User Reviews (55)

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  • mlvclg19 October 2021
    Lifelong lover of Madonna and even saw the concert live. The visuals were amazing and the music was moving. Madonna is always political, that's to be expected. However, there wasn't a single "woke" movement she didn't try to use in her show. It became boring and overdone. Vogue was fun, Like a Prayer was moving, and Frozen was stunning. No one puts on a show like Madonna! Minus 2 stars for the tedious use of every left agenda item.
  • salaczar12 October 2021
    I've been to a few Madonna concerts, I've watched the different tour films and bootlegs, and although I enjoyed the Madame X concert film more than the in-person show, I must admit it's lacking that Madonna vibrancy, that knowing smirk she gives when you can tell she's having fun. The Madame X song list relies heavily on the album of the same name, and although at times the concert feels more like an elevated jam session in someone's living room, it fails to reach those joyous peak moments of previous tours/concert films. It's not bad by any means, it's just not the kind of fun I'm used to from a Madonna show.
  • floridakilos-8723811 October 2021
    From track 1 to track 8 with the exception of Human Nature are kinda annoying (vocally, visually are amazing) but after track 8 everything gets much better till the end, i loved it.
  • Madame X is a beautiful concept film, that gives you a sense of what the live show was like. Madonna crafted this persona to allow her artistic muscles to flex and she does not disappoint. The majority of the set list is comprised of tracks from the namesake album, but there are a few of her classic songs throughout the journey that keep the more casual fans happy. This is an audio visual experience not to be missed.
  • pmedvezky8 October 2021
    Shiny and new. Totally different from her others shows, each song has a meaning a story a scenary and all its so entertaining you won t move during de 2 hours. Along the way the show gets better and better. Songs i didnt like so much on the album became my favorites. I would love to have seen it live. Enjoy every minute. A real artist that disturbed my life.
  • Terrible editing. I doubt this is what the fans who paid hundreds of euro for the ticket got to see. A terrible mix of stage and videos. One thing is for certain madonna can't edit. It was clear in the movies she directed of course. Her worst album by far and as a huge fan of hers for almost 25 years, I am so sorry to see her like this. I hope she pulls it together.
  • lenuctuc10 October 2021
    No doubt , Madonna Ciccone has a natural gift of re-inventing and reshaping herself and her musical career and that's natural.... Overall , Madame X is entairning , thought provoking and daring , but something is missing.... That sizzling touch of the eighties , truth & dare of the nineties or those great colaborations of the 00's .It's too much hi-tech ,too much gizmos and gadgets and music is second-stage ....Thanks,but no , thanks ! I prefer to keep that pink image of a "virgin" in mind.... Every now and then nannies must take a nap !
  • I have been the biggest Madonna fan ever since Like A Virgin came out in '84, that is however untul I saw this. Seriously, it's awful. The tickets for this show were the most expensive she has ever charged. The show is lazy, the only real dancing Madonna does in this show are on the screens behind her. This show was for the rich, she even takes a photo of herself and auctions them off to the higheat bidder with one guy paying 10k Euro. She has a very political message and very little entertainment. I actually ended up fast forwarding alot of it until eventually turning it off half way through. She's done. Sorry.
  • The show, the closness to the audience, the set list ( although she should do more known songs). She is a true legend. Absolute bliss.
  • I have and will always be a fan of hers. However, this tour/concert is without a doubt the worst thing she's done. She did this in promotion of her absolute worst album. Sadly, she decided to tour the majority of her new album and do a very limited number of her favorites. Instead of spicing this show up with some more fan favorites or classics, she decided to show Madame X down everyone's throat.

