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  • This film is a "keep you on the edge of your seat" movie. The editing is incredible and it was filmed in Buffalo with all local people in it. You will never believe it was a low budget film after watching it. Dan Monroe does a wonderful job of telling a story with suspense and enough gore to keep the die hard horror movie buffs happy. The editing was great and it was done in a way that kept you on the edge of your seat in anticipation of the what could come next. His ability to change the direction of the film keeps your emotions on edge the whole time. There are some disturbing scenes but the storyline makes them not the main memory(OK so maybe I blocked some if it). This film deserves attention!! It is not your typical predictable horror movie that you know what will happen next.

    I love a movie that makes me jump and this one certainly did that. Go and get one for yourself and have fun jumping out of your seat!