User Reviews (34)

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  • I like this show and it has potential but I think too many of the characters have no redeeming qualities. If the writers can't make you want the family to succeed then you're more likely to just want that family business to fail so they will all just move away.
  • Yet another show set in Atlantic Canada where everyone sounds like and looks like Tarana. Doesn;t reflect the people of the South Shore at all.
  • sdowen-597938 October 2021
    CBC should bring back Frankie Drake. The vast of Frankie Drake had better chemistry. This show isn't terrible in anyway; it's not good in any way.

    It's a copy of so many American shows with similar concepts the daughter returning home to a small town while renewing her relationship with her quirky oddball family.

    There's so many opportunities to tell compelling stories from the Maritimes. I'm puzzled why we have to keep recycling American sitcom plots.
  • nwfdk7 November 2021
    Its as comical and Canadian as anything else on CBC. My only question is why does not a single resident of this little town have a Nova Scotia accent???
  • I'm loving this show, as well as my wife, the music is really good, showcasing some great old school Canadian talent with Fleetwood Mac thrown in for good measure.

    If you don't try to take it too serious, and relax, you'll love it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A crumbling resort soon to close for lack of guests and back taxes is the home to the dysfunctional family that runs it. Spoiled by the writers when everyone confesses their sins... How can you owe back taxes when you don't actually own the property ?----Another plot hole is the black brother. Was he mom's, fake-dad's or adopted we never find out. ------Teenage children too young to drive played by actors in their twenties. An all too common error in movies and TV.-----Most of the characters would in reality be horrible people nobody would want in their lives. To include the brother and sister that had affairs with the same bi-sexual townie. ----A touching funeral pyre send off for the real father that none of the kids knew. Killed by their mother when dad was in a drunken, drug fueled rage. ----This scene sets the stage for the resort's salvation a get away for outlaw bikers and everyone is overjoyed.
  • My favourite thing about Moonshine is the cast of unique but relatable characters. Each one has insightful and cohesive elements that bring to mind someone you know, without being cookie-cutter or predictable. The interplay between them is highly relatable for anyone who adores their family, but has almost killed at least one member. Charming, quirky and unapologetically Nova Scotian, each episode will have you more invested, while providing a warm nest of escapism.
  • Why does pretty much all Canadian TV/movies suck? Because they feel the need to make whatever Canadian locality the story instead of the story. Yes this is a story about the locale but ruined by the over the top obvious efforts to slip in Canadiana when it's not needed. Plus the usual low quality production values and acting that seems endemic in the Canadian film industry. Pretty sure we could do better.
  • Hubby & I are loving Moonshine. Being from the Maritimes ourselves, it's a fun little show and we are looking forward to seeing where it all goes.

    The sibling rivalry is only outmatched when they work
  • Season 1 was probably a 5-6/10 if I'm being generous. Season 2 has taken a slight turn for the worse.

    Let's start with the positives: 1) Less attention on the kids. The girl was/is particularly annoying with her anti-establishment nonsense. 2) The older, now retired, parents are enjoyable to watch. 3) Rhiann, who obviously has an undiagnosed personality disorder, has turned down her crazy a few notches. 4) Sammy's choice to find his birth parents seems logical as I was wandering how/why this black dude came to be a part of this oh-so-white family of knuckleheads.

    On the other hand, why does Lidia seem to be regressing? She was able to run a successful architectural firm and raise 2 kids in NYC but is now supposed to be dumb enough to try to go into criminal business with a biker gang? When she answered the stolen burner phone and said "Hi, Gale's burner phone" I had to turn it off! It just seems weird how she keeps trying to stick her big toe into crime while still maintaining her cheerleader/goodie-two-shoes persona. Her criminal mind is definitely more Mr. Magoo than Walter White. Also, Ryan and Crystal are just too dumb to be together. They are very frustrating to watch.

