User Reviews (16)

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  • ahhh! One of those wonderful movies that just makes you feel good... and reminds you that the most important things in life are people and know... Love

    Well written, good acting... particularly from Louis Gossett Jnr & L. Scott Caldwell but also from the two main characters and rest of the cast. Predictable? Perhaps... but didn't matter at all...

    The addition of Rachel's character is inspired and the young actress who plays her does a sterling job.

    The movie has a tangible "magical" quality throughout and does just what it set out to do..... remind us all to believe. Wonderful! thank you!
  • audreybinford9918 November 2019
    The plot makes no sense and the acting is horrible
  • All these 9s and 10s....yall were paid to write those reviews. This is one of those stupid low budget movies that dont make any sense at all. The characters are flat. It's extremely predictable. Things come into the movie that are never explained or mentioned again. It is
  • The Lamp is a wonderful, heart-warming movie for the whole family. . Louis Gossett Jr. is one of the greatest actors out there! I can relate to this movie I lost my son in 2007 to Leukemia he was 17. I kind of died inside and after watching this movie I can see I can not only change my life I could make someone else's life better. If you have a little imagination and want to see a good move this one is the Lamp to light your way! When you think your life has changed so drastically that nothing will ever make you happy again, you discover that God's plan, while different from yours, is always perfect if you "Just Believe"!
  • azrothunder30 January 2019
    Black nice smart magic people help dumb white people
  • I admit it, I'm a bit of a snob. I tend to look a film up on IMDb before I watch it if I have the chance, anything much below a 5 out of 10 doesn't get a look in. I watched The Lamp as it's on my satellite film channel and I had nothing else to do at the time, then I came on here to see where I had seen the male lead before and was shocked by the rating which inspired me to write my own (and first) review to right a wrong. I won't try and appraise the uncomplicated plot as it it well described already.

    The Lamp is a real feel good film helped a lot by some convincing acting by Jason London. Though the story doesn't have much in the way of twists, turns, explosions, shootings or martial arts it does do exactly what it says on the tin - I felt genuine affection for the characters and shed a tear or two in the highs and lows of the plot, although if my wife ever reads this review then I was coughing *honest*. I should point out that she was blubbing like a human shower which she likened to her experience of watching Marley and Me ;P

    Personally, a good film for me is one where I don't feel aggrieved for the time I spend watching, the next criteria is whether that time could have been spent asleep for the same value, the final and probably the most important is that I am not shouting at the screen after the finale because of a rushed or incomplete ending. In all cases The Lamp passes the test, it has a beginning middle and end and after the end you can walk away feeling that this particular saga is complete without pondering on any loose ends or unfinished business.

    So, if you like a movie that gives you a warm feeling with all loose ends wrapped up, watch The Lamp. There won't be any sequels and I doubt whether they will release it on 3D Bluray but I'm damn sure its worth a better score than it has at the moment especially when you compare it with other films with much larger budgets and higher scores.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A well made movie with the right cast to portray it. The familiar faces of the experienced cast immediately draws you in and makes you want to find out what they'll have to say.

    An often-overlooked perspective from a child helps to open someone's eyes and leads toward solutions. Even the dog is able to get through with solutions where humans couldn't. The premise of the lesson is apparent throughout, but you don't realize until the end.

    At times the story is predictable, but still keeps you looking for the twist. It does not disappoint. This is definitely a movie to be watched several times and called upon for reference or just to feel good and be reminded.

    I marked this as having a spoiler since I was granted pre-screening access, but didn't give away details, just generalities. You'll have to wait for it to come out, but be sure to see this one, it's worth everyone's precious time, just believe me!
  • Lovely heartwarming film, good pace, simply done but big subject of grief, belief, trust and all the ingredients of life!! Acting very good and not 'cheesy' in any way. A film for all to watch, clean, good straight forward storyline with a little magic thrown in. Don't know why this has a low rating as all reviews are very good??? The learning curve for a grieving dad who blames himself for his son's death and his relationship with his wife is delivered at a good believable pace. With a need to feel empathy for him and the grieving mother is well delivered so the ongoing happenings are a joy to you, the viewer, and you share the storyline. It needs at least an 8.5. Albeit there are only 5 reviews to date I know and 'I believe' you will enjoy!!!!.
  • I saw the IMDb rating for this picture (3.9!), and almost decided not to watch the film. Thankfully, it didn't stop me. This was a pleasant surprise.

