User Reviews (3)

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  • Fantastic episode, great way to kick off the new season. I really enjoyed the Empire State of Mind routine at the beginning, as well telephone in the girls bathroom.

    One thing that is getting rather annoying in the series is the blatant use of auto-tune. Its use seemed incredibly obvious when Sunshine was slightly off at the beginning, of Telephone, then auto-tune kicked in and they both were spot on every note. I really respect the time and effort performers put into their voices, auto-tune is a blatant slap in the face to their skill. Please stop making over-produced songs for this show- let them showcase their real voices.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    With this season premiere episode of "Glee", we get three new potential cast members-Dot Jones as the new McKinley High football coach Shannon Beiste , Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans, and Charice as Sunshine Corazon. Other changes: Quinn gets reinstate as head Cherio, Santana gets demoted from that position after Sue finds out about her breast implants, and Finn gets kicked off the football team after trying to recruit wheelchair-bound Artie on it...This was another funny and occasionally touching episode of "Glee" and, as usual, the numbers are very entertaining. Oh, and also, Brittany gets some of the funniest lines every time she speaks. What a very good beginning episode for the second season of "Glee".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    All of a sudden, Rachel goes from being self-involved to being pretty diabolical. The old Rachel would never send another person into danger the way she does with Sunshine, Tina wouldn't be so harsh on Artie (and his character wouldn't be so insensitive as he is described as being). Plus, Mercedes is invisible, pretty much, and Quinn, who had bonded with Mercedes as she gained spiritual wisdom during her pregnancy in Season 1, is back to being a total bitch again, as if all she went through never even happened.

    The fight between Santana and Quinn is way over the top and just not in keeping with what we saw in Season 1.

    Rachel's unique style is also gone--too many changes too fast by the Glee-Masters! I hate it when shows just make their characters turn on a dime and leave their fans bewildered; it's all done because the writers can't figure where to take the characters or they got orders to "change it up" even if it's out of character to get ratings. I hope Glee gets back in character soon.