User Reviews (201)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was so looking forward to this, but I was assuming it would be fully focused on the athletes. I was very disappointed that so much was focused on Harry and his problems. I ended up fast forwarding all the bits with Prince Harry talking about himself. I think the world has heard enough regarding this.

    Yulia's story was very touching although very political and unexpected. I was very happy to find out she was okay. The pain that many of the athletes that are interviewed was very real and very touching. This is why I feel Harry or Netflix should have been concentrating on them rather than his pain.
  • I love all these vets stories especially Gabe and Darrell's. These brave men and women are the true definition of heroes. I am so proud of them all and also the families and friends that came out and sacrificed so much to show their love and support for their love ones. Wishing all the men and women the very best of luck in the upcoming Invictus Games in Germany next month. I am hoping to see Gabe, Darrell, Tom, Na and the members of the Ukraine team in Germany so I too can be able to root for them. I am especially looking forward to see Anna and her mother as well. Sending love and prayers to you all.
  • I beg you, PLEASE do not bypass the heroic stories of these five veterans with injuries seen and unseen. No spoilers here, but if you can watch all five episodes and your takeaway is still how much you hate Prince Harry, you have a heart of stone. It can be very hard to watch but push through it. The smiles are worth it. You will laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. If you love a veteran you owe it to yourself, and them, to watch this series. I promise. It will do your heart good!

    Unfortunately, a hot war rears its ugly head. The invasion of Ukraine and the impact it has on one of our heroes and her family driving home the helplessness families feel and how they too are in service to their country.

    Do yourself a favor. Watch this series.
  • Orlando von Einsiedel and his team have done it again. The White Helmets documentary won an Oscar for Orlando in 2016. You will find all that great film making and storytelling talent here. The six international soldiers stories are poignant and inspirational and complex. It is impressive how the Invictus Games use sport as a way to not only rebuild and re-engage physically but build community with true social friendships and supports. It also clearly lifts up families. It is clear why the Invictus Games has been a huge success. Kudos Prince Harry for being a catalyst in making this happen. This is great viewing regardless if you know someone in the military. It is something we all should see. To all the Invictus Games participants; good luck you are amazing.
  • The real cost of war: The human beings we send to war! Veterans from all walks and countries represented! From Gabe in the US dealing with chronic pain, Na from South Korea who lost both hands, Darell from Canada dealing with anxiety, Tom in UK to Team Ukraine and Yulia aka Taira.... I have cried and laughed and been left feeling inspired!!! All the visible and invisible injuries are covered.

    The images from Ukraine are compelling and powerful as it covers images from before and during the war! Despite all the Ukraine team is funny, foul mouthed (in a funny way) and the resilience and strength shines.

    As Prince Harry articulates, it's been 10years and now there's lots of resources for wounded veterans which is a great thing! I am looking forward to the next Invictus game's starting September 9th.
  • maryndlela31 August 2023
    Some of us may never know what happens or goes on in battlefield, nor will we ever know what families go through seeing their loved one without a limb, depression and others things that happens in battlefield. It takes courage n will to accept n start all over again plus love from loved ones. I love how the Invictus games brings all the veterans n families together.

    The Heart of Invictus is very inspiring, love the love of the families and veterans courage to conquer. Thank you for sharing with us. Thank you for your service. Thank you families for taking care of our veterans. Big up Prince Harry for creating the games and all those involved thank you thank you.
  • To keep going when you feel you have lost everything that makes you who you think you are, THAT takes courage. These stories of these men and women are incredibly raw and inspiring. Prince Harry's love and sincerity as he strives to find a way to do service to his comrades, to help them for a new identity is Riviting. Wonderful series! Never is the spotlight anywhere but it exactly where it needs to be: on the soldiers. We see their challenges, their massive hearts as they work to recreate joy and purpose in their lives, in the lives of their families. Well worth one's time to watch. We will watch again!
  • Watching this documentary is so eye opening to these men and women who have been injured give their all is encouraging. I hope they all heal well lovely series.

    Shoutout to Prince Harry and his team for working and having the patience with the veterans whilst shooting this documentary.

    Lovely a must watch Also remember to support the veterans in your country and community.

