User Reviews (5)

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  • It says a lot about a series when the most exciting thing that's happened is a pair of cameos by the lead actresses husband's. Not sure how much of the series is truthful, or fiction. For instance, if Candy did go over to the Gore household directly before the funeral and interact in that way, that is truly disturbing. One of my issues with this genre, whatever it's called, you never really know what is or isn't a complete fabrication. This episode at least moved the plot forward, which is an improvement over the previous two.
  • tmccray13 May 2022
    Just because this is satire, doesn't mean you have to ham it up. I know you can act, I've seen several other things you've been in. I thought for sure at any time you were going to break the fourth wall and wink at the camera. Jessica, Melanie and Pablo all have fantastic performances. Jason is good for the little he has to do. Justin made it a joke and really broke the suspension of disbelief.

    Otherwise, it was a fine examination of a true crime drama, exploring the why instead of the who.
  • With the first episode of this tv mini series being so serious, suspenseful and dark, the hints came occasionally in episode two and three, but hit hard in episode four:

    This tv show developed into a satire and the dark humor that was feelable in episode two (p.e. The volleyball scenes or the scene with Candy and Allan in his car), is now omni-present.

    Interesting concept of a true crime event using thriller tropes and suspense at the beginning, but then mixing more dark humor elements into it, making this tv show a genre mix of drama, true crime thriller and satire.

    The investigation is quite erratic, showing that the story is not about the investigation and how the murderer got cought, because the audience already knows it by episode one. As seen from episodes two, the backstories of the characters lessen the thrill, but depict sexually and emotionally frustrated characters in a commonly accepted puritan southern community with typical marriage, house, kids, pets, the men are working, the wives are housewives.

    Pat is showing some interesting traits as a carrying husband while Candy is seen as the prime suspect in the murder case. The investigation led by Justin Timberlake seem too rushed and is not that important and not the subject in this episode.

    Not that thrilling and suspenseful as expected, developing into lighter entertainment and dark satire.
  • jillnbecker12 May 2022
    This is THE MOST bizarre retelling of true crime events I've ever seen. It doesn't make sense, it skips around, and worst of all, it makes Betty Gore look terrible.

    I'm only watching, at this point, to see if it improves. Disappointed in this series.
  • Finally got to some procedural elements after everyone lost the will to live. This no longer gets the benefit of the doubt 80% through and is still interlaced with ridiculous non-linear irrelevance.

    This is neither as intelligent, suspenseful nor sophisticated as it purports to be.