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  • Greetings, salutations, and a seasonal welcome to my consideration and recommendation of When Hope Calls - Hearties Christmas Present.

    Story: 1.50/2 - Direction and Pace: 2.00/4 - Performances: 1.25/2 - Enjoyment: 1.00/2

    Total: 5.75/10

    When I watched this movie, it was because of Lori Loughlin. I didn't realise they'd spurned the Christmas film from a TV Series, though it quickly became clear. Sad to say, even though I liked the idea behind the story arch, the caring orphanage, I thought it too naïve and sweet. Everyone in the little township is overly delightful, even the nasty ranch owner, Tess, who makes everyone work over Christmas, and the wannabe extravagant hotel owner, Ronnie, bragging about the speedster auto-mobile he's buying. In fact, the only character who brought any realism to the show was Abigail, played by the film's draw, Lori Loughlin. Abigail, though not a pivotal character, shows concern, worry, and love. She's not the most fleshed-out character I've seen, but amongst the personalities in this picture, she's as plump as the proverbial Christmas Turkey. It's the picture's simplicity and credibility that most harm the story. It's too simplistic, and that makes it a tad dull. And neither direction nor pace helps pluck the story from its quagmire of languidness; as both teeter precariously on the fence of averageness.

    All that said, I enjoyed the film. The trouble was I perceived plenty of ways to make it more enjoyable and potent in its heart-warming and believability. As it stands, When Hope Calls: Hearties Christmas Present is a predictable Christmas tale where you know everyone will live happily ever after. But we all need this type of film once in a while to elevate our souls a little. Therefore, if you need this style of Chrimbo flick, When Hope Calls is worthy of one viewing, at the least. Though, it hasn't made me rush to watch the series.

    Please feel free to check out my HO! HO! HO! Christmas Belles list to see where I ranked the movie.

    Take Care, Stay Well, And Merry Christmas.