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  • nicholaskiefert10 February 2022
    Amazing premise, lot of potential but i cannot get over how bad it is currently it is just so bad.

    The animation is horrid and most times lip syncing doesn't Sync facial animations are Also Atrocious Cookie cutter characters (Strong dude, Shy nerd, Energetic Kid, Reasonable kid) Nothing is Explained in any way It really is a Mockery to the former Movies and other series.
  • This 6 part show isn't a solid stand-alone series the plot, animation, background story, ending, motive, setup, and delivery is jarring and poorly done. This diverse cast is the most substantial part of the show, and it's easy to follow along with the story are the best parts of the show. (The motive of Tom, the lead, is dumb and against the people of his new town and the dragons he kills more than he protects. Just to keep the dragons a secret.
  • It has the same animation as How to Train Your Dragon, so it's a guarantee of a good job.

    It has an interesting story that takes dragons to the modern era, or more accurately to the future, coordinating how Toothless and Hiccup's adventure ended. The first 5 episodes introduce the protagonists and their dragons, and then a final episode. The only bad thing is that this final episode is not an ending in itself, it feels like a normal chapter of the previous series rather than a final episode.

    In fact, the reason I give it a 6 as a rating is that my son looked at me with a "put the next chapter" face and I had to explain that it ended like that, which seemed strange to him too.

    It promises to be a fun series, as its predecessors had been, but hopefully they will give it a season finale if they return.
  • Everyone talks about how bad the animation is... lets talk about the story.

    It's called Project Icarus. Well that's original.

    Mom says, "Poisonous gas, razor sharp rocks, rivers of lava..." So she takes her son there?!

    In fact, all the adults at this facility have a child on board, each of distinct ethnic backgrounds. The big tough black guy is security, the tiny asian lady is the boss, so naturally they have a loud-mouth Black kid, a cool girl love interest, the nerdy girl, etc. Etc. (Face palm)

    This is remedial writing at its worst. Nothing new or different. What made the original HTTYD movies and series so special is hard to sum up in one review, but this follow up series definitely didn't hit the mark. They're trying to hit all the diversity checkboxes but struggled to make it make sense.

    My kids and I sat through all the films and the series together but I'm not even going to tell them this came out. Can't risk them damaging brain cells.
  • I will admit that I only watched the first episode, but there doesn't seem to be anything to keep me watching. I honestly can't think of a thing I liked about it, so I'll move on to the negatives.

    1. The story felt too bland 2. The characters are unlikeable (to me at least) 3. The animation looks a bit sloppy compared to the projects the HTTYD series has had in the past.

    4. The style of the humans does not seem to match with the past films or series's, the human designs all look vastly different to each other. (Not in a good stylized way) 5. This last issue may be a personal gripe, but the voice actor for the the lead character does not match the body and age, it feels very off.

    Overall, if you are looking for a bold new leap into the future of the HTTYD franchise, this is more of a backwards summersault leading into a face plant. Give it a try if you want, but to me, this is a disappointment.
  • Granted I do have nitpicks with the series, but those are small. I came into this show with low expectations and left the first season pleasantly surprised and intrigued. The stories and characters are really good here and each character gets their time to shine with their dragon companions.

    While there are some things to potentially gripe about, like the animation and a few other things, it doesn't bring the show down as much as you would think. This show is worthy of future seasons and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for this show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Now, designs. Awful. Even standing on it's own, the humans all have their own style to the point where none of them really look like they fit in the same show. Most of the character's eyes are too massive, while Hiccup rip-off's are small and far away from each other, and some people's heads are way too big for their full body model.

    The new dragons almost all look terrible, including the Night Light dragon that's apparently a descendant of Toothless. What a coinky-dink to pair with Hiccup rip-off.

    The Night Light is barrel-chested with a waistline that makes me question where it's intestinal tract is anymore and is given a version of the pug treatment with it's face compared to Night/Light Fury's, and weird broken wrists that make it look like a horse when it sits. There's a two-headed dragon with a red face and a blue face, which you think would make the body purple, but no, it's a gross yellow with it's wings still blue and red patterned. The faces are also just weird, based on Eastern dragons that just don't seem right (Maybe it's the attempt to make it more HTTYD-like?). A red and green splotchy dragon with a crest(?) and fan on the end of it's tail with eyes way too big. The only kind of ugly-cute dragon is the beetle-rhino one cause it reminds me of a weird bulldog in a gross way.

