User Reviews (145)

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  • The two "Valley Girls" voices completely ruin this otherwise great show. I had to mute it.
  • Mandy02026 August 2021
    I like the concept and the girls did a great job but their voices are horrible! So put the subtitles on and put the sound on mute.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Prepare yourself for ground-breaking design tips such as: painting things white and adding lots of plants!

    Another reviewer was right about the valley girl accents, but my sister and I enjoyed making fun of them so much we didn't mind. My favorite thing was the expression on the contractor's face when he had to talk to this dingbat duo.

    Thank God these girls obviously came from privileged backgrounds. If they actually had to earn their own money based solely on talent, they would be doomed.
  • The obvious lack of any design knowledge or renovation experience is quite evident. You can't charge premium prices for "smoke and mirror" finishes. It may look ok in a photo but I assure you, in person it will feel like a dorm room makeover on the cheap.
  • Cannot tell you how frickin' annoying the voices on these two are, the blond just a tad less so. It feels more like a bad Hallmark movie about how two besties try to renovate a motel. I made it through 1o mins.
  • suzpom12 September 2021
    I'm less than 10 minutes into the first episode and UGH. Like every other reviewer, 1) the girls are awful; 2) their comments are ridiculous; 3) I really don't care about their motel reno at all now...

    Netflix - you made a HUGE mistake with this one.
  • If you enjoy interior design shows, this is a good one. Episodes are not too long and there's not much fake drama; it's fun. But when the ladies have a long conversation, you feel like putting it on mute. It's quite annoying how they talk.
  • For two 35 year olds, they sound like they are trying to be 15 year old valley girls in the early 2000s.

    The overuse of millennial cliches are very annoying. I normally love reno shows but couldn't even finish the FIRST episode.

    Please do your ears a favour and just skip this show.
  • jayceeDope27 August 2021
    I get the annoying voice people are talking about. It annoys me at first, but I got over it. I don't think the hosts are as annoying as the way they talk though.

    I really enjoyed the show and their design ideas. I love designs shows. And this is not bad.

    Most business owners will be able to relate to their struggles due to COVID.
  • I watch a lot of design shows and enjoyed the idea of making over an old motel rather than a house. I didn't agree with every design choice the women made, but overall I thought they did a good job with a difficult project. Like the other reviewers I did find their vocal fry way of speaking to be super annoying, especially considering they're Canadian and not from LA, but I guess I enjoyed it enough to get passed that.
  • outinritefield26 August 2021
    I like reno shows and this concept seemed like a lot of fun. I don't particularly like their design style or whole aesthetic but I can get past that to watch the show. However about 15 min in to the first episode I could no longer stand listening to their voices. Every sentence ends like a question with the way their voices go up, think 1990s Valley girl. Their lack of experience shows painfully. They don't seem to have learned anything from their previous reno job. If it seemed like they would be learning from this process I could see the show working (as long as they learn to speak like the 35 yr old adults they are).

    I wanted to like this show. I gave it a try. I won't be back to finish.
  • Unlike others, I watched this show because of these women's accents. Where on earth did they learn to speak? I will never again let anyone make fun of my Boston accent. I sound wicked smaht compared to these dolls. I do like the show and would watch it again. Can you have a linguist on sometime to explain to the rest of the world how this accent came to be?
  • amumtaz2 September 2021
    The moment I heard the girls talk, it took me back to mid 1990s. I thought that accent no longer existed. But there it is!

    Drop the fake accent. Speak naturally and get on with your renovation. Can't be that hard. Can it?
  • I tried to watch it and enjoy it , But the two hosts are so pretentious so annoying.
  • First off, I joined IMDb just so I could say how horrible their voices are! I just wanted to puncture my ears so I'd never have to hear it again. And after reading the comments, I found out they do it on PURPOSE! Do you hate us?! What have we done to you, to deserve this ear rape ?
  • Oh just a couple of ladies unabashedly strutting in fur-lined parkas trying to make an old motel "instagrammable" by incorporating very, very original and cheugy designs ("good vibes only") and jacking up the prices from "$60 to $200 a night," so that they can lure selfies-obsessed girl clientele. The locals must be thrilled to be frowned upon for not serving alternative milk lattes, to be referred to as the real-life Schitt's Creek and to have no local history highlighted.
  • Watched the first 10 minutes before I couldn't take the pretentious hosts any longer. Total crap, if I could give it negative rating, I would.
  • shenoywarya12 September 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's a pretty short series, a quick watch. Unlike other reviews, I didn't find the girls particularly annoying, but the renovation could be so much more well thought out.

