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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is short in length but long on meaning. As cliché as that sounds, the story itself could be classified as such. However, the fact remains that people just like this woman are trying to fend for themselves and their children in a world that seems to ignore their plight. It is easy to say that they created the situation. It is easy to say that they should change it. But it is far harder to face the truth: our country, in fact, the world, contributes to this form of life that women choose. As a result, these women make what seem to be poor choices, when in fact, they are using the easiest way they know how - just to survive.

    People who live a life of abuse rarely have any mentors. Therein lies the problem. Without mentors of any kind, it is too difficult for women who make these choices to do otherwise. As a result, they continue to put their trust in the wrong people as they live destructive lives that continue to spin out of control.

    It occurred to me while watching this film that some may say "why another film about this topic?" The answer is that until we get a better grip on single parenthood and make it easier and worthwhile for women who are left stranded raising kids on their own to earn a living -- this story will continue. Therefore, the dialog also needs to continue.

    Rather than chastise the film subject, everyone who sees it should look for ways to contribute what they know. Regardless of what people may believe, it really does take a village to raise children. So let's work together to create positive solutions so that women do not need to degrade themselves or put themselves at risk just to earn a buck. And so that little girls have good role models who live productive, healthy and long lives.