User Reviews (45)

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  • If the first episode is any indication, this is a bland, by-the-book sitcom. And it's a shame, because it's a waste of the talent of two of my favorite actors: Chi McBride and Julie White. The writing is pretty bad and the lead, Pete Holmes, is one of those comedians whose acting is too "acty." Some comedians are meant to stay stand up comics and not become actors - he is one.

    I will watch a few more episodes in the hopes that maybe the production and writing staff after this pilot do a much better job than thos starter.
  • m-rugen1 April 2022
    He's probably my favorite comedian. From his stand up to the short lived Pete Holmes Show to the WAYYYY short lived Crashing (if you haven't seen that show please watch it) but this was almost unwatchable. Not because of him either. Multi camera sitcoms with the "audience" haven't been good for years. I wish they set this up as a single camera show, no audience/no laugh track. Better editing, timing, deliveries. All that which makes single camera shows better. Shows like Community, Superstore, etc would NEVER have made it as a multi camera show.

    I'm still going to watch it because of him, and even Chi McBride I'm a big fan of, but I hope it gets better from here.
  • Pilot episodes only go so far in telling how good a series will be. Not a whole lot to offer so far, not a lot of laughs. Typical sitcom semi-yucks with a little "serious" story thrown in and a not too intrusive laugh track. But hey, it's about bowling (sort of, Holmes isn't the most convicing potential pro bowler), but it's different. Fingers crossed it gets funnier.
  • After Watching the pilot, I thought the show was pretty funny and would watch it again however the the bowlingTechnique needs to be more realistic to a professional bowler. For example: The ball grip isn't proper for a high level bowler. Should be drilled to a fingertip grip.

    Also his approach is amateur foe some who can bowl a 265. Improve on these things and the show is more believable.
  • But laugh track makes the show practically unwatchable. Cast is likeable, plot has promise. A show about chasing a dream tugs at my heartstrings and delivers just enough drama to keep me interested. Just dump the annoying, incessant laughtrack.
  • I get sick of all the trolls savaging a new program. I remember watching the first half dozen episodes of Cheers, Modern Family and the Middle. The jokes weren't that funny and the actors timing was off, but l thought, give it a chance.

    All the shows and others went on to have. Vreat run. The writing improved and the actors found their timing and places.

    Some of us are too quick to judge a show, a throw away.

    Hey, give them a chance to prove you wrong!
  • The day the comedy died. Obvious, unfunny play on words jokes recited in forced inflection, introduced by characters you know nothing about, propped up with a laugh track at a subdued volume that doesn't mimic an audience. As emphasized by Brian Cox in his informative, stirring, laugh out loud memoir, it's the script, the script, the script.
  • kejjr-270801 May 2022
    So far I am really liking this show. I have not bowled in years, well, decades. I don't care about inaccuracies. I just enjoy a chance to laugh and see struggles that people face and overcome to reach a dream. Plus the plain old challenges of living in today's world. Humor is about the only way to get through things. Please do not go woke! There are ways to tackle controversial issues without preaching. It always takes 5 or 6 episodes to get rolling (pun accidental) with the characters. I sure hope this show gets an honest try!!
  • mschrock23 April 2022
    Hope this show makes it. It's simple, has talented actors, an interesting twist (based on true story, and a unique setting (bowling). It's a nice stress reliever.
  • The overuse of the laugh track detracted greatly from the acting. Made it about 3 minutes and just couldn't take it any more. Too bad, since I have enjoyed the cast in other series.

    Please stop over using canned laughter, it does not make bad jokes funny!
  • brich-3255420 May 2022
    I didn't know it was based on a true story makes me enjoy it more. The actors are great and relatable. The humor is nature in nature and funny. I remember these types of sitcoms and I live that they are back, good humor.
  • roghig29 April 2022
    Get rid of the laugh track. We are not stupid. I would give it 2 more stars if not for that. The characters are good. The stories are funny. Again get of the stupid laugh track.
  • sherryarosen1 April 2022
    Really bad acting. The concept is different which is unusual nowadays, but it's just painful to watch. The acting is forced and fake. Timing is off. No chemistry.
  • As a league bowler who loves the real Cinderella story of Tom Smallwood, I am giving this a chance. The acting is OK but they are not convincing us that Tom is a 200 plus bowler headed for PBA anytime soon. The camera consistently pans in to a amateur-like approach. Need to see timing, speed, smooth release and back view at the foul line for form. The build up to the storyline is ok, but by now, they should start to capitalize on the bowling skills and fast forward to the tournament and beyond. Downplay the jokes at the bowling center and focus on Tom's motivation and fast track to pro-bowler. By waffling from the storyline in too many directions, they will lose viewers..
  • Good cast; simple writing. This is the kind of show Sherwood Schwartz would have made 40-50 years ago. It's very milk-toast dialogue with bland punch lines you can see coming a mile away. The talent deserves better and sadly I think this show is doomed.
  • Firstly Pete Holmes is a fantastic comedian very funny guy. I did not laugh once during this episode which tells me that Pete needs to go write the script and put his spin on the humour. I think to give the show a more realistic feeling it needs to move from set to location, those two things will vastly improve the show in my opinion.
  • It is obvious that the main character has never done much, if any, bowling. No pro would ever use anything other than a finger tip ball and it is also clear that the ball weighs very little the way he picks it up and holds it, a pro would use a 14 or 15 pound ball. And then there are the views of the ball hitting the pins, straight on, all pros and high average amateurs hook the ball into the pocket to get the best strike action. I would expect they make him an actual proficient bowler, but a little attention to details would make the character more believable.
  • priolozack22 April 2022
    Love the premise and characters but needs more money invested for more sets and background characters at the bowling alley, could have better writers as well.
  • Tony award winner Julie White played Helen, Tom Smallwood's mother. The sitcom is mediocre at the moment. The premise is strange about aspiring professional bowler based on a true story. The sitcom is set in Saginaw, Michigan. The rest of the cast is fine. Another Tony winner Rondi Reed also appeared in three episodes as salon owner, Ruth. If the sitcom doesn't make it, they should build a sitcom around Julie White. The show is still new and there are things to work out, give it a chance.
  • Why are these cheap sitcoms popping up all over the place?

    These kinds of sitcoms also don't get funny if you throw them all the more on the market. More quality instead of quantity. Please.
  • Characters are likable with good acting. Good storyline based on a Pro bowlers true story. Rooting for this show and Pete Holmes! Giving it a chance as well.
  • Gotta wonder how a show with a pilot this bad got picked up. But it actually recovers and becomes watchable. I have to be honest and say that the only reason I kept watching was because it's got a great cast.

    Kinda glad I stuck with it, as there are some enjoyable episodes once it gets going.
  • thmanlaz16 April 2022
    Had hoped a based on a true story sitcom could be funny . Disappointed again. Almost unwatchable, 3 episodes and not one funny bit. I Shoulda quit at two.
  • For a sitcom this is well done. The two main actors really make it. They could lose some of the dark jokes but otherwise it's better than any of the marvel studios trash coming out nowadays.
  • How does a show this bad ever make it to air? Do the producers really think viewers would like this sophomoric attempt? Horrible acting, moronic writing, waste of a good plot line. We lasted an episode and a half.
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