    As I watch and see the support the family and support team give I can't imagine what they go through at home caring for their spouse and parents especially when they're having an attack it seems gut wrenching but hope is not lost.
  • mrpaulmcnair31 August 2023
    Showing true grit and humanity. Phenomenal series. Really highlights veterans and the obstacles they face. Also shows the work and determination it takes to put the games together. It's about far more than Prince Harry. His leadership shows but the work of others is definitely Highlighted. I loved how athletes from around the world told their stories and showed their team mates. It's a very well done series. You can watch one or all of the episodes and get a true sense of the invictus games and everything behind them.

    It's a testimony to Harry and Netflix to put this together and donate the funds to the games.
  • I found this to be a moving and interesting documentary. Each veteran who bravely told their story was awe inspiring. I enjoyed listening to the many veterans that participated in this documentary share their thoughts and feelings on overcoming physical and mental struggles. Everything was very relatable and well filmed. The producers and director of Heart of Invictus did a great job. The different locations being filmed and behind the scenes tidbits was well done, too. It was nice to see Prince Harry explain how he founded Invictus and give viewers a brief peak into his efforts on development.
  • It never felt so good to sob and laugh and feel your heart break all at the same time. I was overwhelmed by the courage and indomitable spirit of these veterans, some of whom were both physically and mentally injured. What Prince Harry has created is masterstroke of healing through cooperative competition. The emphasis is not on winning, but on being there and giving it your all in spite of sometimes excruciating mental and physical pain. After watching Heart of Invictus, I understand the true meaning of the word Invictus: UNCONQUERED. I intended to watch just one episode, but I could not stop there. I binge watched all five. Bravo to all the participants, their families and all the other people who helped get them there...
  • I was captivated by the stories of these Veterans and the power of sports. Whether it's physical or mental health disabilities we forget how this impacts other people's lives. We take for granted what it takes for the freedom we have that others have had to sacrifice their lives for this. I just wish support like this was there for the WW1 and 2 generations. Whether you like Harry or not this documentary was good and inspiring. I intended to just watch one episode but ended up watching 3 in one go. Now can't wait to finish the rest. It's sad and emotional so be prepared to shed a tear have the tissues ready.
  • aamamiyo31 August 2023
    I'm so thankful for this documentary. All the featured participants and especially Gabe and Na Hyeongyoon's stories resonates with me. We need to be kind to each other. I'm going to ask my employer and colleagues how they contribute to helping and embracing Vetrans? We must all look into ourselves and question ourselves as to why we discriminante against the less abled. Where is our humanity? Are we lesser beings? I'm so thankful Prince Harry and the Archewell Foundation have used their platform to highlight this issue. Everyone shoukd search their hearts and also ask their employer, what are you doing to help?
  • Heart of Invictus" documentary is a powerful tribute to the extraordinary veterans who have faced immense challenges and emerged as true heroes. It shines a spotlight on their unwavering determination, resilience, and the indomitable spirit that resides within them. Through their stories, we witness the incredible strength and courage that they possess, serving as an inspiration to us all. This documentary not only honors their sacrifices but also highlights the power of unity, support, and the ability to overcome any obstacle. It is a beautiful celebration of their unwavering commitment to triumph over adversity.
  • This is an observation of how giving a person a new chance in their lives, how much they can grow. It's about Military Personnel from around the world who have experienced a life altering event, some lost limbs, sense of self; and what The Invictus Games has done to help them in their lives. Harry might make a comment or appearance here or there, but it's less than ten min spread across 5 episodes. You'll root for Gabe, Na, and Jasper. You'll see the horrors of survival from Yuilia and see her daughter honor her. You'll feel for Darrell as he overcomes his anxieties. There's so many stories and moments that show a new life after war. This is a Human Interest Documentary about an organization actually doing something for our Veterans worldwide.
  • Heart if Invictus blow my mind. It was the best documentary that i watched this year. I can't compare it with anything. I watched how proud men and women are fighting for their lives. The power of picking yourself up and going for the gold. These men and women took my attention and are inspiration to us all. I couldn't stop watching from episode one to five in one go. I cried so much, how do one start over without hands, legs, internalised pain however, invictus game is a game changers. Prince Harry and his team changed pain to joy, pulled those men up from dark places and gave them a new life, hope and optimism. I am grateful to Prince Harry and his team for saving life. There is no health without mental health.
  • With only five episodes, Heart of Invictus is a very easy binge watch. The strength and resilience these veterans showed were nothing short of inspiring. I thank them for their service but also for being vulnerable and for their willingness to share their stories with us. Team Gabe always! 🇺🇸

    It's also very clear that Prince Harry is very dedicated to the Invictus Games since he founded them in 2014. The series is all about the veterans and their individual journey but the few times Prince Harry was shown on screen, you can see/feel his sincerity, love and connection to this community.

