User Reviews (25)

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  • Don't cancel this show! It is so funny. What's wrong with allya (;)) haters?! The full name was so very funny. I hate the 'belles' part, but GCB is OK.

    I started this show with a few other shows. And this is the only one I kept watching. It's funny, the characters are great and It's something else, something new. And I love that! Amanda adds something serious to the show, while Cricket and Carlene just great laughs are. (Sorry bad grammar)

    The fact that this show will be cancelled... It's a shame! Really. I loves the first 10 episodes. Really did. Gonna miss it.
  • I will admit, I will watch anything with Kristin Chenoweth. Add to the mix Annie Potts... How can you possibly go wrong? After 'Pushing Daisies' was canceled... I figured no more Kristen on TV... Yeah, I was wrong! (Except for the occasional GLEE spots). Annie Potts... from Ghostbusters ("Whatta ya want?"), and Designing Women.. LOVE HER!!! The show has been promoted as a replacement for the now no longer 'Desperate Housewives'... I thought that to be a lame attempt at viewer ship... But guess what? It IS! I had to look online to figure out what 'GCB' stood for... once I found out, I was even MORE intrigued. I have seen every episode since it first aired and I have not been disappointed yet. It's funny, witty and touching. I hope it sticks around for a LONG time!
  • This series moves at a brilliantly fast pace. The acting is second to none. The cast is completely amazing. The humour is cray cray...I totally believe this show could survive if they revived it. This takes place in the bible belt in the south, all Christians who quote the bible and hilariously deliver messages and lot's of dialogue. It's cut throat, sneaky, and awesomely entertaining. I think the LGBT community must have been sad to see this go. Superbly written, directed and amazing performances that make you believe the so unbelievable, they were all gifted at telling this story. If you like sarcastically funny TV this hits the nail on the head.
  • flashshock120 May 2012
    Wonderful show, I absolutely love it. I found myself really getting into the different story-lines and hilarious characters. This TV Show is Humorous, charming and witty. What a great cast along with the fresh and clever episodes. I did not feel disrespected or affronted by watching this show, firstly because it's a sitcom. This show was young and it was already growing. The "superficial" aspect of characters was part of the introduction as we get to know them better. So many shows ending, I was looking to find a new show to fill in the entertainment void and this was it. I really don't see why it would get cancelled. A clever sitcom like this one should not be cancel due to a over-dramatic few, particularly while other "reality show" could be considered more offensive. Bring it BACK!
  • This show was full of laughs and just enough drama to keep you looking. There was never anything over the top that could truly insult or harm, but instead, just enough to keep it fueled and keep you watching. This was one of the first shows I would actually talk about during the week while waiting for the next episode.

    There is no reason it should have been removed. The acting was great, the writing was funny and entertaining and the cast complete tops! The drama was well written were you didn't find yourself cringing or looking away, but enough to make you gasp and squirm a little, waiting for it to get all worked out.

    Bring back our Good Christian "Belles"! ;)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Didn't we just finish this series this year? I thought it was called Desperate Housewives. One great thing about TV is its ability to come up with truly creative plots and characters and challenge the audience by presenting novel shows that are truly ingenious. Is this show the beginning of a Anthony Zuiker type franchise? Will we soon have DH/GCB New York or DH/GCB Miami or DH/GCB Las Vegas? But this show is so new as we now have big hair, Southern accents, and Dolly Parton clones who at least don't sing. No I am wrong as I believe Kristin Chenoweth actually does sing. There's the creativity I was looking for. Well at least Annie Potts has a job again albeit no doubt a temporary one. You go girls. Better yet, just go.
  • It was one of the BEST shows ABC has done in ages! It was surely a best fit to replace Desperate housewives. It sickens me that a group attacked this show to get it off the air. Hopefully soon we can revive this show. It might taken a year, but we will get our Good Christian B!tches back! The show promoted so many great things that how life is. From spouses trying to recover their life after their spouse cheated and dies from them, a woman with a past reputation in her old home town trying to make things right, and so much more. There character development was so marvelous. The cast was excellent for the roles they played. It really felt like you can relate and know each one of them. ABC executives, if you read any of these, please bring back GCB!
  • Amanda Vaughn (Leslie Bibb) is a former mean girl. She and her two children are forced to return to her mother Gigi Stopper (Annie Potts) after leaving her high school sweetheart husband and losing all of their money. She is confronted by her former classmates, many of whom she tormented. It also stars Jennifer Aspen, Marisol Nichols, Miriam Shor, and Kristin Chenoweth as women of the upper crust Dallas neighborhood.

    There were a few almost funny moments. The ladies are likable actresses, but they never truly clicked. The show also faced some bad press. Some people didn't like the name denoting Good Christian Bitches. Some accused the show demeaning southern ladies. Just as well that it had only 10 episodes.
  • This is why we cant have good network TV and everyone has moved to streaming platforms
  • It was such a shock when this show got cancelled. They were so many signatures on the petition for it. And ones thought for sure it would get picked up again. Finally we get that chance for the story to continue.

