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  • Warning: Spoilers
    In October 2010, Meryem Uzerli won a Special Jury Prize at the 47th International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, International Feature Competition, for her small but compelling role in the acclaimed short film, Journey of No Return. In the same month in 2010 in Istanbul, despite a few miscommunications in early auditions as she is learning a foreign language, I'm sure the creators of Magnificent Century are grateful this exceedingly beautiful and talented young woman was offered the role of Alexandra/Hürrem by Meral Okay, the show's principal writer. Ms. Uzerli worked diligently to develop a captivating, multi-faceted character, aging the role over twenty years (from approximately 16 to her late 30's), and performed her resplendently for 100 episodes over three seasons.

    In Seasons 1 and 2, Meral Okay almost never leaves the character Hürrem without at least one friend's support-even during an exile (isn't Gülnihal/Maria wonderful? And the friendship between Hürrem and Hatice is truly enjoyable-with support for each other through Season 1 and most of Season 2). However, for Season 3 in a sudden and stark change right from the beginning, the writing and predominant plots make Hürrem the prime target of utter vindictiveness, while she is mostly friendless with Sümbül Aga and one dubious Kalfa to help. We would think that Episode 72 would be Hürrem's emotional low point, but new hostile characters in the story bring even more stressors and their scheming plots keep whirling around her. Her enemies hang one of her most loyal concubines that had been with her since Season 1, and kill several guards and concubines to target her alone in a particularly harrowing bath scene. In trying to present Süleyman as dominant, not dominated by his wife, the writer instead presents a weaker man prone to patriarchal pride, anger, indifference, and manipulation by his conniving sisters and their operatives against Hürrem. One sister brags that she can setup a scheme so clever and make Süleyman so angry with Hürrem that he will execute her. And according to what Süleyman very angrily tells Afife Hatun in Episode 96, it could work! In fact, in another sudden and ironic change for Season 3, the character Süleyman does not show steadfast love and concern for his wife Hürrem until after she suddenly goes missing in the last 3 episodes.

    Meryem Uzerli gives a particularly brave and insightful performance as Hürrem Sultan, so much so that her interpretation of Hürrem transcends this dynastic family's hubris so central in Season 3's writing. There are plenty of high drama scenes with Ms. Uzerli commanding her appropriate full-on responses. In addition, in short quiet scenes, the subtlety of her acting as Hürrem is also exceedingly well done. Some examples are: in Episode 72, after the suicide attempt, when she goes to ask her estranged husband for permission to provide feeding places for the poor (Hürrem appears especially formal and proper; she's wondering, did Afife tell Süleyman about her suicide attempt?; therefore, she's calmly backing away from him emotionally because she needs to save herself for the children; "I don't need your help, Süleyman" when he offers); in Episode 78, her reactions to Süleyman when he is trying to win her back with poetic language and compliments (She's been so hurt, she often cannot look him in the eye and she looks down and away as he speaks; she is unsure if she can trust his words; does he mean the sentiments this time or is he going to turn away again to someone else?); in Episode 91, when she's invited to see the model of the mosque and she asks to change its building location (her joy in seeing that the mosque is taking shape, and with Ebussuud Efendi's assent, Suleyman grasps why she wants to change the neighborhood and approves); and in Episode 93, at a time when it seems *everything* is going wrong for her (the haters are targeting her again, Shah Sultan's daughter Esmahan gets hurt in the bath and Mihrimah is suspected, Bayezid is missing and she's trying to track his whereabouts, and her 2 oldest sons are with Suleyman on war campaign, etc.), she visits Ebussuud and his wife and then goes and explains modestly and compassionately to the woman who will not sell her house why she needs the land to build the mosque complex in that particular neighborhood. In these quieter scenes and others, Ms. Uzerli shows her ability to inhabit Hürrem and brings out the emotional behaviors naturally present in a character under so much pressure.

