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  • Brad Jones, best known as The Cinema Snob, reviewer of low-grade cinema from the 70s and 80s, has made, as of this date, four feature films. His debut film was "Freak Out," a thriller based on the final hours of serial killer, Dean Corll. His recent features are crime thriller, "Midnight Heat," and comedy flick, "Game Boys." "Cheap" is his second film. And, it's a damn good flick. Although, I don't think this movie is for everyone.

    The film focuses on a crew of snuff filmmakers and a porn producer named Max Force, played by David Gobble. Force is looking to make it big in the Internet porn industry. He's hoping for some fresh material so that he can become rich and famous. He thinks he has struck gold with filmmaker Jack Stone, played by Jones. The big stars of Stone's films are two teenage runaways, played by Carrie Jo Stucki and Jessica Stone. In each film, they take part in murdering a bum, a woman, and others. All of these films are shot by a perverted cameraman, played by Nick Foster. Force distributes Stone's snuff films, despite not knowing that the deaths in these films are authentic. Things go to hell quickly once Force rapes one of the main actresses while coked out. What happens after that are some of the more shocking and disturbing moments one will see in any thriller that's come out in recent years.

    There aren't any likable characters in this movie. They would all fit very well in your average Paul Schrader screenplay or Abel Ferrara film. These characters are seriously flawed souls living in a harsh and cruel reality.

    Gobble is quite good as Max Force. The role could have easily been a stereotypical villain. Gobble, instead, gave Force humanity. (Even though he's hard to like.) Jones had a hell of a task of writing, directing, and co-starring in this film. Most guys who do this would fall flat on their face (Case & point: Hal Warren of Manos: The Hands of Fate). Not so with Jones. He's absolutely psychotic as Jack Stone. (Granted, he played the serial killer, Dean Corll in "Freak Out", and both Corll and Stone treat their murders like art and are careless in regards of human life. However, where Corll was drug addicted pervert and monster who liked no one, Stone is an ambitious artist who cares deeply about his cast and crew.) Jones has a very good understanding of how films are made and what constitutes a good performance. Also, his encyclopedic knowledge of movies only helps. After seeing "Cheap" and "Freak Out", I am looking forward to seeing more of his work.

    I must acknowledge the rest of the cast and crew for their work. Making movies is no easy task. But, you all pulled through and delivered. Congrats to you all!

    I guess it's important to let you know that "Cheap" was made at a very low budget and shot on Hi-8 tapes. Please don't let the technical limitations keep you from seeing it, though. For a film with a shoestring budget and a limited cast and crew, it does leave a hell of an impression.

    Oh, and the soundtrack is awesome!
  • in the first scene the quality of film comes into question as we see some grainy camcorder footage, but do to the effective use of the music and acting quickly makes us forget about the quality.the movie has a very well written script making the characters more believable and can relate to. the acting is a mixture with some actors being very good and others amateur or alright. the music is used very effectively and fits with the scenes in a morbid cynical way, this also creates the mood for the movie giving the user a relaxed but at the same time disturbed feeling as you find yourself listening to some classical love ballads while a person is killed in a graphic manner.

    the movies is on the longer side and can be a little boring at bits in the first half (i think it was smart they edited out that hour of footage)but it picks up in the second half.
  • Cheap is a film about an amateur porn director who decides that there is no more innovation in the world of erotic film. He has a stroke of inspiration--actual snuff films. The dialogue in this movie is spot on, but the acting is hit and miss. There are good actors, and there are bad actors in this movie. The picture quality is poor, but I think that lends to the charm and is thematically appropriate. The audio is a bit quiet and a little crackly and fuzzy. This again, is appropriate to the sleazy cheap film theme. It is explicit and sleazy and showcases the dark side of humanity unlike any pulp novel you may have read. It disturbed me a time or two and that is saying something. Likable characters are few, but that is of a necessity. We're not dealing with a mainstream film here.

    Overall, I was entertained throughout. I didn't get bored. I don't exactly like the movie though. I do not mean to say it is without merit, but it is not my kind of story. Were I the target audience, I would rate it higher. This is a movie by Brad Jones, a proclaimed lover of exploitation films, and it is made for fans of exploitation films. As it is, I'll break it down.

    Cinematography and camera work is solid. It does precisely what is needed. 3/5.

    Dialogue and writing is good. The characters behave in a believable fashion, and talk like real people talk. The dialogue is engaging, even though the characters are rarely likable. 4/5.

    The soundtrack is a very nice touch. The music is bubblegum 50s pop rock and it creates such a contrast to the story as to be downright jarring, yet at the same time it makes sense. People are achieving their dreams and you feel their excitement. 3.5/5.

    Overall, I give Cheap a solid 3/5. I recommend it, even if you only watch it once. Shadowdancer out!

    The World of Madness is gaining new residents daily.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I recall hearing many people,including Brad Jones himself talk about it. I came across a video he made explaining the movie and the concept quickly pulled me in.

    Cheap is a 2005 low budget movie about the porn/snuff industry. We meet Max Force, a porn producer with a cocaine addiction who is getting tired of repetitive plots and ideas and wants something fresh and new. For much of the movie, we see conflict issues between Max and his pregnant wife,Tracy. Later into the movie, we meet Jack Stone, a porn director who worked with Max in the past. He brought a lot of money to Max's company and is welcomed backed; after a recent movie by him is given to Max. Max tells another director in the industry, Derek, that he should learn something from Jack. It's unbeknownst to Max or anyone else that the ultra violent porn was real, and Max distributed a snuff film to his website.

    With the help of his girlfriend Patty, a teenage runaway Anita and an old friend who was previously found guilty of being a child molester Manny; Jack and crew make large amounts of money for the few snuff films they directed.

