurse for help. When he is given Vitamin D, it makes for a really entertaining scene where he is full of energy, and you wouldn't even believe he was tired. Chris Colfer and Mark Salling are fine in their short roles as Kurt Hummel and Noah 'Puck' Puckerman. Dianna Agron shines as Quinn Fabray. She isn't in the episode much but has two really big scenes that focus on her struggle with her pregnancy and what she is afraid of in the near future. It shows that even the most popular girl in school can have issues. Kevin McHale, Amber Riley, Jenna Ushkowitz, Naya Rivera, and Heather Morris are okay in their very short roles.

    Besides the funny Vitamin D storyline, I really liked the introduction of mash-ups and the boys vs. girls competition, which eventually becomes a yearly tradition for the club. Before 'Glee', I didn't even know mash-ups existed, and I thought the idea of them were very cool and unique. 'It's My Life/Confessions' and 'Halo/Walking on Sunshine' worked really well, and considering those were the only performances in the episode, they were great. I really had a problem with Terri becoming school nurse. Here, she works part-time at a retail store and decides to moonlight as a nurse 'to help pitch in with finances', but she later reveals she isn't built for working five days. This episode really works hard to show you how crazy and neurotic she is. And in case it wasn't clear, she cares too much about herself. When it comes to the end of the episode, to me, it was a stupid decision to bring in a co-director for the club. While I love that it was Sue, I didn't feel that a co-director could fix the club's problems. 'Vitamin D' is probably a forgettable episode for the most part when you look back on the show, but there are plenty of memorable moments.

    Pros: -Great cast performances -Great musical performances -Introduction of mash-ups/boys vs. girls competition -Vitamin D storyline

    Cons: -Terri becoming school nurse -Co-director

    8/10 "Great"