User Reviews (12)

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  • While it starts off slow and sometimes stays in the slow lane, I found it quiet interesting in the way the communities in the outback deal out their justices.

    Rarriwuy Hick certainly held her own in her first lead role, and the cast are brilliant as well.

    This being one of SBS & NITVs first commissions into the foray of Aussie drama, I believe whatever we see next from them will be just as good as their first offering.

    Give it a go. You might just like it.
  • Found this series interesting and real. An indigenous detective walking the fine line between white laws and and confronted with the preferred law of her people. THe reference to skin and who could talk to who was also eye opening and the storyline was far from predictable which kept us watching. Many of the performers were not seasoned actors but carried themselves well , and though the pace was slow, it was more realistic of a police investigation and not at all like the crime being solved in an hour of television. And there was more than one crime happening here - a constant sadness that aboriginal works are treated so carelessly by white entrepreneurs looking exploit and to make a lot of money out of them . Kudos to all involved in bringing a new aspect of aboriginal life to our screens.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So much better than the first 30 mins might make a viewer think once it found it's rhythm and story-telling voice. The main character Toni comes off unlikable during that first 30 mins, but it becomes apparent there's a reason for it. We just have to hang in long enough to start getting that part of it. It's actually part of getting to know how these indigenous folks behave, which was fascinating and frustrating at the same time. Culturally speaking, it's obvious females have a very hard time in this society in general, (aren't allowed in certain areas, can't speak to certain people, etc etc) therefore realizing she has overcome a LOT to get to where she is helped make me give her a break and keep watching. The dialogue was well-presented given we were working through 2 languages to present the story authentically. I only had one eye-roll moment from where a line just didn't make sense. But 1 line in 4 episodes is actually a pretty good ratio.

    The interactions between the white and black folks was typical indigenous mistreatment stuff, but what we see in this show is unique. How they accept some white interference in their lives (the art lady taking them to Paris) even overlooking how she's obviosuly using them outrageously (makes 60% off THEIR work? That's bs!) But they are happy with it. And the white father of the murdered girl...the rules he's apparently supposed to follow as the dad of a bi-racial girl...interesting. Sociologically speaking it's like.. who makes these rules? All in all, very interesting. Well worth the watch.

    Lastly, I don't usually mention other reviews or rebut certain statements but a 3rd reviewers comments made me curious so I just had to look!

    1-to give 1 star so that in the end a show averages out to a lower rating they think the show deserves tells me that reviewer isn't as smart as they're trying to appear. By giving it a 1 it's literally dragged it down even further than intended by that reviewer. Stars are meant to be what a person actually thinks...we don't need to manipulate the system. The system is designed to average ALL scores for every one of them. And I can't imagine people give "guilt" ratings. WTF would that be useful for? Maybe the reviewer who thinks that happens is shallow enough to do that.

    2-plastic surgery? LMAO. NONE of these peopole appeared to have had plastic surgery. If some of them did to look how they looked here, they got ripped off. Every character on this show looked like your regular white or indigenous person.
  • First up, I am Australian, but I am *not* Indigenous. I live in Melbourne, and while I have visited Darwin, I have never been to Alice Springs, so the land portrayed in this series is not something I have seen for myself.

    I am embarrassed to say that the aspects of Indigenous Culture and Customs presented here are not familiar to me - although I have heard other references to it. I am therefore glad that it is so clearly presented here.

    That said, this is what some would consider a "slow burn" of a story; one that presents as much about place and culture as it does about solving a crime (or two).

    Personally though, I like the way that the story unfolds; I like the acting and the portrayal of the characters; and I like the way that it is filmed (especially because it doesn't rely *too* much on drone camera shots!).

    For a city person like me, this shows a completely different view of Australia to what I know, but I recognize that this is a landscape that many foreign viewers fantasize about.

    I must say also that I enjoy hearing an example of the Indigenous language (my understanding is that there are a great number of languages spoken by First Nations people, so I am not sure how widely spoken this particular language is.

    So, don't expect fast pace and lots of action, but *do* expect to see an interesting story very well told and acted.
  • I wasn't going to review this but then I read a review of someone who gave it 1 lousy star because other people gave it too many stars. Sooooo I had to give it 10. To me, it's a solid 8.

    One reviewer said that the stars had "lots of plastic surgery." I don't think we watched the same series. I will say that Nick's hair coloring was a bit overdone, but hey. Each to his/her own. But plastic surgery?! That was very funny!!

    I am an American who enjoys films and series from other places, Australia specifically. And especially when the cast is made up mostly of indigenous people.