    The movie has hardly any redeeming characters so when something bad happens to them, you don't care. It also changes from being a movie with situational irony and balancing of two evils, to a revenge film as it reaches the end. It's really nice and interesting with the death scenes, to hear ballads playing in the background. It's nice to hear such a beautiful score, but at the same time it's also ironic for reasons which remind me of Cannibal Holocaust. The movie itself is pretty long and does stretch out, but it's still pretty great.

    Give it a shot sometime.
  • Cheap is a good low budget exploitation film focusing on snuff movies and the people who make them. Brought to us by Brad Jones, the man behind The Cinema Snob, it does a lot with what is obviously very little resources, becoming an effective entry in the film noir genre.

    Cheap follows the exploits of a washed up porn director who decides to revitalize his career by directing a series of underground snuff movies. He distributes his movies through the offices of a sleazy porn producer, who is unaware of the true nature of the films. When the producer takes liberties with one of the director's stars, all hell breaks loose.

    The film succeeds on a number of levels. It combines a reasonably good plot with decent acting and surprisingly good special effects given the shoestring budget. Brad Jones gives his character the charisma he brings to The Cinema Snob, while the other actors do well with their roles. Furthermore, although there is not much gore in the film, the gore that is there is effective. One scene in particular will have even serious gorehounds' stomachs turning.

    The main flaw is that the pacing, particularly in the film's first half, is rather slow. Too much time is spent establishing the sleaziness of the porn producer. (Isn't calling a porn producer sleazy basically redundant?) Still, the film becomes much more interesting in the second half, establishing a great film noir atmosphere.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The camera-work in scenes like the at the beginning when the opening credits role is quite good and effective and let's you know exactly what it is your getting into, a really messed up movie. There are also many parts when the characters in the movie are filming something and the way the camera is angled and positioned keeps it from looking obviously fake, even though it clearly is especially in one film in particular that they make.

    Acting in a Brad Jones movie usually isn't the best in the world and most of the actors in this one in particular don't really seem like there giving it all they got, but with the exception of David Gobble as Max Force and Nick Foster as Manny who both give these characters a lot more personality and likability than two people as terrible as them actually need. Everyone else is either just okay or just totally let down by the movie's biggest weakness, the script.

    It seems as though Brad Jones is trying to be like other talented writers in a way, Tarantino especially. The dialog instead of sounding like actual dialog sounds more like the kind that you would hear from someone who you can tell is a big movie buff and is trying to make his movie's script sound more fictitious and original, when really you can tell that he is just trying a little too hard. It's hard to explain and other people who have seen it probably don't feel the same way, but for me personally it was very distracting and just got me thinking about other movies with dialog similar to this one.

    A pretty decent film overall that has it's highs and lows much like most movies out there. It's worth a watch, I've seen it twice already and I may need to see it again because every time a watch it I feel differently about it.
  • NOTE: This movie is only available on

    Watching Brad Jones' CHEAP made me consider on either giving this zero points or the current points I have it now. This is a violent, vulgar, depraving, and ugly film but at the exact same time that is what is meant to be. Brad knows what movie he wants it to be and he goes all the way with his vision and that is sort of understanding that word "vision".

    Nevertheless, I sort of enjoyed it, it's not offensive and tries not to moralize its story like most movies in this genre do. Not a single character in this movie has any redeeming values. One is a rapist and drug user, two are killers and enjoy it, one is the director conducting all this gruesome murders, and their cameraman is a child pornographer. That is a smart move on Brad's part not to go that route of morality and making characters redeemable. In the sick world we live in today, who knows what would happen. I honestly believe that something like this could happen.

    So, three points will have to do with this movie.

    PLOT: Movie begins with a two killers beating a woman to death while its being recorded on camera. Don't all good movies do? It then cuts to days before when a porn actress asking money from her manager Max Force (David Gobble) for her drug need. He rapes her in turn for the money. Subtle.

    Then we meet Jack Stone (Jones) after having sex with the woman that was beaten to death in the opening he has an idea to make films that have never been done before. He hires two women (Carrie Jo Stucki and Jessica Stone) and his cameraman Manny (Nick Foster) to create a film. Of course, they are creating snuff films of the girls in mask murdering their victims in gruesome ways that I will not describe to you. That woman they beat to death in the movie has got it easy I'll give you only that.

    They sell it to Force and it becomes popular online. However, Force's drug use starts going out of control and he ends up raping one of the girls. Stone and their girls then exact revenge on him.

    Overall, CHEAP is what it wants and needs to be. There is a craft in the making of this movie despite being one of those shot on crappy video quality. I am aware of they have a term for it but I think IMDb will allowed me to say it so I'll keep at that.

    The performance are not all strong but they do their best with the material they have. Jones and Gobble are the best in the movie which is not a surprise to me. And the soundtrack is a nice touch considering the subject material. In ways it reminded me of Dennis Hopper's EASY RIDER. Have no idea why happens sometimes.
  • It's rare to find a true work of art in the horror genre; typically the films in this category are all about content and not really about polish, deep feasible plots, and presentation but rather focus more on how they can just "shock" you and illicit reactions of of the audience.

    Brad Jones' film CHEAP is tastefully distasteful. It not only has substance and gets its point across, but it also keeps your attention, and can make you feel things for characters that you don't wish to have empathy for; not an easy task. In addition it still provides all the moral shredding that a horror movie can dish out without simply presenting a total "gross out gore fest" If wanton slaughter could be done tastefully, then this film is as close to that as you can get. Not to mention that for a film including the porn industry as part of its content and even having a scene of sexual content, there is no flagrant or needless nudity. This movie is about the story line and believe me it truly delivers. 10/10.