    Perhaps, I should just lower my expectations and accept the show for what it is: a light-hearted, occasionally humorous offering which doesn't require the audience to think too hard.
  • mindfulbobbi28 October 2021
    I LOVE this show! It's funny and quirky and quintessentially Canadian. I really hope it lasts cause we need a good show to watch and chuckle and feel good about.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    IMO, "Moonshine" has two major problems: the cliched characters, and the unnecessary gross-outs. First off, the writers aren't giving us anyone new here. We've all seen the outwardly successful career woman whose marriage is falling apart, the resentful younger sister, the rebellious teenage girl, the sensitive teenage boy who's questioning his sexuality, the ambitious 20-something who's held back by her lunkhead boyfriend, etc., over and over again. It's just a bunch of cliches. Secondly, did we need to watch Lidia vomit in an outhouse, or a goat bite off Rhian's finger, or her cheating husband open his car door to find retaliation in the form of a septic tank's worth of raw sewage? No, we didn't--and all of that was just in the first three episodes! Ugh.
  • Canadian television is so underrated. The show is so good, the acting is exceptional with some 11 Canadian actors. I don't understand the bad reviews I can only assume they have another agenda. Anyone who is born and bred in Canada should be able to relate on some level to the show. I really hope it comes back for a season three. I fallen in love with the characters. As someone who never used to watch Canadian television now that I've gotten older, I realize that we have some of the best ones out there. One thing you can pretty much always count on with a Canadian show is that they're going to spell it out how it is life is not a perfect white picket fence and I really truly appreciate that about the show.
  • bethmhtw1 October 2023
    This show is exhausting to watch, and a lot of the plot is completely ridiculous and over the top. Example: Lidia inherits a big chunk of the family's resort from her aunt in the pilot, but she can't find any shareholder records, so she starts going through her aunt's journals (conveniently stashed in the trailer she and her kids are crashing in). Lidia's mom doesn't want her to read them (deep dark family secrets, apparently)...but instead of breaking in, stealing them, and disposing of them elsewhere, she sets the journals on fire in the yard (and the trailer catches fire too) OF COURSE Lidia finds the remnants of said journals and realizes someone didn't want her to read them, and...yeah. Actually, that's among the least ridiculous things that happened. Like I said, it's exhausting.
  • creanlaura30 September 2021
    Just a few episodes in some absolute star moments and cast so far. It's set in a gorgeous Nova Scotia summer and you get to follow each family member and what they get up to; not so pocket fence clean and.... I love it!
  • The best way that I can describe this show is in one word...STUPID!

    I can't even believe a show like this exists. How the writing in this show even got past the brainstorming sessions is beyond me? But the only good thing about this show is Allan Hawco. Maybe I'm not up on current TV shows but it isn't like I'm missing anything that's particularly exciting or fun. It seems like Allan Hawco is just looking for whatever work he can get. I really wish that Allan would get going on an Republic of Doyle movie on track since it's been almost 9 years since it left the CBC.

    Please release Allan from this show.
  • The whole family is absolutely loving Moonshine - nice to see Canadian content with complex characters - so real! Hoping there's a season 2 on the way!
  • No character development. Even as an American its not heard to tell the writers just seem to recycle the same plot of each character in almost every episode... they do what they think is right and it doesn't go according to plan in the end; Tell me how many episodes doesn't have a character in that situation. The 2 kids of the main character I believe to be the most annoying part of the series, it gets worse as the seasons progress (S03 is really bad). It just seem like the writers pushed some stereotypical Gen Z's with the whole self-righteous activism, just to cater to the PC/social nonsense. The 3 sisters through all 3 season just seem to be in a dormant or regressive state in terms of character development. Just react the same way when something goes wrong and the actions they take hardly changes... 1 reacts psychotically, 1 regresses and shuns & the other overthinks it. The actress who played the Mother doesn't seem to be in S03 (as of S03E06).
  • gphelan-8796916 September 2021
    Awesome show! Great acting and scenes of Nova Scotia are outstanding. Can't wait for next episode.
  • So, the CW bought a bunch of shows from Canadian networks to fill holes in their schedule this year...and let's just say there are several very good reasons why they parked "Moonshine" on summer Fridays at 9 PM and gave the other shows better time slots. As with many foreign shows that take years to sell in the U. S. and/or struggle to find an audience at home (the CBC cancelled it several months before the final season started airing in Canada), the primary issue with "Moonshine" is the writing. It always comes back to that, doesn't it? In addition to the writing, I'm not a fan of the directing and editing choices, either. It's a lot of work to watch, and it really shouldn't be. For a show all about chaos and dysfunction and zaniness, it should move more quickly and not be so clunky and cumbersome. It's not worth your time nor the space on your DVR.
  • christie-nguyen4 October 2021
    I really enjoyed the show. It's fun and full of heart. The characters/ stories are dynamic, dysfunctional and perfectly imperfect!
  • This show has been a complete surprise all through. It is like summer camp for adults with the Finley-Cullen family. I sit down and say "I will watch just one episode" and end up watching three. The story lines are a true delight. Each character brings a new aspect to the story and, therefore, I am not able to single out a favourite. The beauty of Nova Scotia is an essential backdrop to the story. Essentially, despite the internal conflicts, financial problems, and efforts to make the Moonshine survive, there is love within this family and that comes out in each episode. There are quite controversial topics handled in the storylines and they are told with compassion. I recommend this show highly and look forward to Season 4.
  • Great diverse casting! Interesting story lines and keeps us laughing!

    At first we were wondering what it was all about, however its become pretty addictive to watch!
  • ailbhemcm30 September 2021
    Really enjoying this show and looking forward to seeing how the story develops. Great to see more home grown Canadian comedy on tv!
  • saffireblue-0587528 September 2021
    Hubby and I enjoyed this show. Loved the scenic shots of Nova Scotia.
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