    There's a large gray and black tunneling dragon that looks kind of cool, but also doesn't match with historical tunnelling dragons with just a fat, four-limbed design.

    A digusting tiny white dragon with a singular horn, buck-teeth and HUGE eyes, and nothing else other than wings and claws. It literally looks like one of those awful Poopsie toys come to life. Also, it screeches HORRIBLY and I had to skim that section. There are also more tiny dragons that look similar except light purple and they have the same unicorn horn plastered all over their bodies.

    Seriously, whoever signed off on those little pests designs needs to either reevaluate their lives or never sign off on designs again.

    There's this grossly flabby dragon with an alligator/snake head and tusks, a curled tail like a pigs, and tiny wings with a full design that makes the Gronkle look like a model (I'm being serious).

    There are more dragon designs, but I'll leave it there. Again, there's absolutely no cohesion in design with each looking like it belongs to a different show. It's only made worse by the fact that they use designs and models from the other shows, models like the Terrible Terror, Skrill, Monstrous Nightmare, and Razorwhip. Dragons that only highlight how out of place the dragons and humans in the show are within the franchise.

    The animation is subpar, half the time the character's and dragons expressions being unreadable or far less concerned/excited/etc than they're supposed to be. Movements are stiff, hair clips in and out of character's shoulders, and characters look photoshopped into the background half the time rather than being a part of it. They had the Monstrous Nightmare running on it's back legs instead of crawling around on it's wings like it's supposed to.

    By the end of Season 3 (Honestly, most of Season 2 as well), the show becomes pretty episodic with big events happening the last one or two episodes. It felt more like Dreamworks Dragons: Riders of Berk, if DD:RoB gave me a headache just to look at and watch.

    As a standalone, I'd barely give it a 4/10. There's definitely worse things to watch out there.

    However, I can't review it as a standalone given the sheer amount of half-baked and almost insulting attempts to get you to connect by referencing HTTYD.

    Remember Forbidden Friendship? The over five minute scene with a beautiful soundtrack in the background where you can see the barely tolerant relationship between Hiccup and Toothless slowly become more friendly? Well, here's the Hiccup rip-off and Toothless rip-off doing a poor recreation that ends in the Hiccup rip-off eating a frozen fishstick because it's exactly like Hiccup eating the fish!

    Remember Romantic Flight/Going For a Ride? The scene where Astrid begrudingly sits on Toothless and is shown that dragons aren't just mindless, violent creatures in a way that changes her worldview from that of a dragon-hunter? Well, here's goth girl and Hiccup rip-off doing a similar thing, except this doesn't change her world-views because she was enamored with dragons anyways, so there's no impact.

    Remember how the credits of the HTTYD movies have really intricate concept designs of dragons? Here's a weird attempt in our credits where the art doesn't look nearly like the same design as the HTTYD credit ones and looks flat.

    Remember Hiccup's mom's breast helmet? Remember the hand against the snout thing to represent a bond? Remember the scale firesuits the original characters in HTTYD had by the third movie? Remember all these devices and items from viking times that all have the same Night Fury symbol from Hiccup? Hey, hey, isn't Tom (Hiccup rip-off) so quirky for being adventurous because he's got viking blood?

    I went into this with low expectations. And I was STILL disappointed. This didn't need to be made, or rather, this didn't need to be a HTTYD show. It could have been it's own thing and it probably wouldn't have been criticised as much. Key words, 'as much'.

    This series does not 'pay respects', as a different review worded it, to the original series with nods to the past. It JAMS half-baked nostalgia down your throat while being so painfully boring and tedious to watch that my eyes glazed over almost constantly. It is not 'as great as HTTYD' or 'the best spin-off that ever happened to the HTTYD franchise'.

    If I could give it a zero, I would, but 1/10 will have to do. You want a more recent modern spin-off cartoon of a beloved franchise? Watch Camp Cretaceous, at least the first few seasons. It's not 10/10, but it's a lot better than this crud.

    I hope to whatever deity exists that this doesn't get anymore seasons and that HTTYD can rest in peace as a franchise rather than being callously drug back up and beaten for more content.
  • Animation can't compare to DreamWorks Dragons 2010-2014 or Dragons: Race To The Edge 2015-2018. Also a bit more juvenile than the previous editions which were more enjoyable for adults.
  • The animation needs some more love and care put into it and the characters need some work.

