User Reviews (19)

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  • A grieving Mother (Vicky McClure) searches for the truth about her daughter's murder years ago. Its an excellent premise and Without Sin, filmed in and around Nottingham feels authentic and delivers on its promises.

    Local writer/director Frances Poletti has created a dark and intriguing world and story in this taut four-parter. It teases the viewer throughout with some excellent twists that keep you hooked. I really enjoyed it and it reminded me of shows like 'Save Me', 'The Responder' , 'Happy Valley' and Jimmy McGovern's writing. Its not afraid to be grim.

    Good production values, well written and directed with a subtle score and for me two stand out performances from Vicky McClure and Johnny Harris.

    First episode took a while to get going with the first big twist, but do stick with it if you enjoy a gritty thriller, its rather good and definitely a cut above regular ITV dramas. Recommended.
  • This was an excellent Twixtmas binge-watch. ITV seems to have created a distinct genre of regionally filmed and located drama, and this one does not disappoint. The action slowly reveals the circumstances that led to a girl's death and then equally carefully strips away piece by piece all the certainties surrounding it. Cleverly, none of the characters from the grieving parents, to an exploited teenager appear particularly likeable, nor are they written to elicit the audience's sympathy. The drama also explores the grim reality of life in areas that are run by drug gangs and the pervasive grip of fear that such gangs can exert.
  • Interesting story. The usual. Wrong guy. Predators. People playing detective. Plot twists. Plot holes. Revenge. Misguided loyalties. Retribution. Struck by an ornament. Justice. Blah. Etc. Etc. But all I saw was that WIG. And that hat. Very distracting. Why couldn't she have had short hair. The short hair she had when her life was ok. Does a blonde bob equal a success hottie and a mousey shoulder length wig equals a depressed stoner... Doesn't make sense and adds nothing to the programme apart from a very distracting wig and beanies. Have I mentioned the wig?

    But, seriously though, I can't get past that awful wig, it's so bad she has to spend the entire series wearing a hat to cover up the join, apart from when she has sex, oh and sits on a sofa, oh and loses it at the end, (they must've used gorilla glue for that part.) I think they must've got the wig off Ebay or maybe from Shein... Not sure but it ruined it for me. And it's so obviously a wig. I found the wig very distracting. If you watched it and didn't notice or get annoyed by the wig then you should be more wig aware. Oh and the ending is very Midsummer Murders!!!
  • I should have loved this. I usually do. But it was way too slow and dark. It is lacking something. I can't put my finger on it. Love the cast, not impressed by the wig tho, who thought itt was good enough to pass as real hair. Good overall plot and it had its moments. I did watch all of it and it was even intriguing at times.

    But I would have loved a B plot with something not as dark and depressing.

    It's not realistic that everyone in the village is that sad and grey and overall lacking color. I see the artsy side of things but it's just too much.

    It was dragging too long, no need for 4 apisodes.....
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yes strong acting by Vicky in a familiar assertive role. Also prison life articulated accurately. Decent cast characters throughout.

    Plot thins a bit here and there. Can't quite gather why there was the weird kitchen worktop scene thrown at us so soon? How she could wander round the children's hostel so easily off the street . How Charlie ended up at the scene of the crime so randomly? How come he did not mount a better defence? Why so many bad guys and no hopers. Why police didn't work out there were loads of kids in the house just before the murder. Nice to see Nottingham featured for a change.
  • Three years on from the murder of her daughter Maisy, Stella Tomlinson receives a visitor request from her miller Charles Stone. The meeting is intended to help Stella grieve, but Stone makes a shocking admission.

    Worth noting that this series was co produced by it's lead stars, Vicky McClure and Johnny Harris, neither disappoint, both in terms of acting and input.

    Without Sin is a great series, without a doubt this is one of the best crime dramas for some time, let's be honest there's nothing particularly new or original, but what is done, is done very, very well.

    It is very well paced, gritty and often uncomfortable viewing, Stella's search for the truth is enthralling, you will spend the whole time wondering if Charles is lying or not, did he really do it, is he playing her along, you're made to wait.

    Terrific acting, not just McClure and Harris, but Dorothy Atkinson, Callum Fuller and Con O'Neill. The only character I wasn't keen on, was that wig.

    Well worth your time.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    It seems that nothing can be commissioned for ITV or BBC that doesn't have a fully completed check-list of PC nonsense.

    This show is fully compliant. All the women end up as strong independent characters, even the Mum who starts out being dominated by her off-screen oafish partner. And the end the sisterhood is bizarrely intact - victims and killer all onside with each other. All the men are rotters, villains or morons.