    But the effort takes its toll on her. The confluence of the character Hürrem's deep involvement as the target or initiator in harem plots, her husband falling out of love with her and directing his passion to another "favorite," the stress of mothering five growing, inspiring children (and the pressure of Süleyman's expectations on her for instilling their education and proper behavior), and the actual attacks upon her both physically and emotionally from the dynastic family and their operatives leads to unrealistic levels of sorrow and trauma way beyond any character's psychological makeup to cope.

    Ms. Uzerli, who "becomes Hürrem," experiences it all as she emotes Hürrem's fervent, passionate responses. No wonder Ms. Uzerli experienced "burnout" (and most likely symptoms of PTSD) performing Hürrem in 37 unusually stress-filled 90-minute episodes in Season 3. While enduring these overwhelming pressures as an actor, the resulting trauma experienced over and over can bring on basic survival instincts, fight or flight. Yes, it can happen suddenly. This is serious. After Episode 100, she had to leave the show and Istanbul for her own safety and seek a familiar and secure place to recover with medical care and expert mental health support. She had to return her hair to its natural color just to look in the mirror. She had to leave Hürrem and the scripted trauma behind and return to real Meryem. PTSD does not happen to the weak-minded or the cowardly; it is often encountered by the very dedicated, gifted, and brave-soldiers, paramedics, firefighters, and yes, actors-who are so focused on the effort at hand that they forget to monitor their mounting stress levels and emotional needs.

    It's a lesson for creative teams of TV programs to stay connected to their cast members and monitor their psychological as well as their physical security. These roles draw strong actors who want to pursue professional challenges. However, if an actor as tough as Michael B. Jordan needed therapy after giving great energy to his emotional role in the movie Black Panther, the professional concern of producers for their cast recommends they maintain consistent communication, especially with lead actors playing characters exposed to unrelenting emotional trauma in long-running TV dramas.

    The journey that started for Ms. Uzerli with the auditions in 2010 becomes the multiple dramatic and subtle layers she creates in her portrayal as Hürrem, the character who truly embodies the heart and soul of Magnificent Century. This requires commitment and challenging work with all her co-actors' collaboration, especially, of course, the superb Halit Ergenç as Sultan Süleyman Khan. She illuminates Hürrem's humanity to shine on the vital human needs embedded in Meral Okay's themes for the show: Deepest Love and devotion in marriage and nurturing family; complete loyalty and kindness held in friendship; fervent faith at the very core of leadership for both fairness and justice embedded in law; belief that kind humor and lightheartedness can help heal loneliness and bring peace; and, most of all, unwavering spiritual hope that the effort is still worth it in the face of great personal loss. And joined with all the efforts of the entire Magnificent Century cast and crew, Ms. Uzerli gives those needs universal meaning beyond language through this character, Hürrem Sultan. No wonder the show reaches millions of viewers and such a wide multicultural, multi-ethnic audience.

    In April 2019, Meryem Uzerli gave a poignant interview to Muhammad Asad Ullah, published in the online Gulf Times. The author calls the interview: "a candid conversation where she granted permission and access to a rarely-before-seen side of herself, delving into her childhood memories including her first acting gig and shunning off rumours that surrounded her once and for all." I invite you to read the entire interview.

    Here Ms. Uzerli answers the interviewer's question concerning her role of Hürrem: Interviewer: "Sometimes a single performance sets the standards and all subsequent performances pale in comparison no matter how hard one tries. Would you be able to outdo the Hürrem legacy?"