    Job well done!

    Also, don't forget your tissues.
  • The Heart of Invictus is truly a gem. It is beautifully made. I watched all 5 episodes in one day. What a truly beautiful way to honor our military heroes. The stories are riveting and I was rooting for every soldier. It has so much heart. I laughed and I cried. So many times our wounded soldiers are forgotten and we forget what the cost of war is. These brave soldiers show us the reality of what it's like to be wounded either physically or mentally and the toll it takes on them and their families. They put their lives on the line and deserve nothing but respect. Heart of Invictus showcases their strength and resilience.
  • Praetorius198031 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I loved every minute of this series. The highlight on veterans and recovery from the wounds of war and life was an emotional roller coaster of the best and most relatable kind. The bravery of the people who participated in the series, in telling of their struggles so publicly is incredibly brave. In seeing some of the reviews here, I find them even more brave.

    The growth shown by the participants is remarkable. What the Invictus games gives to veterans is incredible. I am so happy this series was made to show the resilience of people.

    The parts involving Ukraine were heartbreaking and so touching. The ending of the series was amazing. I cannot recommend watching this series enough. Support veterans.
  • ObserverSLD31 August 2023
    What a beautiful, brave, inspiring series. I watched all five episodes in one series...with a box of tissues next to me.

    It's clear these stories come straight from the heart. Prince Harry has a natural ability to bring people together, a lot like his mother did. Seeing him build this amazing platform and community is a reminder that we have the better brother. He is bringing nations together and nobody can take that away.

    Heart of Invictus is a testament to the power of love and resilience. Thank you Prince Harry and fellow veterans for sharing this part of your lives. Looking forward to the 2023 games!
  • Go Watch it. It is absolutely wonderful ! Watched all 5 episodes at once.

    The invictus games, such a wonderful initiative, created with a sole purpose to give purpose and help those who need it and so deserve it. This heart of invictus series gives a wonderful spotlight on Taira, Gabe, Jasper, Na, Darrell, & Tom's stories.. But more general it is about how to find purpose and self worth again in life after trauma. How to slowly deal with those traumas, loss that comes with it and physical and mental disabilty and pain. While too often feeling and being unseen or ignored by society. It really is such a well made and moving docu series, all against the backdrop of the real war in Ukraine which made it even more gripping. Taira, we love you!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The individual stories made my heart ache at moments but the stories caused my heart to soar as well. A well crafted and heartfelt documentary! I was overwhelmed by the courage and indomitable spirit of these veterans, some of whom were both physically and mentally injured. What Prince Harry has created is masterstroke of healing through cooperative competition. The emphasis is not on winning, but on being there and giving it your all in spite of sometimes excruciating mental and physical pain. After watching Heart of Invictus, I understand the true meaning of the word Invictus: UNCONQUERED. I intended to watch just one episode, but I could not stop there. I binge watched all five. Bravo to all the participants, their families and all the other people who helped get them there...Bravo Archewell!
  • I have watched an amazing documentary about veterans. Prince Harry shows his love and support for the veterans. He is such a natural born speaker and so genuine. The stories of the veterans were very impressive, emotional and the focus on their struggles and accomplishments were shown so gracefully by the production teams. Thank you Prince Harry for talking about Mental health, the struggles and giving these people and their families a voice. May God bless you and your family and protect you from harm. Mental health should be talked about more often en it is not easy what these people have to do.
  • victoriarbrooks30 August 2023
    This is an incredibly heartfelt series that brings home the true reality of war. You can feel the physical and mental distress these veterans are suffering. It shows that so much more support for ex servicemen is needed not just in the UK but worldwide. However, it is Such a shame, that many critics have made this about their dislike of Prince Harry rather than focusing on the subject matter. I personally thought he came across very compassionate, genuine and caring, much like his late Mother. This is a project he should be immensely proud of. I will throw my support behind the next Invictus Games.
  • hello_leanne31 August 2023
    This was really well done. I was really captivated by the athlete's journey, especially Yulia's story. I wasn't even sure if this doc was my type of program, but I binged the whole thing in one evening. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up winning something next award season. This is the first Archwell production I've watched and I was really impressed. I haven't really paid attention to the Invictus Games very much, but I think I'll watch the upcoming Dusseldorf games. I'm curious if any of the athletes highlighted will be competing this year. Get ready to ugly cry while you watch this. It's really good.
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