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  • cmshacco27 January 2024
    Nothing special....if you enjoy romantic paint by the numbers rom movies you'll have no problem watching this and enjoying it but holy smokes what's with the lead actress and her facial expressions throughout the movie, it's like a bad SNL skit. At first I thought it was just me but then I read another review who pointed it out as well and I knew i wasn't alone.

    Overall the chemistry between the leads isn't anything special but it wasn't your typical boy meets girl, girl falls for boy...blah blah blah It was a bit of a slow burn but again that's why I called it a typical paint by the numbers rom.
  • Most of the characters were pretty likeable except the female lead. She came across as very fake and spent most of her time making weird faces and seeing how high she could raise her eyebrows. She kept moving her mouth into odd twisted expressions and even her voice was annoying. I couldn't watch the whole movie because she kept making my teeth clench. There was no chemistry between the male and female leads at all! The plot had potential, really a cute story idea but a more likeable female lead would have made the movie so much mpre pleasant to watch.

    I doubt I will watch anything else that I see her name on.
  • I almost didn't watch this because of the other review that was so negative. But I thought the leads had great chemistry and the story line was not your typical romcom movie plot (although I like them) so I found it refreshing. It was a nice change of pace for a Monday night. And yes, maybe the setting was not actually Portland (since when is that something that matters. So many movies are filmed in other places. That grumpy reviewer needs to get over that need for accuracy because it's not gonna happen on the budgets that movies have these days), but the scenery was lovely and makes me want to go visit Kelowna again!
  • boriskaiser8 November 2022
    Another mediocre Reel One Entertainment TV movie. You get a lot of stock footage, bad cuts, bad makeups, no chemistry between main leads, barely any romance, unlikeable main character, very weak screenplay (the movie premise is moronic) and the fake location, but I guess Kelowna can somehow pass as Portland.

    The only good thing is that you can watch the whole movie compressed in 2:26 min long trailer because somebody in charge at ROE thinks that trailer should show whole movie. The vast majority of their TV movies have trailer = whole movie which is bad on so many levels, but in this case it's a plus as it's save valuable free time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really like the plot, however, I found the movie difficult to watch because the actress who played Makayla overacted every scene and came across as fake, pretentious and unnatural. I kept waiting for her character to settle and become believable, this never happened. All the other actors were very good and are the only reason I endured the Makayla character to the end.

    I've watched several of the Reel One movies and usually enjoy them. I will be very reluctant to watch any more of your movies with this lead actress. If she does play the lead role again, I hope someone coach her to tone down the excessive facial expressions, exaggerated sultry voice, hand and body movements and be believable.
  • Regular cookie cutter story line. Which isnt unbearable on its own. Seen many formula rom coms with exactly same premise. The difference was the characters actually having chemistry. If there was such thing as negative chemistry, this was if, and the lead woman's voice was so unbelievably cringeworthy, I couldn't watch without hitting mute when she was speaking. Scratching a chalkboard with nails is more enjoyable than listening to her speak. And mr pastry dude idk ive seen him in a police drama show, his performance in this was duller than dishwater.

    Ughh. It was on again and I decided to give it another go, thinking maybe I was in a pissy mood last time or whatever. Same cringe.