    Meryem Uzerli: "Hürrem Sultan is of course, one of the strongest female characters in history. I am very grateful and proud that I had a chance to play such a powerful character - what a gift for an actress! In general, there's a boom in portrayal of strong female characters, which is great, but each character I played has its own strengths, weaknesses, differences. It would be boring to always embody the same dynamics. Sometimes there can be a lot of strength in a quiet character. I never compare my work. It all stands for itself and that's a good thing."
  • karen-loethen30 October 2016
    I am reviewing this series though I am only one third of the way through. Although the series is not exactly historically accurate, the reading and research I have done as I have watched the episodes shows that the basic story lines are quite true to life. I am amazed with how little history of the Ottoman Empire I learned before this. It is so interesting and colorful. I am finding it very educational to be seeing a drama told from the point of view of this Islamic leader of the Middle Ages, without Western slant and distortion. This might be only the second time I've seen a Turkish drama that displays so much history from the point of view of the Turks. As many other reviewers have said, the sets, costumes, and casting are all SPOT ON and very lush. I am loving it.
  • Very bad storyline, too many flaws, too absurb and many Cringey plot. Ughh, especially, the war scene, gosh I skip all the part and why only show harem scene??? No outside scene?? And the supermarket setting is very Cringey to me. Do all men only the seller at supermarket?? Where all the women??? Is this true??? And too many many harem scene, and a little about outside of the palace,. Too much focused in the palace life, but a little about how Turkish people do outside of the palace, what everyday thing they do. But it Soo limited and only shown sultan hurrem and sultan Suleiman, much much of them scene. Gosh, that's where the defect 4 star comes. That 6 star only for their acting, other than that this drama not that quiet interesting. What I hope from this drama is how fantastic they potray sultan Suleiman and his conquering as the great era of Turkish sultan, but then ughhh vanished quickly. Not recommend much to watch.
  • To say I have been obsessed with this show for the past few months is to put it mildly:) I don't speak Turkish and my husband (who is Turkish) suggested we watch the first episode for fun and he would translate. Well…I am sure he was not so happy for that suggestion for the months that followed as we would watch almost every day and he would translate for me. Now we are half way through season two and we are still hooked! I love the overall feel of the show, the costumes the stories etc…yes it can be totally cheesy at times, but I think they did an amazing job. It is totally my guilty pleasure:) Now that there are episodes with Russian subtitles (which is a language I also speak) my husband is finally able to relax:) This may not be for everyone, but if you love history and period dramas, it is certainly entertaining and a great way to learn Turkish. Although I might sound like I am from the 15th century when I go to Istanbul this summer, my Turkish is definitely better and understand a lot more on my own now.
  • i am just falling in love with this show .... wonderful , terrific and interesting true story , from the history .... I had seen a plenty of shows. and movies , ... and noon one. , noon one

