User Reviews (34)

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  • You can say whatever about the story, but I am from Mexico and I can tell you that I do identify with some characters at times. It has a good level, surprising for me, of authenticism. The roots of each person, the Mexican Spanish, the acting is all pretty good.
  • Reminds me of the show Cane but a family in the wine industry rather than sugar! Started out a little confusing but just like the premiere of " this is us" they give you a little twist which brings a lot of it together. Now that I see where they are going I want to see more. Overall I like the cast. Always liked the actor who plays Joe and love the actresses who play his oldest daughter and his ex wife. I think this show has a lot of potential. Hopefully the network gives it a chance.
  • Highly irritating flashbacks. If the writers feel they need to keep popping so so so many flashbacks into the stories, then at least have the flashbacks a different color from present day scenes. Make the flashbacks black and white and give the viewers a break. Sometimes we blink or turn our head and we wonder is it the past or present.
  • dayle217 February 2022
    I just finished watching the first episode and there were so many people/characters that I actually had to write down names and relationships and I didn't realize it was actually jumping back-and-forth in time and I had to connect who the people were from the past and who they are in the present....take notes.
  • Seriously as my title askes... I created an Imdb user account solely to leave a legitimate review for the new ABC show Promised Land. It would be a shame to see a show with the undeniable potential such as Promised Land be underservingly canceled all because of opinionated reviewers full of negativity whom make it blatantly obvious they have no taste nor foreknowledge of TV, Film or Entertainment. At the time of my commenting there were a total of five reviews of last night's season premiere of Promised Land, of which only one was rated higher then five star. So one positive review of eight stars & four negative reviews consisting of five stars or less. Not a fair assessment for a brand new show with so much acting talent, obvious producer skill, not to mention all the twists & turns this show will take the viewer through as the season unfolds! This is a show that given the chance will be action packed, leaving viewers on the edges of their seats biting their nails until the airing of each week's new episode!

    Please if anyone from ABC sees my comment I beg you to not give this incredible new show the axe, especially not over negative reviews from a season premiere from people whom love sitting at home watching dull late night infomercials. The negative reviewers have no clue what they are talking about.

    If you did not see this season premiere, I highly suggest you watch it aswell as any future episodes of Promised Land that will air IF given the proper chance this show has proven it deserves. If this show receives the recognition it deserves then viewers like myself will be treated with not only multiple episodes but multiple seasons. This show has the potential to go the distance & leave a mark on weekly syndicate TV that has been neglected for so long. Apologies for the long review but I thought it only fair to leave an honest review after seeing the absurd, dishonest reviews already left by others. Watch it for yourself if you consider yourself to be a fair, honest, open minded person.
  • micheygonzalez25 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Why couldn't they help with differentiating the past vs the present scenes?

    Finally understood that they were telling folks two different stories after watching like 40 mins. They could have put "way back then" I mean something.
  • Great show so far. I hope they reach their target audience because I'd hate for it to get canceled. It gets my California-born, Mexican stamp of approval!
  • srhona-239742 February 2022
    I was looking forward to this show, but, what was promised wasn't delivered. It doesn't develop the characters. Goes back and forth in time. It's a waste of time.
  • As a Latina, I was glad to see a show with a majority Latin cast. The storytelling was great and it reminded me of a tele-novela but much better writing and acting. It goes back and forth with past and present and sometimes it's hard to follow but once I figured it out, I was hooked. Looking forward to seeing what's to come.
  • This show doesn't have an original bone in its body, nor does it have anything interesting or insightful to say. Truthfully, it's just an inferior and uninspired version of so many other shows out there that are just like it and even worse, it's majorly out of touch with the actual problems facing Latinos today. The characters don't have any individuality or charm to them (mainly the young adult characters are guilty of this) and I find it really hard to care about any of them when they don't give us anything to resonate with.

    Honestly, for a story that promised to bring the lives of marginalized Latinos to the forefront, as a Latino myself I'm hugely disappointed that this is what we got. The community quite frankly deserves better.

    If you want a show about unlikable, unrelatable and spoiled rich people fighting amongst themselves, there is no shortage of shows doing that out there and that are, quite frankly, doing it so much better.

    And if you're looking for a story about family, Latino values and the stories and characters that deserve more representation on the big and small screen... I can promise you you'll leave this show decidedly underwhelmed, upset and frustrated.

