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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is my favorite glee episode for so many reasons: i feel pretty/unpretty, kurt returning to mckinley, the flash mob in the mall and born this way. i love everything about this episode and i've watched it a hundred times and never get sick of it
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First, I have to say this episode absolutely transfers the spirit of the title, aka song of Lady Gaga "Born this Way". It starts with the ability you-know-he-"can't-dance" of Finn and the race for King and Queen prom, which leads to Rachel "nose", Santana "lebanese", Quinn "Lucy" and each member's problem. And it ends with unexpected glee.

    Second, I like this episode because Kurt comes back. And his impact is very entertaining and real and sincere. The dance in the mall in Ohio or his hair in "Born this Way". No doubt he's got that Golden Globe. Although I may not see Blaine sings with those triangle eyebrows anymore.

    And third, songs are perfectly chosen as always. I like the songs performed by Quinn and Rachel, by Kurt, by Wablers and by Glee. Very touching.

    So here what you don't wanna miss in Glee!! P/S: I still laugh when thinking of "I'm with stoopid" of Brittany and "I'm with stupid" of Puck. If you've watched, you know what I mean.
  • khazrn-0066326 July 2019
    It was so god to see the evil blonde one get her due. She's a bully and mean. Her being outed as a former bully victim makes what she did in S1 and two that much worse. Do not feel sorry for her one bit
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Worth watching just for Kurt's solo of As If We Never Said Goodbye and the love between him and Blaine. Sadly the whole Anti-bullying message the show was going for dies with Zizes's outing of Quinn. (And this why I docked it a star) Where were Karofsky and Santana for that?