User Reviews (7)

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  • I think Rude Christmas would have been a more appropriate title. In all fairness, could only handle 25 minutes of the macho stuff - on both sides. Seemed overacted all the way around. And the old man twirling his Hitler style mustache was too much. Too bad, had the premise of a fun holiday movie. If I want people arguing and being rude at Christmas, I'd go to my own family parties. And stay about 25 minutes.
  • desertrose-626112 January 2022
    The aunt deserved a male character younger, that man was told old for the role. Unfortunately if it's a popular male character, the female is usually 10 years younger.
  • Don Servando and his extended family travel to the beach to spend Christmas with daughter-in-law's aunt. The aunt, Doña Alicia, becomes Don Servando's ultimate enemy, while Don Servando the grumpy grandpa, tries to seize control of Christmas celebrations from the aunt.

    A Christmas movie enjoyable and relaxing, that includes romance and family Christmas.

    It is a nice movie for practicing Spanish language, too.
  • isaacochoterena24 December 2021
    This is a movie with a very poorly developed storyline and done in the worst possible way.

    The little worked script reflects such a bland and forgettable story, it is not funny, the character development is very poor, the conflicts that exist are very stupid and are solved in a very silly way, even the Christmas theme is in the background most of the time. The performances are disastrous, nobody does a decent job, the photography is terrible, the dialogues are not adequate, there are many incongruities in the story, the diction of the actors is sometimes very bad, causing them not to understand what they are saying.

    It is another bad Mexican film, but the difference is that now it is Christmas, and it is made in a very bad way with the sole objective of making money due to the success of the first one, evidencing the lack of creativity of the writers.
  • timmykoops25 December 2021
    No, not a big budget movie with a cast of stars, just a feel good holiday movie for the entire family.starts out " Grumpy" ends warm & fuzzy. Somewhat predictable but a G rated movie for everyone.
  • This film is right up my alley!

    In the manner of " the house of flowers" it showcases a big family get together on an aunt's estate that looks like a tropical resort!

    Without going any further into the plot ( also because I just started watching) I can already tell that this film is highly enjoyable because of its characters!

    I recommend watching it in the original Spanish version with subtitles, it's just more authentic this way!

  • Why would you overly criticize escapist entertainment from enchanting Mexico! Of course the script is ragged. Of course the acting is from hunger. Of course there are way too many subplots to be clearly developed and resolved. Of course the music interferes with the dialogue. Try 24/7 News if you think this film was a waste or if you really are in a masochistic mood tune in to Don't Look Up. At least Meryl Streep isn't being eaten by a regenerated dinosaur.