    The new dragons are fine, the underground secret dragon words etc should be expanded upon in later episodes. With creative dragon designs and new dragon bioms + better animation and character writing this could be more then just a cashgrab.

    The ending credits sketch of Thunder sitting on a couch or in a box is adorabole. Such details and dragons as pets shenanigans would be welcomed in later episodes.

    As others I also do not understand why Netflix did not handle this series.

    Dragons Race to the Edge was very good and having the same people work on this show would have benefited it greatly.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay, for starters: Animation. It sucks. Its choppy in some parts and the models don't fit the movements at times.

    Two: Characters. I understand people want representation of things like different races and the LGBTQ, but this doesn't work. The characters are so different and biring that I can't remember their names. It has every person in your average friend group: the leader, the nerd, the narcissist, the myth nerd, and the kind guy. Look, you tried guys, but this just- We need better diversity. Personalities need more, well, personality.

    Three: the dragons. Oh my god the dragons. Why couldn't they use the classic dragons? Deadly Naddar, Monsterous Nightmare, Hideous Zippleback. I understand the Nightmare was in the show (known as the fire dragon), but it's hardly part of the story! Woo-hoo it made armor! Why make new dragons that everyone hates the design for anyway? The only new and creative design I saw was that beetle dragon. Other than that, trash.

    Four: the story. It's slow and boring. It's simply a classic story where they keep the dragons a secret while everyone the care about is getting lied to. On top of that, the story makes no sense. Why bring children to a crater full of lava, poisonous gas, and steep cliffs? That's irresponsible! Those parents easily could have gotten their kids killed! But, thanks to the storyline, oooh a dragon comes in at JUST THE RIGHT TIME!

    In conclusion, don't watch the show. Watch the other HTTYD movies and shows. Those i highly recommend, but this? This is trash. Even HTTYD RESCUE RIDERS was better than this!
  • aimeekatebell24 December 2021
    The show was really good but the animation lets it down. I know it's a tv show so there isn't a big budget but the animation was sometimes hard to look at.
  • We are big fans of the How to Train your Dragon series. The animation could definitely use some work, other than that my 12 year old and I love that they are creating a new storyline. It definitely has potential!
  • gmobilegm-7751726 December 2021
    The plot is frankly boring, although the concept doesn't seem so bad.

    There is no humor, there is no drama, the action scenes are terrible.

    There are uninteresting characters, so much so that I didn't even remember their names.

    Graphics and animation are also not pleasing.
  • The show Is just a poor imitation of the trilogy and amazing netflix series the characters are bland generic and just boring plus on top of that the animation is just overall poor and does not live up to the previous race to the edge it also tries to do imitation scenes of the first movie and does not do them any justice overall dont watch this trash it's short and poorly done.
  • My personal favorite piece of HTTYD content is Race to the Edge, I thought it was fun well developed and interesting. This show is not that. It honestly feels more akin to a bad modern AU fanfic than a proper show. It also doesn't help that the animation might be the weakest the series has had since Riders of Berk. The characters just aren't as interesting as the original Dragon Riders in RTTE and you can try so hard they're trying to emulate those dynamics but without any of the chemistry or dialogue that made it work. The issues for this show are made more frustrating by the fact that the show is only 6 episodes which prevents any interesting or real change from happening.

    The only character that really works is the nerdy character who has some very good delivery and some of the only good lines in the show. They alone are keeping it from a 1/10 Even if you're a big fan of HTTYD I still wouldn't suggest checking it out honestly if you like the concept just go on a fanfic site and I guarantee there's something that does concept better.
  • shrubsnout5 September 2022
    Season 1 was actually, pretty good. Season 2 was... well, bad. The 2 episodes I had a tough time with the most, is written by someone credited for the upcoming "woke" Comix Zone film, which gives no hopes of it being enjoyable with those two episodes as a basis.

    Season 2 is the point where characters stopped developing, since apparently they can only develop on their initial introduction.

    Visually, it's Dragons in a more modern time (1,300 years later to be exact), but since it's a cliff and a crevice, there's little to explore. That's where the Nine Realms supposedly comes in, but we wouldn't know that without making a random guess.

    There's not much of a catchy theme or melody, and while the voicework is fine, you've got the problem in the writing which reflects in the voice.

    When you try too hard to diversify, the colors stand out. You've got the weird lil' bit hippy, somewhat stupid Asian girl, the shy friendless nerdy Indian girl, the awkward strong paranoid black guy, the charismatic yet rebellious white guy. "Diversity" stands out like a sore thumb because they're all archetypes.

