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  • When I started watching this I thought I had somehow accidentally turned over to a children's channel.

    It reminded me of adolescent shows such as 'My Parents Are Aliens' but on a larger scale. The 'humour' was just a little more advanced in We Are Not Alone, although just as hackneyed.

    The production seems to have been done on the cheap, which really doesn't help sell the story.

    Overall it was disappointing and a shame that a bit more effort wasn't devoted to making We Are Not Alone a bit tighter and engaging.

    I'd say this is something of a missed opportunity because British comedy hasn't had much to offer in recent years.
  • I almost didn't watch this after seeing some low reviews but decided to give it 10 minutes then enjoyed watching the whole thing- it's fun, it's light but with a constant threat of being vaporised, most of all it has a huge range of audience. Young teens and adults will delight at different jokes.

    A round of applause goes to the four leading roles, Vicky Mike and Joe are the perfect rag tag trio of alien overlords we all hope for - they've come up North to look for a working class liaison after having quite enough of 'experts' in LON-Don lol!

    The star Declan plays his role so well I couldn't commend to four leading characters performance any higher.

    The lows for me were only really the rebel/resistance element- I just stopped paying as much attention during those scenes- I wish also the last 20 minutes were better - it has quite an underwhelming ending and felt rushed in places. Some jokes deserved more attention- some deserved less but overall Im sad it's over a one off as I could have happily watched these characters go on all sorts of adventures together.

    A solid 9 as just an easy fun watch, low budget British comedy with a sci fi twist - thank you for making it - fingers crossed for more like this please!
  • henry8-311 December 2022
    Leaving the pub one evening, lead man Declan Baxter finds Earth is being invaded by aliens who are looking to strike the right balance between coming in peace and world domination. He is recruited by the aliens to act as their guide and conduit with humanity which doesn't go well, with him ultimately being drawn into the resistance movement.

    Awfully silly - it is intended to be - and very British comedy about an incredibly stupid bunch of aliens setting up zone 78 in a small village in the north of England. Whilst it has some fun ideas and the 3 lead aliens, played by Brit comedy stalwarts Vicki Pepperdine, Tom Wozniak and Joe Thomas are engaging, the whole thing is too long and runs out of steam and funny lines after the the first half hour.
  • From the trailers I didn't think this would be very good, as it looked a bit forced, but I thought I would give it a go. I am so glad I did as I ended up really enjoying it. The pacing is good, the story keeps you interested and you really do care about what happens to the characters. It's not laugh out loud comedy all the time but the house party scene could become a classic.

    It's not for everyone as my wife didn't finish watching it, but if you like Sean of the Dead or Red Dwarf then definitely check this one out. Hopefully it will be the start of a series as it certainly leaves the door open for that.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm speechless at how bad this film is, apart from the lovely Joe Thomas, I'm completely at a loss for any other part that might has any merit.

    The creators have a ridiculous lack of common sense about political satire and the ability to construct a sci-fi setting. I mean, I am quite understand that you wanted to show the political satirical core, but why made it so stereotypical and outdated; and in terms of the sci-fi setting, it's uninspired : You can certainly pay homage to SW, but your work just a poor imitation. Do the aliens have anything to offer, apart from their hideous looks and unable-to-laugh awkwardness? No. The classic shot of a man being launched into outer space has been seen many times in various films; and think of aliens trying to integrate with Earthlings, or even Earthling resistance, we have seen a lot.

    Finally, about the jokes, that's the most pathetic thing. As a comedy, it's not funny at all. The creators seem to think that everything to do with excrement and sex-related talk can be entertaining, but unfortunately they just made me cringe. Especially when I've also been a fan of horrible history for years and came to see this because of Larry and Ben. I couldn't help but be disgusted by their fading talents to the point where they had to keep telling the same joke over and over again. I don't know how many aesthetically flawed ones would like this show, there is the only thing I'd like to speak to them: just watch something better.

    In any case, is so bad that I have to leave my first imdb review to tell anyone who is interested.

    It's so bad, bad as hell.
  • The thing with tv now is you always have to pay full attention to every little bit just incase you miss things, there's not enough casual fun tv that's actually a bit fresh and different, panel comedies done to death, just nice to watch something a bit cooky!

    I really enjoyed the sort of amateur DR who effects, it felt not well put together but at the same time it felt well done, to me it was just mislead daft fun and I thought it was funny. It didn't rely too much on smut, more just slapstick style comedy and all of the actors played their roles completely OTT but perfectly!