    Kristin Chenoweth as Carlene was so much fun and I still get chills from that "Jesus Takes The Wheel" performance. Jennifer Aspen as Sharon was so much fun and so funny, even Miriam as Cricket and Mark as Blake was very entertaining. The cast was perfect and it was so special in every way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    well you may be surprised to read this but i am a straight man who found . this show to be hilarious and to beat all i am a good Christian myself. and was expecting to be offended by the show in some way but it never. did happen that way i wound up loving the program but you see i am not. easily offended so you may be different i am not sure the plot goes a little like this a woman and her two kids decide to move in with grandma . after there father is killed in a car accident but little . do they know grandma lives a very weird life for a woman her age . a life full of gossip and deceit and she forces the family to go to church with her on Sunday and things go hilariously haywire. if you are not easily offended i highly recommend you watch this hilarious program like i said i am a Christian and i loved it and i am also a man so it will keep the interest of both sexes unlike desperate housewives i really enjoyed my time with these Lady's and can only hope our time together will just get better as it goes on .
  • There was good reason that this show was canceled after 10 episodes. It was terrible. If any other group than Christians had been so heavily ridiculed there would have been a hue and cry unlike any other. But it's easy to dump on Christians.

    It's real problem was that it wasn't funny. It was stereotypical with bad, bad fake southern accents. No one talks like that, people.

    The bad accents remind me of shows where Amarillo, TX, or someplace in Kansas is shown with mountains in the background. Just plain wrong...if you get my little humor there.

    No worry. This show will never see the light of day....including the episodes that were not shown. It is bad.
  • This new series so hits the nail on the head with great comedy! I certainly hope it doesn't get yanked because of it's jab at hypocrisy, because one knows, we all need to be able to laugh at ourselves. I read that they've scheduled to tape 10 episodes for this first season, and no doubt is going to get many hot under the collar. The actors, particularly my favorite, Kristin Chenoweth, are so hilarious and well casted. Of course checking out the over-the-top mansions and crazy fashions are always a plus. It's like Real Housewives of Everywhere mixed with Suburgatory mixed with Big Rich Texas mixed with many people I've encountered through out my life... A- hemmm. I can't wait to get the book, Good Christian B!#&#S (Belles) by Kim Gatlin, and look up other titles by her. DVR GCB and watch it with a light attitude and you'll find yourself howling after the first 10 minutes. Can't wait until next Sunday already.....
  • kerrylise21 March 2012
    I don't know why all the fuss over this show.. people judging books by covers, perhaps?! Tsk, tsk. I think this show is hilarious. It's a fictional show that reaches pretty far to show how some people actually force the Bible to their view-point to defend their actions/words. Personally, I have never met anyone who can quote scripture from memory like these girls can nor do I know anyone who can be so nasty and malicious! The characters all have their own personal insecurities that they all try to hide to make themselves look like they have the perfect life. In the end, it is a fictional show just like every other show on TV- good for a bit of entertainment. Open and clear your mind and enjoy it for what it is... a good hour of laughs, suspense, action, amusement.
  • bethgcb9 January 2013
    I believe ABC made the stupidest mistake in canceling GCB. This was by far the best new comedy to hit the air in years. We the fans of GCB, have not given up hope and are still trying to save the show. If any networks are reading this, we have 80 thousand plus fans that have signed the petition and are ready for our girls to come back to our living rooms. They are all anxiously awaiting the return of the best show ever! You can sign the petition at: I guess I need 10 lines to post here, so here I am rambling on, My favorite character - Sharon Peacham - Jennifer Aspen is amazing in this role and so funny! I want to lose it with Jesus!!!!!
  • In today's reality series overload it is refreshing to see a good dramedy with a biting wit and not afraid to push envelopes.

    I just watched the pilot and cannot wait to see where they are going. Kristen Chenowith is the epitome of evil and the lead whom was a "mean girl plays a great straight foil.

    The title was tamed down to GCB from Good Christian B***hes and I am glad. The name would create undesirable attention distracting the viewer from a potentially fun show.

    This is an excellent successor for the Desperate Housewives audience. I can only hope they create good arcs that create a good payoff to the villains.
  • This lighter hearted Darren Star comedy is weak. It's no Sex and the City Lone Star version. Some of the culture contrast make fun of Texas stuff is amusing and the satire elements about the hypocrisy are okay but the jokes are a bit too low mentality overall.

    The cast just isn't that watchable. Although it is good to see Kristin Chenoweth showcase her talents including singing, it isn't enough. Leslie Bibb isn't an appealing enough actress for the central role. Her other frenemies are kind of forgettable too except for Marisol Nichols who is quite watchable.