    The only thing that's been enjoyable has been the dragons themselves. On their own, they've got more personality than all the humans combined. Problem caused by Asian girl was so bad that I wanted to tap out but kept watching. The paranoia from the black guy was so damn cringy, because, why? That's the cliche you want to go with? Or the petty teenage argument that ends with the equivalent of "you don't have a dad"? What the hell was that even about? I can't even mark it as a spoiler because it feels like I'm just talking about plotholes. They have nothing to do with the character's development, it's just drama for the sake of drama.

    I'm not even sure where to touch on the plotlines introduced in Season 2. There's a character, essentially a rich ass who inherited a lumber mill/farm, I'm not even sure anymore, and ends up burning it down by chance due to his ego. Of course, he'll eventually want revenge and then Season 3. This does not work for something with only 6 episode bursts per season. They haven't even been addressing the Dragon problem, and there's like two of those issues so far.

    The story is supposed to be about Dragons, not humans. Focus more on the Dragons aspect. They don't care about the issues we humans face, they aren't eligible for the criterias we set. It's funny that despite saying all that, mythical creatures always have more humanity than humans themselves.

    9 Realms could've spent it's time much better, but chose teenagers over the grand scheme that you'd expect from Dragons. Even as a standalone, it would've faired well, but the path and direction they chose is not a pleasant one.
  • There was an opportunity to make this show as exciting and as wonderful as The Race To The Edge. But it fell short on just about every count. Weak storyline, weak characters and the ending was just a huge let down. What exactly was the point of doing this series any way. If the point was to make sure that not another How To Train Your Dragon series ever gets written again, then mission accomplished. I doubt any network would gamble on another spin off especially with the show runner that created this monumental stinker of a show. I really hope the show runner has a back up job that isn't writing for TV.
  • josierfalcon28 December 2021
    While it's not the HTTYD that many of us grew up with it's a nice follow up of the story. Yes, the animation could use a little tweaking but it's smooth. I am a huge fan of the show and I am very pleased to see my favorite franchise come back, especially in a modern era! I don't see why people hate it so much, the story is compelling and the characters are interesting. And many are just saying they're upset because Hiccup is gone, that's how things work, they change. I'm really hoping for more!
  • As a sequel to the How To Train Your Dragon series, it's a let down, but as a theme successor to Rescue Riders it's quite enjoyable (and makes particular sense when you consider it's the same creators). If you think of Rescue Riders as suitable for age 5-7, I would put this as 7-10 being the target audience with higher stakes and bigger risks. At a series aimed for younger kids it was never going to live up to the HTTYD core franchise. It can't have the level of grit or stakes to support a G rating.

    It takes more than 6 episodes to get the core team together which is probably longer than most peoples patience is interested in. As far as social themes, it is progressive without blasting a fanfare about it (D'Angleo's mum is in a wheelchair, Alex has two mums) but still seems to fall into character tropes. Diversity seems to be tackled as an approach to have a cultural connection to Dragon myths and legends around the world.

    It's a good choice if you feel that your kids are still too young for the confrontation and strong themes of loss in the HTTYD trilogy, but too old for the simplicity of rescue riders.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok so this will be a honest message about how this tv show is a disaster and an Appointment let's start. Ok so this show starts off that there is a big hole in the earth and there a parent that are to work there and bring there kids and later on the kids find that there are dragons in the hole and then in like a day or two they start riding them.ok here is what I think ok so the story line is a big big pack of ass because it's in the middle of the earth with no water even being close to the hole and the reason why I say that is the original films start with them being in the middle of the ocean so why are the dragons in a hole with no water even close to it and why would the dragons even move out of where they originally were it was the perfect habitat for that is only of reason why I think this show is ass but I have like 1 million other problems with it like why didn't they just keep going with the original series and stuff like that so I guess I will see y'all later.
  • kerbuggie-9388125 December 2021
    I realize most people will miss Hiccup and the gang, but they are no more for whatever reason. But this new series pays respects to it's ancestors and if you give it a chance you will find all the things that made Toothless and Hiccup special. I watched with my daughter, and two other adults today all six episodes. We all want more and we're happy to see the nods to the past. Such as Pal not Bud, and some other references, but you have to watch the series.

