• Moderate
  • A teen boy and a teen girl wake up on a sofa together; the teen girl kisses the teen boy and they lie back on the sofa offscreen (the costume cat tail that the boy is holding is shown standing erect, possibly implying some sexual activity). A teen boy and a teen girl kiss.
  • After a moving restaurant mascot chicken falls on the roof of a car we see the mascot looking as if it is making thrusting movements.
  • Throughout the movie one of the characters wears a "Sexy Kitty" costume that reveals cleavage and can somewhat have a suggestive sexual message.
  • After being rejected by a teen girl, a teen boy at a party asks, "Who else wants to kiss me?" and several teen girls and a teen boy raise their hands. A teen boy tries to flirt with a teen girl in a couple of scenes. A woman whose husband died recently is dating a much younger man.
  • A teen girl says "I put Nair on my butt and it burns." Two women talk about getting mammograms and that they were normal. A man tells a teen girl, "I have a yeast infection."