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  • I saw this short at the Sacramento horror film festival last night and I absolutely loved it. It had the crowd laughing and cheering throughout, and I would love to see it again.

    It follows the story of one small Indy punk band going to what they think is just another gig. Without spoiling too much, the result is essentially the band members fighting off a horde of demons to survive.

    The filmmakers lovingly recreate horror movies from the 80's, as well as bringing a contemporary horror/comedic feel that is very similar in tone to Shaun of the Dead. It's just as fun too, the special effects and gore in this short are fantastic, they look top notch and had the audience squirming in their seats. The script is tightly written featuring what has god to be the most memorable one liners from any short film. The characters are fun and likable, each are unique and are played convincingly by the young cast.

    Overall, this is a fantastic short. An audience member made a comment after the film to the director that they would like to see a feature length version of this film. And I completely agree, I loved the story, and I loved the characters. and seeing these characters in an expanded story/film would be amazing.

    IF you have a chance to go see this short, I highly recommend it.
  • This movie was one of the most thrilling and best things I've ever seen. The producer did an amazing job and I'd like to give all the credit to Daniel reacher Jake Ramsey's uncle. I am so proud to say this is one of the best movies I've ever seen top 10 all time would watch it 1 million times and still be entertained highly recommend and I hope you guys can watch it because it was an incredible movie greatly directed the actors were something out of the best Hollywood scenes I've ever watched. If you think actors like Johnny Depp and and Leonardo DiCaprio, you should see the acting skills of Luke Edwards. He needs to be put in a marvel movie because he has the best skills I've ever seen and yet one of the cutest actors ever behind Jacob Ramsey.