    This family is a HTTYD fan family and we watch all the series and movies monthly. This show adds to the saga, it is new and different and we are so glad to see dragons again. I am excited to see what happens. All of you that are giving it less than par are grading it against the old, instead of a continuation not a replacement.
  • I usually dont review things, but this time i felt as if it was needed. Lets start with the base-review, then explain my reasonings on why its a 1 star.

    The Character Design A VERY Hard 1-10.

    ALL i have to say... The main characters name is Tom, and he has Mary-Sue sickness.

    Ontop of that, as a Pagan, Jun is genuinely offensive. Not even in a- "childhood show" kind of ignorant way. She is deliberately offensive and it makes my stomach lurch watching it. Misreading the tarot cards, giving them away, talking about things "not" being magic, (when deliberately talking about wicca/magick practice) and then constantly making almost- ignorant and false jabs and stereotypes with pagans. Along with her dragon, Something does NOT sit well with me about the name... ALOT of things are wrong with this part and I think ALOT of people can agree with me on that,

    The Animation -100/10 Please, reference the old shows from early 2010. The animation there is SCARILY better. In this you can see literal points where the mothers hair fuses into her arm, and at some points her hair is still- some it bugs out and almost jolts. Her eyes seem to be loose in her head as at some points they seem to move awkwardly. Tom- he literally has points where his expressions are ok! Then- most of the time- im sorry but this looks like it was animated by 50 different people of different skill levels, and there was ZERO proof checking to make sure it looked consistent. It is HORRIBLE. Genuinely,

    I will just say this so there isnt spoilers... The dragons, change size every scene. One scene thunder is the size of Tom, the next? 10x bigger. Its genuinely bad.

    The Storytelling 0-10 When i say its too fast-pace... I mean, Toothless and hiccup bonded over 30 minutes in movie 1 and it brought tears to our eyes, TOM FED THE DRAGON SPAGHETTI AND CALLED IT A DAY-

    The dragons seem to have ZERO fear of humans, and its genuinely unnerving to see..

    My overall review- It saddens me to see my childhood series make this spinoff, I have heard of a prequal coming out 2024-2025 for HTTYD, which is followed by hiccup and toothless reuiniting since it was "temporary" that they split, (which is confirmed in snoggletog log which shows them all living together again) and that this is just some "test run" since Universal bought up Dreamworks- and i genuinely hope thats true, I would wait until that movie comes out and they continue onto hiccups life, Because this... Jun is offensive, and misrepresents Pagans with alot of her comments, and her carelessnes with tarot. Tom is horribly written, And the other two- are the only ones with OK design but... for a show supposed to be based around our beloved series. Its sad. Thank you though for reading my review, and I hope you all had an amazing Snoggletog! (christmas)
  • dnrnomi23 December 2021
    This might be based on "how to train your dragon" franchise however the dragons are the only thing that's from the HTYD. The movies were something that could be enjoyed by the whole family but this series targeted audience is a lot younger. DO NOT recommended anyone age 10+. Also animation is VERY cheap, characters seem shallow and boring.

    TLDR: This is nothing like the movies.
  • There is almost nothing redeeming to this show or gives motivation for why it needed to exist. Like there are media that I feel didn't need to be made like HTTYD: Hidden World and Toy Story 4 since things seemed already wrapped up, but with respect to those movies they at least tried to be impactful and show the progress in animation.

    I swear this show just feels like a copy of Trollhunters with dragons inserted, especially with some of the animation style but removing all the good from it. But where Trollhunters had better animation with the models to absorb you into the world, as well as interesting characters, Nine Realms is a husk.

    I don't care for any of the characters no matter how hard they try to make you care. There is funny lines here and there but this show as well Spirit Riding Free is another Dreamworks show being a slap in the face to it's fans and the lore of these amazing films.

    Please, just watch the HTTYD shows before this like Tales from Berk and Race to The Edge, they are far better.
  • paytonkennedy23 December 2021
    This show was upsetting. They ditched everything that was good about HTTYD. First of all, all the woke stuff in it is ridiculous. The four main characters are 4 different races, one parent of a kid is paraplegic, and one kid has two moms. It's obvious that all they cared about when making characters was checking those boxes. Also all the dragons are weird looking. One things that was great about the series before this was every dragon looked like a dragon yet none looked like the formulaic design that is in game of thrones. The designers obviously got lazy and one one of the dragons looks like it's straight from game of thrones. And the plot is really lazy also. I predicted everything that happened. I know it's a kid show, but still. I'm really sad that this happened to the HTTYD franchise.
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