    So far, so 2022. But why do all the inhabitants of Nottinghamshire now speak in cockney (or at least Estuary) accents? Why is Mum doing the night-shift in a cab, while one is living in middle-class luxury. Why has St Paul's Cathedral relocated to be visible through the window of a Nottingham dealing room? Why is there only one white person at (white) Granny's birthday party?

    It's total rubbish really. The over-rated Vicky McClure Vicky McClures her way through things and the rest of the cast struggle to act at all. Is it the horrible mechanical lines they are given or are they all incompetent? I suspect the former, although the accents are unforgivable.
  • STAR RATING: ***** Brilliant **** Very Good *** Okay ** Poor * Awful

    Stella (Vicky McClure) gets by driving a night cab, but carries a dark burden. A few years ago, her daughter was found dead by her at home, with the suspect, Charles (Johnny Harris) fleeing. Now in jail for her daughter's murder, Charles has reached out to Stella, asking to speak with her via a Restorative Justice meeting. Persuaded to go along by an intermediary, Stella is shocked when Charles begs his innocence, shouting out a name that he says will prove this. It all leads to a devastating showdown with a local crime family, but the truth may be more disturbing than either of them could have imagined.

    In a time where terrestrial TV struggles to compete with the vast array of streaming services dominating the market, it's good to know there's still plenty of homegrown dramas put out by the mainstream channels, capable of competing with the endless stream of content offered by those. Without Sin, from writer Frances Poletti and director AI Mackay, proves to be one such example, an assured, capable four part production that has a rewarding pay off.

    The dark subject matter is given a suitably bleak presentation, with Mackay shooting his project in a fittingly saturated, blurry style throughout. This is matched by the lead performances, with McClure leading the show, shining brightly as a woman who's had the life and soul beaten out of her, exploding in certain scenes, most notably in a scene over a motorway bridge. Harris is always perfect in these dark, sinister roles, and here he carries it away as a seeming monster, who may not be all he seems. It all pays off with a genuinely unexpected, shock twist that you're diverted from guessing.

    There's little in the way of laughs, so anyone wanting humour and light may look elsewhere, but as a firm, solid thriller, it does all the right things and pays off quite fine. ****
  • Even by ITV drama standards this is needlessly tedious and how they managed to drag it out over 4 episodes I will never know. In summary not much happens, the 'twist' is predictable and there are no impactful messages to take away from it. We don't really get to know any of the characters properly and the majority of the programme just seems to focus on Vicky Mclure in a dodgy wig driving around looking gloomy. Shame. There are a few avenues I feel they could have elaborated on or gone down to add intrigue but alas no. What you see is what you get and I wouldn't recommend investing your time in this.
  • Gotta say that was fantastic and gripping from the start to finish. I won't put spoilers as I hate that happening. But it's definitely worth a watch. I was only watching one episode ended up till 2am watched all four of them. The actors and acting was exceptional as always with some of the people in it. I honestly don't think Vicky McClure as ever been in anything bad. She becomes the person she is playing so well and she is just one of the best actresses ever. A few actors from this us England is always good to see. Looking for my next series now for my my next Saturday off work. Watch it guys you will not regret it.
  • rwingr24 February 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Awards? What? I can only respect this if it was based on a real story.

    An obvious plot twist, poor dialog, unrealistic actions and on the end it is twee crap.

    Her mom breaks up with her fella for her and instead of having a scene where actors can act out emotions she just shows up and has to explain what she did and why. Boring.

    He cell mate shivs him because a few years for vehicular homicide isn't bad enough, I need to go down for premeditated murder so the cons respect me.

    All this forced drama at the end, with two simultaneous conversations each revealing little bits of expesition until we finally know the twist. If you didn't figure it out this show is for you. Don't take my boyfriend. Cat fight!
  • This is a top class serial.

    The acting is excellent from everybody, even if Vicky McClure always seems a bit the same in everything she is in (i.e. Downbeat with always the same accent in whatever I've seen her in).

    The story is believable, since the situation with the drug culture and the associated criminality is so prevalent in many parts of the country. Also convincing is the extreme youth of some of those who get emmeshed in it.

    The plot had me totally gripped and the ending came as a surprise. Admittedly it was a bit far-fetched that Vicky McClure's character so quickly and easily became a fearless detective, but, hey, it's a thriller.
  • Follows the ITV template of cliched script, annoying background music and a plot with more holes than my granddad's vest - not to mention some very poor editing! Which continuity genius oversaw Vicky McClure driving in the dark of night only to turn up at her destination in broad daylight?! Throw in some insane red herrings, wooden acting and several pained facial expressions and you've got yourself a colour-by-numbers ITV drama. Do yourself a favour and go for a walk, read a book or phone an old friend instead of wasting 4 hours of your life watching this tripe.