    Reading the film, it's the best she could possibly take out of this show.
  • onelastsaman12 October 2021
    Brilliant show and concept. Madonna is a visionary, a genius, a hardworking one of a kind entertainer, director, writer, businesswoman, the one and only queen of pop. This is probably the best concert film since Stop Making Sense.
  • Come on, its so auto tunned u cant even recognise her voice The editing is sooo bad, no long scenes, 1 or 2 seconds each Shes trying so hard not to age, i bet its hard to age while in the media, but she couldve done a much better work Its just hard to watch. It was soooo bad i fell asleep.
  • We have seen her doing amazing tech and dance shows but this is way different. The queen shows us she can do a theatrical show without losing her background. I loved it. Every part is made for you to feel something. In a world full of haters and ageism she lights the room with something new. The remixes, the clothes, the small jokes and her having so much fun. Make yourself a good cocktail, turn off the lights, top volume and enjoy the journey.
  • glgltelebg12 October 2021
    Not usually a fan of documentaries but this one is amazing. Good sound quality, amazing videos and performed all of my favorite songs from the album "madame x"
  • Horrendously pretentious, terribly edited, awfully 'performed', and just plain dull. These are just a few of the things I can say about this, a 'movie' so her disastrous Madame X tour. A tour that was plagued with tardiness, cancellations, overpriced tickets, and shameless onstage cash grabs. One could easily disregard all that if it were not for the terrible set list and copious use of playback and autotune. This is Madonna, a woman once famous for incredible live performances. And this is what she has become... a dumb Karrdashian clone who no longer cares about her career, and refuses to sing live or have a live band. This show is awful. Madonna once ruled the world... now this, no-one will remember her for this travesty.
  • christophoros_kount12 October 2021
    Her best live in years!! Pure art... A unique theatrical experience.
  • This show is jut no fun to watch, not because her age, because still i think she looks like a (kind of) pop star. But everything is so political, yet shallow at the same time. Shes doing everything she can to intrigue u, but when it comes from white billionaire, its just sounds ridiculous. Even when she sings old hits, like human nature, is so busy with being political. All the fun are gone. A new democracy she screaming, death to patriarchy. And the audience just don't believe her anymore.

    Im truly recommended her to make a new gay club album- that will be the place, of pure fun, and that's what she, and the world, needs right now.
  • Well after watching Madonna's Madame X show last night, it has giving me a whole new meaning to the album, and the show it self was a truly original & surreal experience, an aspiring re awakening of my own artistry and a real bemusement of what I'd just seen, another watch today is definitely on the cards. Thank you Madonna.
  • FinerFilmFanatic17 October 2021
    When watching this, the viewer should remember 2 things.

    1) the audio was largely rerecorded for the film 2) the visuals were largely rerecorded for the film.

    Her Instagram Stories was full of clips of her either on a sound stage or in a recording booth. There's no way of knowing how much of this came from the actual night of the concert.

    With that out of the way, this is a truly terrible show. She now positions herself as both an artist and a warrior. She is neither. She is a faded pop star. The album that this tour is promoting was a monumental flop. Thanks to the multiple formats it was released on, it arrived in most charts at #1, and by week 3 it had sunk without trace. None of the songs released from the album made a dent on the charts. Some might question the sense of having a tour on the back of such a flop, but this artist, this fighter for justice, decide a new format of tour was the answer. She had no way of filling the arenas she used to in the early 2000s (don't even think about the multiple nights in stadiums of the 80s and 90s!), so she chose "intimate" (read: small) venues. And even those she had trouble filling. The official stats say one thing, but the reality was something else entirely. Not to mention all the cancelled nights due to "technical difficulties".

    Most of the songs here will be unknown to the average person, as they were not hits. To others, even the songs you do know will be unrecognisable, as they are so heavily autotuned (you really don't want to hear her without autotune these days).

    But of course, this all depends on whether you can stand the fast editing. It should come with a warning for those who have epilepsy. It's all designed to make the show look more interesting, more energetic, and basically better than it really was. Basically, you're watching an elderly woman shuffle across a stage singing songs you don't know.

  • The visuals, the music the emotion and the message! Loved it in every way... need to say... the live experience was even better. Such a great show to have experienced. And what a trooper Madonna is... giving her all with those injuries. Saw the last show of the tour in Paris at Le Grand Rex.
  • sraptis-9851511 October 2021
    She is THE QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE for a reason. Amazing show, totally different to her previous tours. She is such a Genious and the most Important Female Artist ever lived.
  • This concert has been edited beyond repair. It is like staring directly into a strobe light while listening to Halloween music. It is far too serious with a missed message. Living in Lisbon doesn't seem to have been a good experience for her.
  • Madonna in her 40 years of career, continues to drive us into her world, into her way of performing, never forgetting to please the ones that have been with her since ever: her fans. This experience, this masterpiece was created to maintain us focused on the several messages that she hints during the 2 hour performance: Guns, Sex, Equality, Race. One thing is sure: Madame X is here to disturb the peace.
  • zingela-431719 October 2021
    Too many edits, too much autotune, just... no.

    I'm only giving it a 2 because of the visuals.

    This whole concert was Madonna trying too hard to stay relevant.
  • mdnatxt11 October 2021
    I have no words to describe this majesty. You see the intention, passion, and inspiration in it. A particular setlist, a small stage but full of creativity, a Madonna in pain but unstoppable... After quarantine, this feels like coming back to life.
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