    What I liked about the show: Beautiful shots of Sauble Beach.

    Straight to the point, fast paced episodes.

    The contractors.

    What could've been better: The focus was a lot more on aesthetics than practicality. They painted the dishwasher instead of cleaning it, spent hundreds on fake plants and hammocks instead of plexiglass to shelter their outdoor restaurant from the rain. Everything was designed to be instagrammable, it's likely their renovations would not last very long.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After a few minutes I honestly couldn't deal with their voices, specially the tall one's voice. Oh. My. God!! It was nails on a chalkboard. She really triggered my misophonia, made me want to shake her and tell her to speak like the grown woman she is.

    But I am a sucker for reno shows, so I made the extra effort. I saw the whole thing in less then a couple hours. If you fast forward the parts of them talking it is sorta enjoyable.

    Their projects were very amateur and there was waaay too much pink and cheesy quote decor.

    Don't think I would stay in a $400+ Motel room which I know was built and decorated with extra cheap materials and low quality furniture though.

    Those prices are for luxury places which this one is not.

    This place was built specifically for Instagram people, even when discussing the decorations they always mentioned how instagramable it would be. And they took A LOT of mirror selfies to prove it.

    The only reason I "watched" the whole thing was because of Ric the contractor. He is all of us when having to deal with them.

    His facial expression (or lack thereof) and obvious discomfort with them, was golden.

    My favorite part was when they made him drink Rosé at the end and he could not get that glass out of his hands fast enough and spit it out.

    Ric you are our hero for enduring them!
  • I found this show really entertaining. Yes, the main women have annoying accents but that doesn't take away from how cool it is to watch this motel get absolutely transformed. It made think that you can do anything you put your mind to! It's a great quick binge watch.
  • I understand the low ratings for being annoyed with the hosts, but there are some fun characters thrown in. Especially Rick the contractor who is obviously annoyed with their voices and them all together at some points, and it makes for some hilarious/uncomfortable moments.

    The fact they transformed an entire MOTEL for around $700,000 is beyond impressive, and their project manager Courtney is the least annoying and hardest working in my opinion. If you can look past the vocal fry, this show is kinda entertaining and I do hope to see another June Motel makeover!
  • I thought I would really like this show. I do not! After listening to the 2 girls speak for a couple of minutes I know there would be no way I could watch the episode until the end....and no way could I watch 6 episodes. They speak using the fad called vocal fry and uptalking. Not everyone likes the sound of Kim Kardashian's voice. Drop the fad and be will probably help with the show's ratings.

    Also, at the beginning of the show they stated they have no formal training in hospitality and no training in design & renovation. A really big turn-off...I have seen way too much of that in my lifetime. I really do not want to waste my time watching it.
  • jjjuliet30 August 2021
    I was sad to see such terrible reviews. This is an amazing show and these girls really did such inspiring things during a pandemic and as business owners are an inspiration to all women. I understand the voice issue. They have picked it up somewhere as I can assure you it is not Canadian. This can happen and unfortunately until you hear yourself or see yourself on tv for the fist time you may have no idea. This is the directors fault. Like any reality tv stars after season 1 they see all their weird facial expressions and hear how they say certain words and if they get a season 2 they always have corrected all these things- I see it all the time! Give these girls a chance and focus on how down to earth the show really is. So many design shows have so many sponsors and massive budgets everything is a yes. That's so boring and it's so overdone and unrealistic. The amount of things these girls had to say no to is so relatable. Their dreams had to come to reality when faced with real financial issues and how many shows tell you HOW MUCH EVERYTHING COSTS!!!!!!!!So refreshing!!!!!!!!! Can't state this enough! I love watching the creativity that comes when people don't have exaggerated over blown budgets! Also I love how unpolished and real the contractors are, they are the types of people you actually have build, not polished Hollywood ty Pennington (no offence) personalities. These girls have brains, style, strength and the most beautiful friendship. They are positive through tough times and know how to work with people, that comes through the screen. It's so refreshing to see a real duo struggle and come out on top. This is not pretentiousness.
  • I do agree with the comments saying their voices are annoying and that they do come off the wrong way. However, you warm up to them when you realize that they're really nice, you can see it by how they treat the entire staff. I don't agree with all their decisions and/or visions, but ultimately they did do a really good job.
  • The most annoying dialog based on the opinions of two entitled caucasian women. They sounded like they were trying to recreate the ultimate "Valley Girl" movie.

    I couldn't make it through the first episode.
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