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  • I am a huge fan of thriller movies. I've watched from Parasite to Old Boy, to Memories of Murder or Knives Out but still extremely surprised and shivered when watching this movie.

    A brilliant movie!
  • It's a great movie, it's great, it's very honest. It's very Vietnamese from the beginning.

    Watching it makes me bewildered, afraid, overwhelmed by the dark scenery that the film brings from character building no one is lackluster, everyone has a reasonable frequency of appearance everyone is very expressive (very well expressed, especially Ms. Nha Uyen) The light color context is very good, when the air becomes tense using red, and blue indicates a fear of sadness, the director conveys it very well.

    Everyone should watch this movie, if anyone is not familiar with the heavy psychological film, you should consider it.

    Thank you, Mr. Aaron Toronto, Ms. Nha Uyen and the team of Dem Toi Ruc Ro! (The Brilliant Darkness!) for making a very, very good film

    Hopefully Vietnam will continue to make quality films like this.
  • I know director, Aaron Toronto pales at comparison to Knives Out, but a great referral point, the topic of how prevalent domestic violence is in asian culture goes largely uncommented upon, however that's the primary thrust of this film and does a fantastic job at stating it.
  • A film made in a superficial and mediocre way and extremely unrealistic.

    The characters do not have the full personality of a real person, they seem to be created with the role of the plot. They implicitly present themselves as ridiculous (everyone can see). The story lacks interest, the drama is forced and ridiculous. The dialogue is not carefully written, the characters always say what they think (real people don't do that). Issues are constantly thrown into the plot without ever advancing the story and highlighting the theme. Knives Out of Vietnam??? Remember this, making movies is about making people. If your characters are created with intent, they are just walking robots. Can't swallow this movie.