    No wonder it didn't get renewed.
  • indre715 April 2012
    I do love this show - it's full of humor, good quotes. It gives good chance to laugh of every days situations, to see your problems different. Also to see some imperfections on ourselves and other happy families. I would recommend it for nice evening with cup of tea. Very feminine, but men also can find some pearls. What is more - I do love the crew. Leslie Bib and Jennifer Aspen makes great team. Also you will find some hot-ties in there. The most charming character is Amanda's mom (Annie Potts - she acts Gigi Stopper). This woman shows, that even in late 50's women can be charming and active. Also this show is about new start in old place. And little bit about Christianity. But not to much, so could be appropriate also for non religious people. I do recommend to watch few series to feel it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wanted to like this, I really did. It looked like it could be an ironic and sarcastic comedy about religion mixed with southern culture done in an intelligent way and the cast is really good looking. But no, they have to go for the kitschy, moronic and stereotypical jokes. Rote, formulaic, repetitive, redundant (I did that on purpose)... These people never left high school and are still holding grudges into their 30s or whatever age they are supposed to be. It's all about revenge on the prettiest girl who has had to move back in with her rich mother in Dallas because of her (now dead) no good husband. All of her former classmates only want to get their revenge on her. Then they go to church and try to embarrass each other there too. The husbands are mostly handsome and clueless (of course one is gay) and the wives are only concerned about their social standing and (of course) their next revenge plot. I watched the pilot and thought it had potential. But each episode has fallen into the same pattern what's being planned next and how is the plot going to be spoiled. You can watch 3 episodes and have had more than enough. Just a sickening waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The way religious conservatives make out the show to be, you'd think the devil himself was starring. Folks, it's really not that bad or anti-Christian and I'm Catholic. I found it be a very amusing, entertaining, and look forward to seeing a lot more episodes to see the direction the show is going. I love Annie Potts in her role as Gigi. I definitely see a lot of Dixie Carter there. Kristin Chenoweth's voice is amazing. I hope she sings in every episode. Miriam Shor is great as Cricket. Love her accent and the way she portrays her character. Cricket and her husband's marriage has perked my interest. All in all I think the show is great fun and it's a relaxing way to spend a Sunday night. People should give it a try before condemning the show.
  • I think GCB is excellent content, cast, drama, and tastefully wicked. I look forward to every weeks episode. I do hope this show continues after this season as other shows I was addicted to have left the air. I am not into reality TV, dancing, or crime solvers. GCB has a story line about life and it's relationship conflicts. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!! KEEP IT GOING!! I believe the religious under tones brings to light that all organizations have conflicts of those involved based upon jealousies, leadership, following guidelines. I like the fact they have all misunderstood Amanda's goodness of trying to change her past is difficult. It is life when something you did was not socially acceptable it is difficult to prove yourself to others that you have changed. This relates to humans trying to learn to forgive, turn the other cheek, give people a chance to do good when they are trying to show change. The message is all walks have conflicts to overcome.
  • When I first heard about this show, I was offended by how they perceived my home city of Dallas, Tx. I swore the show sucked before I even watched it. But then, one day I was tricked into watching it and by gooley goodness, I notice I have become hooked and have not missed a single episode yet. It's hilarious, touching, relateable, and I LOVE their over exaggeration of Christian Dallas, Texas life. At least they're not all rolling around in horses, lol . . Excellent show. Nothing about it is predictable, the characters are all lovable. Kudos to the actors and writers and ABC for WONDERFUL selection of quality television shows.
  • This show shoves religion down your throat and is not considerate of any other religion at all. you would see it's rating go up if their was more tolerance and less religion. Religion appears in a lot of shows and movies but this was just constant and women being put down by men all the time. If the show lessened up on that stone age type of behaviour i think the ratings would be closer to where they should be for this show instead of so low. That being said there is some humour in this show and some good acting. The stories can be a bit dull and never exactly hit home as they are the rich people of Dallas but the humour the show bring alleviates that a bit. I rate it mediocre the kind of show you watch if there is nothing else on.
  • CocoSea26 March 2023
    Good Christian Belles is one of the few television shows I like. In fact, I loved it! Each episode's story is funny and uplifting. I like the Christian lessons xplred in each. The lead character, Amanda Vaughn, is well-acted by Leslie Bibb. New to me, her timing was impeccable; her reactions were real; her complex yet lovable way was admirable; and shi is very pretty. In fact, this all-star cast is unmatched. I could not help but fall in love with Mark Deklin's Blake Reilly (who cares if he's gay --- hahaehahao!).

    It's not easy for contemporary entertainment to make me laugh, especially on television. With GCB, I did and all the time. The relationships were interesting and fun, too. I like that the characters were successful; rich; driven; competitive; humin; and try. Don't we all? My only critique is that the show did not last long enough.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I still remember watching the pilot episode of GCB back in the day. I also remember the second episode making very little sense.

    Then, about half way through the 3rd and it was obvious the writers were lost.

    That's 2ben I stopped watching all those years ago.

    And right where I shut this sad show down, again.

    Don't bother wasting your time.