• Moderate
  • Season 7 adds several f-bombs.
  • God damn is used several times in almost every single episode. One or more of ass, damn, hell, bitch, and shit are also used in every episode.
  • Middle finger insults are also common in this series.
  • GD is used excessively throughout every episode. Severe!!!
  • Godda** is used an obnoxious amount.
  • The bad language is mild however it is frequent throughout from seasons 1-6. The language has been stronger in season 7. The "F" started to be used about this time. It wasn't used before. It added nothing to the storyline.
  • Shit, Ass, Damn (and its derivatives), Bitch, and Prick are all used in many episodes. Goddamn is used several times. Pussy is said every once and awhile.