    Weirdly never been a huge fan of Joe, find his style to awkward but he was great in this, his style actually suited being an alien so well it felt better fit than him being a human.
  • jonnywumba30 November 2022
    Apparently this is a pilot for a series which it would probably have suited being a series much better.

    The characters are great, the trio of aliens trying to run the UK are hilarious.

    I could have happily watched this every week for several series, has a similar silly tone of things like red dwarf and Shaun of the dead.

    Some of the humour is a little Juvenile but with a few tweaks and a more in depth story this could make a pretty iconic series. There's so much they could explore with flashbacks to the invasion and there bumbling efforts to balance each nation's cultural differences to that of their own.

    So much potential to fill a massive hole in the market -Hopefully we get the see more of post invasion Earth soon!!! Oh and also a bunch of Gu'un aliens showing up at comic cons would be brilliant!
  • I was recommended this by a friend at work and had nothing to watch so put it on demand - I expected to not really watch it but after the intro was hooked. It's been compared to Sean of the dead and I could see why elements were a similar style. Story line is a bit pants but I wasnt really expecting one anyway- the guy from inbeetweeners really suits his character. I think it would have suited being a show better as feels more like lots of sketches/mini jokes crammed together without any time to explore the jokes. There hasn't been anything like it for years that I can think of and after watching it find myself wanting to see more- hopefully they'll do more shorts as it seems a waste to have created something like that then just forget about it.
  • I really enjoyed this. It was good, silly fun that wasn't in any way taxing, much in the same way as Red Dwarf, or something of the like.

    I think it's a shame this wasn't a series though. Because the characters, the aliens really, and their inability to grasp humans and Earth carried the film more than the actual story. And, if it had been a series they could have expanded upon that.

    Nontheless, this made me smile. It's not trying to be anything more than what it is. It's not witty, or clever, so the at times juvenile comedy is not out place because it sprt of gits in with the naivety of the characters.

    I'd recommend it.
  • At first glance, it would be easy to give We Are Not Alone a pass. How many movies about aliens coming to earth do we need, after all? Having watched this, my answer is: well, at least one more.

    Created & written by Ben Willbond & Lawrence Rickard (Six Idiots, Ghosts, Horrible Histories) We Are Not Alone was a welcome find following repeat viewings of Ghosts. The pair come together to create a sci-fi comedy that is a pleasure to watch.

    After their planet, Gu'un, becomes uninhabitable, newly named Trater, Gor-DAN & Greggs arrive in the UK, determined to move the capital from London to the 'centre of the landmass' which they have determined is... Clitheroe.

    With a complete lack of understanding of how things on earth work or why (& the inability of newly bought, but not particularly motivated pal/government contractor Stewart to be able to explain-he doesn't know either) shenanigans ensue as the group try to gain their footing in a world that is largely hostile to their presence.

    Simply put, what you have in We Are Not Alone is a fun, easy watch. As I understand it, while this is a standalone project, it's also intended to serve as a potential pilot for a future series, which I believe would be a great way to go. There are enough questions & loose ends as to how the newly formed 'Section 78' will function in the long term that I believe it would be well worth developing it further.

    The political satire element is enjoyable to watch, especially under the current circumstances. No, it's not heavy hitting, nor is it intended to be. What it is, is easy, fun and pleasure to watch. There are certainly dynamics between earthlings & Gu'uns to explore in future episodes should the writers/creators choose to go that route. I certainly hope they will.

    If you enjoy British comedy, We Are Not Alone is definitely worth your time. I don't like hardcore sci-fi (at all) and this has a great balance & perfect humour for someone like me.
  • taylormackay-642552 December 2022
    This film is SO funny. Most think you have to be a certain age to get the humour but that's definitely not the case. Definitely something for an older audience because of some jokes but it's so cleverly written. You might want to watch other things that the writers Ben Willbond and Laurence Rickard have written like Ghosts on the BBC and Bill a film they released in 2015 to get their humour more.

    100% recommend for people to give a go if you don't like it so much that's fine but anyone that does know how funny Ben and Larry can be you'll probably love it

    Really Really hope this becomes a series!
  • There is some really poor quality dross on British TV so I was surprised to come across this series on UKTV PLAY, rather than a mainstream channel because this is REALLY well written. New, clever jokes are inserted throughout, rather than just the first episode as with some BBC comedies. Tight, quality writing, with a lot of thought. It makes it stand out. I'm a little shocked it hasn't been picked up by the mainstream channels. Think Friday Night Dinner and the Wrong Mans... . It's off beat and dark in subject matter (hostile alien invasion) but handled so well and appropriately that it had me in stitches. I'd really highly recommend this.