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  • In The Shed, we follow a woman named Whitney (Eva Hamilton). She's a struggling escort who responds to an ad for a housesitting gig.

    Sounds easy enough, right?

    Whitney calls the number and meets up with Barbara (Stacey Nelkin). Barbara has some business to attend to out of town, so she hires Whitney to watch over; you guessed it: The Shed. Whitney begins to make herself at home, not realizing there's an unknown presence watching her every move.

    I mentioned in my review for In Search of Darkness Part II that 80's horror films are my personal favorite. That also applies to modern day films inspired by this very decade. The Shed is a 22 minute short film that's very much inspired by the 80's direct-to-video era. This is something that could easily take place within the Halloween universe. There are obvious references to those movies; especially with the casting. The Shed's two main players are Stacey Nelkin and Eva Hamilton. Eva is also one of the writers and co-directors, and she's terrific as the main protagonist. The addition of Stacey Nelkin is what initially drew me to this film, because she's one of the main stars of Halloween III. And get this: The Shed marks Stacey Nelkin's return to the horror genre.

    Welcome back Stacey!

    The Shed is sort of a home invasion story, where we follow Whitney as she's being targeted by some type of creature as she's housesitting. It's a well crafted short film that does an excellent job in paying homage to the films that inspired it. It's well written, well acted and works wonders with the simple yet effective and premise. The Shed has Halloween DNA all over it. Especially with the musical cues, which sounds a lot like the jump scare noises in Halloween III. These jolts of tension work, for the most part. My main issue with The Shed is that it's far too short for my liking. I would love to see this made into a full length feature film. It's clear that the cast and crew behind this have more than enough talent to pull it off.

    The Shed is an enjoyable motion picture with excellent music. It perfectly captures that 80's horror spirit with a lovable cast and simple story. The fact that it marks Stacey Nelkin's return to the horror genre is more than enough of a reason to watch it. It was great seeing her act alongside Eva Hamilton onscreen. I would love see what The MoonCats will come up with next. If they

    decide to do another horror project, I would love to see it star Tom Atkins. That would be more than enough to thrill me.
  • This movie was honestly really good. I kept hearing about it at conventions so checked it out on Tubi. Was for real surprised at how good it was and how much i enjoyed it for just what just kinda seems like a randomly released short film.

    Only complaint is that it wasn't longer, but to me that just meant I really liked it. The Mooncats are def excellent filmmakers. Im def amped for when they make their first feature and I think that was the point of this.

    Eva Hamilton is entirely believable. You root for her. Stacey Nelkin (who it was good to see again) brought this really awkward, twisted character to life in a kind of super realistic way. Whenever she was on screen she was ominous.

    They spot on capture the lighting, cinematography and docudrama of late 70s / early 80s Carpenter. You can tell it was their intention.

    Be warned, Its an old school minimal slasher, so newer horror fans exclusively into movies like "Terrifier" won't really understand this I would imagine. But i loved that it was an actual story and not just mindless. It also took itself seriously in a grounded way.

    Regardless, as a Carpenter fan, this movie was dope. I loved it. I found it comforting? Like in an old school way. Carpenter himself would dig it i think if he saw it.
  • Alright, so I just caught "The Shed" and let me tell you, it's a wild ride! It stars Eva Hamilton as this escort who takes a job housesitting, thinking it's gonna be easy cash. But she's in for a shock! The house she's watching is owned by this lady played by Stacy Nelkin, who at first seems super sweet, but there's a crazy twist. I won't spoil it, but it's nuts!

    Hamilton is amazing in this. She feels so real, like she's not even acting. You totally buy that she's this girl caught up in this insane situation. And Nelkin? Man, she's got this sweet vibe but with a seriously dark side. The way they play off each other is intense.

    The whole thing is super creepy, but not in your typical horror movie way. It's more like you wonder if something bad is going to happen but you don't know when. The setting's just a normal cabin in the woods with a shed, but the way they shoot it, everything feels eerie and off.

    The story's the real deal here. It's got this twisty plot about a mom doing extreme stuff for her kid. It's scary, sure. It was full of surprises and it really keeps you glued to the screen.

    Eva Hamilton is the standout. She goes from scared to determined and you're right there with her. And Stacy Nelkin, she's great at being this seemingly sweet mom with a creepy side. You feel a bit sorry for her but also really freaked out.

    So, "The Shed" is not your average horror short flick. It's got a solid story, killer acting. It's the kind of thing that stays with you. If you're into horror that's got more going on than just jump scares, you've got to check this out. Seriously, it's a trip!
  • Just got done watching my friend @_evahamilton_ @_the_mooncats short film The Shed...all I have to say is wow this short was engaging and unique. Kept me engaged the whole time. Also the feeling of hopelessness in which the main character will do anything to get her life back is relatable and sympathetic. The creature which is eloquently revealed slurping gave me the ick. That pizza guy on the phone made me laugh with that line and how he presented it. Glad to see Stacey Nelkin back! Halloween 3 for life!!! And as always not being biased but everything Eva has done I have enjoyed! Please go watch on @tubi @bloodybitestv S8 E8 you won't be disappointed.

    #horror #horrorshort #evahamilton #themooncats #staceynelkin #monster #creature #shed #matches #pizzaguy #original #gore #weneedmore.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A beautifully done short film applies a vintage feel to 80s horror with a purposely repurposed tale taking the genres seemingly cliche 80s direction and turning it on its head. Starring the iconic Stacey Nelkin of Halloween III: Season Of The Witch and the young and beautiful, but in no way new to the industry, scream queen, Eva Hamilton. Although the book is seemingly closed by the end of the short, there is still more to be explained. I can see this short isolated tale expanding with the right writing team and directors. We need more films featuring two generations of horror icons. Spoiler Alert: Eva is known for being a Scream Queen, but this is one of the few films she portrays a final girl and knowing her repertoire, it's about time that happens! Next time in a feature film! Would love to see more horror films featuring 2 generations of horror icons bridging multiple generations into appreciating modern horror releases!