    There's a huge difference between having something to say to contribute to the ongoing discourse and selfishly trying to capitalize on it without having something meaningful to add. Without a doubt, this show does the latter. Definite miss and to call it mediocre would be a compliment. Trust me, don't waste your time.
  • This series has the perfect amount of drama and all the actors are great. Just forget all the negative reviews. If you are into soap operas and like something light and not too serious this is the perfect series. I really wish they would'nt stop with one season. We need more drama series like this one!!!
  • This show is really mediocre as is the acting. You can see things coming from a mile away. All formula writing with a lot of holes in the story. Obviously not written for a thinking person. Add some pretty women for the male viewers for camouflage and you have an ideal soap opera for the intellectually challeneged. The show is all about rich families with problems to make viewers feel good that rich people have problems too. Every show in the last 40 years used this formula. If you remember Falcon Crest and Dynasty from years back, just change the families to Mexicans and you have the new series. If you like soap operas you will like this show.
  • User-13846183817 July 2022
    Not sure why so many bad reviews. I thought this was a great show. I loved the flashbacks and the mystery during the first episode as you're trying to figure out who's who and what's what. Hoping for another season!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's actually not that bad. It's not good but not bad. Definitely like a telenovela but without the over the top acting and tears lol ... The story is interesting at its best but there is one thing that makes me cringe and that is the Mateo and Daniela storyline. Promised Land could have done without it. Just in the first episode, they quickly get together, he comes to her rescue and he's taking care of her like she was a lost puppy. Every time they both come on screen, I cringe. Their storyline dialogue is badly written.
  • irodarce26 January 2022
    Love the plot ! Great drama from abc ! I love the first 2 episodes so far ! John Ortiz is excellent on his acting great cast. Hoping to see more in many seasons to come. We needed a series like this one a long time ago !
  • gemmahoyah26 January 2022
    This show is beyond stupid. It's trying so hard to be so many different things and combine so many aspects of far better shows in the attempt to recreate their success that it becomes a chaotic and jumbled mess that clearly isn't sure of what it wants to be or what story it wants to tell anymore. It wants to be This is Us, Succession, Dynasty, Napa Valley... and just this hodge podge of far better shows that it comes off as tonally confused and often times tone deaf. The air space could be dedicated to far far far more promising and original projects.
  • Great new show with excellent and complex characters. The setting is beautiful, in luxurious California wine country. The plot is fun, a bit mysterious, and keeps you guessing. Highly recommend it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I still can't figure out whether I'm watching the past or present day!!

    I can't figure out what character is which bc of the back and forth from present day to the past.

    There was no good storyline, the acting is mediocre, and I couldn't figure out what the Promised Land is about?!!

    I'll view another episode before I decide to whether to stop watching.
  • I never watched Falconcrest nor the other soaps being mentioned in these reviews, but this soap opera about a complicated Latino family success story makes me say "you go!" Totally enjoying all the nasty back-stabbing escapades of this family and love the back story. Nice to see immigrants not treated entirely as pawns. And, as a Latino, is it so nice to see my peeps misbehave as much as other populations.
  • jthomas-7322930 January 2022
    I wish new shows would have a narrative explaining who's who briefly and how they are related/intertwined when there is a large cast. It reminds me of the show that I liked that got canceled: Grand Hotel.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The show is slow to start off but gets better. The show builds the back story of the characters today which has gotten much more interesting. This show is not a Falcon Crest wannabe, the references to that effect are unwarranted. By the 3rd episode you are enlightened with a "oh it all makes sense now."
  • I watched the first episode. This seems to be little more than an updated Latino version of the 1980s "Falconcrest" TV series. Additionally, the large (though logical) use of subtitles because of the numerous scenes in Spanish make it hard to follow.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story about this whole show is a teenager Mexican girl who crosses the border and gets pregnant by two guys that are brothers. It was confusing at the first episode because everybody was calling this woman MOM! But now I get it lol but it's still a dumb and boring show and having a LGBTQ character just ruins it even more.
  • Anyone who watched Falconcrest back in the day is going to roll their eyes and groan at this transparent rip off.

    The only real difference is this retelling comes with a huge helping of leftist talking points dumped on top.

    That they are trying to push a fictionalized version of border politics at this point in history seems especially poorly timed.

    Not only does this show offer no escapism; it's going to offend a lot of people living in border communities for its exceptionally bias and unrealistic depiction of that extremely complex issue.

    If you are looking for an original, well-written drama, Promised Land fails on both counts.

    If, however, you are looking for a remake of a 1980s nighttime soap opera retooled as a propaganda delivery system, then this is absolutely the show for you!
  • I really liked everything about it I'm gonna miss them.the scenery the acting the love story it was really entertaining it was all acceptable and believable.
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