    In this series, I learned more about the deep seeded customs of them than before. And it is, indeed, fascinating.

    The scenery is, as with all Aussie project, spectacular.

    Is it a bit slow in places? A bit. But the story and acting is all solid.

    A very good Who-Done-It.

  • What a fantastic original show. Did not know what to expect with this series, and expecting a trend of black fella good and white fella bad, but this was a really good depiction of reality and issues faced by indigenous people living in an white fella world. Original story that was not predictable and nice to see a show where the landscape speaks for itself and the scenes don't have to be filled with incessant dialogue. Great show! Can't wait for the second and further series to follow. Good to see strong female leads with out patronising and 'preaching' messages. Excellent series!
  • This is a very interesting and satisfying show because it has a good script, wonderful performances by all and interesting character actors. Good photography, editing and production value. They speak in English and in different aboriginal languages:dialects with subtitles. The aboriginal culture is so interesting. And being a different culture, we couldn't second guess who-done-it or where the story was taking us. Nothing was predictable. This should have a second season starring Rarriwuy Hick and Luke Taylor (Long John silver in Black Sails). They have a strong screen presence and good chemistry together.
  • gallagherkellie9 July 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I hate that I didn't like this very much as it has some great reviews. I honestly am ok with slow tv shows if they are also gripping, but this one for me was slow and boring. If it wasn't only 4 episodes I would have stopped watching after 1 1/2 episodes I think.

    The acting was well done by the main cast and most of the supporting cast, some a little rusty but that's ok. The scenery was nice and the way it was shot was well done. I loved the use of aboriginal art in the story.

    The thing I'm mostly confused about is the police work here - if all the cops here in aus are as bad as this then I'm worried. They didn't even search the car straight away? They said "nah we can't get into her phone" and left it and didn't think to ask her friends or family for her passcode until the end? Plus they are police - they can't get their forensic IT department to get into the phone?

    Don't even get me started about the end. So it's ok for the uncle to be arrested but let's lie and protect mum...even her boyfriend is ok with letting her get away with it?

    And what the heck happened with Keith?? It was comical.
  • pieraussie11 July 2022
    We all know Australian productions can be hit or miss, with misses much more frequent.

    Sometime Aussie dramas can be really oustanding, like Mr Inbetween for example or Wentworth. This in particular unfortunately is a miss, despite the obvious good intentions. It is broadcasted on NITV so possibly targeted to a specific demographic. I have watched two episodes and decided to drop it because I have found the plot and the acting not interesting enough to go on for the last two episodes. It is quite boring and with some unavoidable cliches. I give one star to average a bit the overly high rating left by viewers with a guilty conscience.
  • samlong-5171010 July 2022
    Very slow at times interesting story line about sadness in the indigenous people of Australia.

    Pretty average acting by well worn stars with lots of plastic surgery.

    Not the best we have produced.
  • I was really looking forward to watching this.

    A fair amount of the language used by some of the main characters is Aboriginal. It's good thinking by the producers and nice to see, however with no subtitles much of the audience is in a sense left out of these parts, it's not inclusive, and feels a bit rude.

    Please provide subtitles in the second series if there is one, like other non-English speaking productions have, and you will have at least one more viewer.

    Rarriwuy Hick has great screen presence, and sadly I won't be watching this, particularly with her as the main character.

    Let's embrace and protect our First Nations cultural heritage in a way that's accessible to all.

    'For we are one and free'

    P.s. I am aware subtitles can be switched on, however I only wish to see subtitles appear for the Aboriginal language spoken parts, like seen in the trailer for this series. I have only tried watching the series on SBS On Demand.
  • This along with so many titles here on IMDB is over rated. If it's not the interested parties doing the abnormally hight star count it's the ignorant, as is the case with True Colours.

    As mentioned by other reviewers this mini series is rather slow and drawn out, with a very ordinary ending. It does have some great scenery and gives the viewer a good sample of central Australia. As for the all other aspects film production it rates on par with the (probably) limited budget. Some of the acting is great but mostly it is atrocious.

    Why I mention ignorance is much of this story is completely unrealistic and viewers are yet again subjected to the bias interpretation the SBS/NITV & ABC (Australian publicly funded broadcasters). I don't speak Aboriginal but I'm pretty some of the actors that use it don't speak it either, they couldn't even get the aboriginal version of English done well.

    Over all not a fan, I wouldn't re-watch but if you like Aussie productions as much as I do give a go..... and don't believe the current 7.1 IMDB star rating.