    PS why are other people's computers/laptops in telly-land SO easy to log in to? Maybe the universal password is PoEt1cl1cEN5e or Tak1NgtHEP155 ??
  • Lejink11 August 2023
    This four-part gritty prison / whodunit reunited "This Is England" stars Vicky McClure and Johnny Harris. Set in the actress's native Nottingham, she plays the taxi-driver mother of her teenage daughter who, three years before, she found murdered in her own home, with Harris seemingly caught in the act as the apparent killer. Now, under a Home Office initiative bringing together the family of victims with the convicted felon, she eventually gives in to her curiosity and meets with him, although her now ex-husband, their relationship having since foundered, is completely against the idea.

    Following their meeting, alternative versions of what happened on the fatal night come into play with the viewer left to wonder if Harris is genuine in protesting his innocence or whether he's manipulating her for his own ends. McClure's daughter's girl friend, who was with her the night she died, has gone missing with suspicion falling on the local gang-lord and his son but in the end it takes initiative and courage on McClure's part to finally uncover the truth.

    Told darkly over four cogent, strongly acted, especially by the leads, cleverly put-together episodes this was a convincing drama with a surprise reveal at the end I hadn't anticipated.

    A very much dressed-down McClure, nominated for a BAFTA for her performance, excels as the crusading mother while Harris matches her for conviction and skill

    A really good fictional drama from ITV, a welcome change from the slew of real-life major-crime reconstructions dramas aired of late.
  • Down beat, profanity filled, depressing drama (aren't they all, these days).

    Nothing new here, although the final episode was quite cleverly choreographed to have suspicions going one way, then another, and then back again.

    I hope this was not an accurate portrayal of the police force, the prison service et al.

    It would seem that people can get away with just about anything without any fear of being challenged. The event in the prison chapel, for example; no explanation as to what happened to McKeller at the end of episode 3.

    The event in the cell also was less than convincing. The cell mate acted out of character.

    There was a lot of mumbling and inaudible dialogue. This seems to be a new fashion.

    I didn't find the story very credible, particularly the way a female taxi driver was able to walk into some very dodgy places unchallenged.
  • The earthy allure of Vicky McClure is always a welcome attraction to any show and kept me watching through what felt like a run-of-the-mill ITV drama viewers have come accustomed to in the past decade or so but, fear not, there is a lot more to this story with a great twist in the tail to the whodunit in thd final episode.

    There is thd obligatory policeman but being a police an isn't key to the character role and also thd smattering of ethnic minorities that the woke brigade insists upon these days but this us set in a provincial UK city so sort of depicts the population you would see.

    There are a few dodgy Nottingham accents "me duck" but doesn't put you off the story too much if you only know London, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle accents.

    Well worth watching but there is some filler there too.
  • afranny27 December 2023
    Good drama, well written and a bit different love Vicki McClure anhes on a par with Sarah Lancashire for me and her hair is always spectacular. So, to put her in such a god awful wig ruined it for me. So distracting and unecessary. Someone in the hair and makeup dept needs firing. If you can get past the wig, it's worth watching but it's challenging! So considering I don't have enough characters, so you recall me mentioning the wig. On Vicki McClures usually spectacularly well coiffed head. Of all people!!!!!!!!!! Just no!!!!!!!!

    Still not enough characters so it leaves me to say some great acting but not by the wig!
  • jeffpsy19 February 2024
    Without Sin is a solid miniseries that travels quite a distance in its four densely packed episodes. It is well-written, offers some surprises and red herrings, and finishes with a satisfying ending. The show is marked by quality acting performances. Vicky McClure as Stella, looks nothing like her iconic character in Line of Duty, portraying a workaday, middle class cab driver. Johnny Harris shines as a hardscrabble man accused of murder, showing in turns, pain, strength and vulnerability. Indeed, all the performances were good.

    To be sure, some aspects of the show strained credulity. Stella, playing detective and constantly going into dangerous situations with the skill and aplomb of James Bond seemed a bit much at times. But once you put that aside, the story worked, and the characters were relatable. I recommend it.
  • What was with the ugly hat being worn throughout the series? She wore it inside and outside. Perhaps it was to cover up the dreadful and cheap wig but by the third episode the hat drove me nuts.

    Otherwise the story was interesting with sufficient twists to keep me guessing. It was nice to see a few familiar English actors such as a menacing Con, and Vicky McLure always gives a strong performance. She rarely disappoints. Nottingham did look bleak, cold and depressing.

    I recommend this series, it was well worth the watch and commitment. I don't have much more to say than reiterate how annoying it was seeing her wear that hat 24/7. It detracted from the show.