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  • Christmas, Unfiltered/No Filter (2022) -

    I really wasn't expecting to like this one, it seemed a bit childish and more than a little bit daft, but in the end I quite liked the theme, which was so very different from most Christmas films. Although It did have similarities to 'Pete's Christmas' (2013) and the style was akin to 'Ms Marvel' (2022), with animations and voice overs to add to its narrative.

    Obviously it was more aimed at a family watching together or for teens than for a miserable old git like me, but I did enjoy the chaotic seasonal moments that can be found in most households at this time of the year and it made me feel a bit nostalgic for my own childhood years and certainly for Christmases past.

    I also liked the fact that the whole family had soul searching to do and not just Becky (Alison Fernandez), the lead character, whose wish comes true with awkward consequences that prevent her from keeping her feelings in. She was just the catalyst for it all and actually I could understand her feelings and sympathise with her, in the same way I did for Macauley Culkin's, Kevin in 'Home Alone' (1990).

    I wouldn't say that I need to watch it again any time soon, because I do prefer the romantic films with the hot guys, but I would recommend it to my friends with teenage families.

  • Greetings, salutations, and a seasonal welcome to all you movie aficionados. Here are my considerations and recommendation for Christmas Unfiltered.

    Story: 1.50/2 - Direction and Pace: 2.75/4 - Performances: 1.50/2 - Enjoyment: 1.50/2

    Total 7.25/10

    To be honest, I love this movie. I've always loved the notion of being unfiltered, but knowing what goes through my head, I'm glad I'm not. But in this story of wishes come true, you know everything will work itself out. And though the concept is brilliantly utilised, the true power of this movie comes from the realistic and credible characters the writer Billie Bates creates. These people are so real you could reach out and touch them. The family isn't dysfunctional, but it's well on its way - I'd say, they're three-quarters the way there: A Mother so obsessed with Vlogging she doesn't heed anyone around her; a teenager getting ready for college, but who may come back with more than one STD - if her diary can be believed; A little sister who's close to claiming the crown inscribed Problem Child; A middle daughter who is the butt of all her younger sisters joyful wickedness, and much ignored by her parents; A dad who hides in his own private space - the garage - to dodge any emotional flack that may be flying. And, each of them has their own reasons and feelings, which become clear as we progress and truths are told and learnt.

    Better yet is how the directors handle the narrative when bringing it to the screen. They have a meticulous eye for composition and lighting, which helps to add to the character's emotions, and the mood of the scenes, which aren't all heart-warming - and is ideal for this type of story. Even when we reach the finale, there's still a smidgen of unsureness mixed with the heart-warming atmosphere, adding to the realism and potency of the picture. But the one thing I adored was the animated mini-me of Becky. Though it doesn't add much to the tale, it adds lightness to the movie.

    Luckily for the viewer, the cast is excellent in their roles and expertly brings their characters to life. They all deliver their best portrayal, which made the picture a delight to watch. I especially liked Gavin Bedall as Matt, Becky's maybe-boyfriend. Matt is another excellently written character, and Bedall nails his character's cool humour.

    I would highly recommend Christmas Unfiltered for everyone. It's an enjoyable, funny, and thought-provoking, though an easy-view film. I believe I'll be revisiting Becky's family whenever it airs again. I may watch it again before C5 pull it from their schedule and streaming service.

    Please check out my HO! HO! HO! Christmas Belles list to see where I ranked the movie.

    Take Care, Stay Well, And Best Wishes For A Merry Christmas.