    The Lamp starts out pretty slow. You have the oft-used "funeral" beginning and a family grieving, fighting, struggling to re-enter life. I was getting a little weary.

    However, the story took some surprising and satisfying twists. By the end, I was smiling and pleased with the movie. You won't finish it in a bad mood.

    8.5 out of 10 stars.
  • youngbooty1 February 2019
    I absolutely love this movie if you Want a feel good movie that will bring tears to your eyes this is the one for you this is how we all wish Life Would turn out. ENJOY
  • Heartwarming with a bit if magic. The world needs more movies of hope and love.
  • Right you are, Golidog (review). I think "The Lamp" has been seriously underrated so far. I selected the film (On Demand) because Meredith Salenger was in the cast. As a teen, she was so enjoyable in "The Journey of Natty Gann." Here Cameron Ten Napel (Josh) is an equally marvelous child actor, with a range of believable emotions and a totally irresistible smile. I just kept thinking, "She is sooo cute!" Jason London, Louis Gossett Jr., and Muse Watson round out the excellent cast. "The Lamp" does exactly what it is supposed to do. How wonderful to find a family movie - with no curse words or sex scenes - just a sweet message that reaffirms the power of faith and love. I really like this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In July I was privileged to be invited to a prelease of 'The Lamp'. It is based on the book by Best-Selling Author Jim Stovall.

    Mr. Stovall is an awarding winning author of 14 books, four of which have been made into movies. Mr. Stovall's last movie 'The Gift' was released last year and as of July was still was one the top selling movies of our nations.

    Mr. Stovall had a dream to play pro football. While in college, Mr. Stovall degenerative eye disease and was told he was going blind. After a lengthy battle of accepting his blindness, he became an Olympic weight lifting champion. He has won an International Humanitarian of the year in 2000. Because Hollywood was unwilling to make Mr. Stovall's family films with the messages that he intended he developed the Emmy award winning Narrative Television Network.

    The movie stars an academy award winning Louis Gossett Jr., along with some familiar faces that you all will recognize from the hit television shows like NCIS, Lost, and 7th Heaven. The handicap children portray their own disabilities, as Mr. Stovall said "It is much better to hire a child who already knows how to run their wheelchair, instead of buying a wheelchair and then teaching a child how to operate it." Also be on the lookout for cameo appearances by Steve Forbes, and the blind Mr. Stovall as the limo driver.

    Although I won't tell you all the details, I will tell that it will be wonderful family movie with twist and turns along with a great message. The story involves around a family consisting of Lisa (Meredith Salenger, Annie) and Stanley (Jason London, 7th Heaven) were just your average middle class family trying to rebuild their shattered life riddle with anger and guilt over the death of their five year old son.

    Next door to the foster home is filled with children which a constant reminder that they no longer have a child. Miss Ester (L. Scott Caldwell, Lost) gives Lisa a very unusual Aladdin type lamp. Lisa shines the lamp and Mysterious Visitor (Louis Gossett Jr.) makes his appearance in the movie. Stanley meets the groundskeeper (Muse Watson, NCIS), at the ballpark, as he is watching Josh (Cameron Ten Napel), foster child as she plays baseball.

    Louis Gossett Jr. and Muse Watson's characters in this movie work through their various emotional issues toward finding healed relationships. Through the ups and down of the relationship of Miss Ester, the foster kids, Stanley and Lisa brings hilarity, sadness, anger, joy, frustration love, and compassion throughout movie.

    Even though I enjoyed watching this film, it had a good message about believing. This family film will be enjoyable for all ages. The film will be release September 20, 2011 on DVD. You can find more information about Mr. Stovall at his website at

    Recently 'The Lamp' was aired nationally on the Inspirational Network.

    The original article can be found here:
  • SoccerPhreak12 March 2020
    All I can say is that I didn't expect much from this movie before I started watching it but within the first three minutes my eyes were tearing up. Then throughout the rest of the movie I had to keep wiping them. Not fair! I'm *really* glad nobody was watching it with me.
  • Touching and heartfelt movie. This one will help put hope back into the hearts of those who've lost their way. Adorable sweet and charming movie!
  • docm-3230418 January 2021
    This is a good, inspirational family movie. No profanity, drug use or any other such nonsense. The story is somewhat predictable but still nice. My only criticism is that in parts it got a little too much into the "philosophy" of The Power of Positive Thinking. Positivism has its place, but not when it devalues others whose situation is what it is.