User Reviews (2)

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  • Hilarious premise.

    Based on (and mocking) the Presidential incumbent's claim that he was/is from the Left and the Right "en même temps" at the same time ... a con trick that his spiritual father Tony Bliar played on the British public in 1997 >>> both of them being fully right-wing :)

    Now here a truly stellar cast of actors plays on this theme and throws in ALL the elements which make up French Society in 2022 Ecology being at the centre of this piece as well as Womens Rights and the abuses men have committed against them for a thousand years it says in there at some point.

    6 main actors all of high calibre and not disappointing; it could have easily turned into a silly farce here and never did; very balanced throughout at all times ... hopefully will have a good following in France as well as elsewhere many of the themes are fully transferable.

    And YES a very funny comedy it is.
  • I am usually satisfied with what they do, it is smart, subtle, really funny, bad taste...Here, nothing of this, it wants to evoke social, political problems in France but it is ankward, boring, not funny at all, because situations totally incredible, artificial, with no links with a real situation, as it should be, so that the audience can measure the quirky side of the script. No, I am so disappointed, because not usually a comedy lover, except for the Benoit Delepine Gustave de Kervern duo, a great great fan, but not here. It is cumbersome, onerous, unbearable. I could not make it till the end. Maybe the presence of Benoit Poelvoorde, and not as a simple cameo, could have saved this film. Maybe...