    could made me addicted on it ...., ! like this show did :) !! ! it' s really really special ,, totally exceptional ....! Evrething 's particular beautiful amazing and interesting : story, events , actors , clothing , art , music , ! Ooohh. my god the music !!!!! <3 What a wonderful music , what a hight taste and rich arts ! The most important , And worth mentioning, that you deduce a real precious life lessons from it... Well done and. great job which respect the taste and the intelligence of the audience
  • costumes, palace recreation, action scenes, intrigues, love stories, hate stories, great art of details, not bad actors, historical film with crumbs of soap opera, lights, shadows, beautiful music, and a legendary figure of Turkish past. is it enough ? almost. because the virtue of movie is ambition to present a human character. and for who discovers Soliman the Magnificent like silhouette of myth is not really easy to accept an Ottoman leader with many ( little ) vices. the air of fairy tall is at right place but the respect for truth is one of fundamental characteristics of script. and this is one of good points. another - the cast. not perfect but inspired instrument to present atmosphere of a time not very romantic but cruel, strange and seductive.Halit Ergenc is pure star, Okan Yalabik builds a complex and refined character and the victory of Meryem Uzerli are worthy of praise .in this conditions, the film is a Turkish cultural cruiser . so, its mission is very important. roots - hard work, good ingredients and unbeatable recipes.
  • It did not better for Turkey and will never come. Acting, costume design, production design, music are very successful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well... Magnificent Century is a story, without proper story, twists, rational script. Some people may like the costumes, but the flexible pants of Suleiman or the clothes of Hürrem, which shows her breasts like a modern outfit. No offense, the directors maybe lazy about it, who knows? Characters is silly or simple, with one or two personality trait. There are some humor source, which shows the light side of a Turkish man of the 16th century. Let's talk about major event and character faults. 1. His majesty, Suleiman the Great is not great in this story. Suleiman described as a harsh, intelligent and melancolic leader, named as Great in the past. His personality is known by History lesson or any source of historical memories. I speak about the series. Here Suleiman is boring, reckless, cold, annoying and shrewd, but his judgement is clouded by... what? No one knows... (not Hürrem right now) Suleiman in the first time loved Maidevran so much, she gave him an heir. However, a woman Hürrem seduces the sultan, when falling to his arms. Later Hürrem nearly killed by Suleiman sometimes. Suleiman is unable to oversee the actions around him in the series as he always fooled by a daughter of a village priest. (no matter how Alexandra(Hürrem) shrewd, Suleiman is a politician) Maidevran, Valide (she is a meaningless character in a series, her name is mentioned twice maybe) tried to overthrow her with the aid of Grand vizier lately, Alexandra supported by only a few servant and the court support Maidevran. Suleiman also an unskilled leader or I do not know... battles are very dumb in this story. The "badass" Ibrahim and Suleiman attacked many heavy- plated warriors with light armor at 1521, siege of a castle, which is now Belgrad. Cannons shot the castle and warriors clashed against Suleiman with few turks in the background. Costums fine in the Turkish side. Suleiman portrayed as a loving father and husband mixed with a LARGE romantic cliché. Suleiman is a douchebag with his sons, because the fear of usurping, but loves them tough in deep. Suleiman is a womanizer with the aristocratic attitude. He is befriended with Ibrahim, Suleiman later turn against him as Ibrahim tried to a wannabe ruler. OK... let's move forward. 2. Hürrem/Alexandra She is tall towering over half of the palace, rounded but not fat, perfectly the opposite of the real Hürrem. Her smile is adorable, but not so remarkable... many of beautiful people had the same smile. However her rage and her outbursts is pretty remarkable, slightly remembers Joffrey B. from GoT. Alexandra is not shrewd. (in real life she is smart) She is lucky, protected by plot armor maybe... or the holy hand of writers. She quickly rivals with Maidevran, who also seems to be dizzy to not sent assassins against Hürrem or stab her somehow. Hürrem is a wannabe Queen with amazon traits. Well soup opera characters, even the main one receives no one personality to trait to the viewer feels to his/her place. Hürrem trusts people randomly, who also badly written characters. Hürrem attacked some times, but somehow survived, even when she need to dead in that silly situations. 3. Dizzy valide and Maidevran. They are total fools, if they allow, that a simply girl, a daughter of a mere priest overthrow them through 20 years. They never tried to backstab her, they tried to poison her, but... it is planned silly. As a rich people of a rich empire, they never used their servants to contact the finest assassins. Never tried to kill her in sleep. "Main alpha women" with the brain of a mere fool. Maidevran is bossy and do not tolerate well, when anybody turned against her will. Valide is proud as Maidevran, but able to excuse Hürrem allows her to join for exchange of loyalty, this makes Valide as a gentle and a tradition- follower woman, but with a sense of cruelty, when plotting with Maidevran. 3. Ibrahim of Paragli A hawkboy, who became Grand Vizier. In real life he is educated, smart and diplomatic. In the series, he is cunning, nervous and impatient. He carried statues and saw himself as the Roman deity, Jupiter. Ibrahim not want to surpass Suleiman, but he named himself as Sultan, act like a ruler, because of his Vizier position, some people like Iskender saw through him, but Rustem and Ibrahim get Iskender hanged. Ibrahim also lucky as Suleiman not executed him as cheat his sister, who beloved absurdly the earlier seasons by Ibrahim. But he is so arrogant, that he just made an affair with a servant, because he can do it. Overall his foolishness and the holy hand of writer idiotism led to his death. Summary: Forget about it, watch another series.
  • Love the show! And I am addicted. First two seasons were amazing, but the third season is rather 8 then 10. You will be stunned by the beauty of the actors, amazing costumes and decoration and most of all the jewelry peaces that women wear. I even took a print screen pictures of some of them to order something similar. I love the fact that most of the show proceedings are based on the real history and real people(but some characters were made up). Of course it's an entertainment show so don't expect to learn 100% accurate history from it. Before starting watching the show I would recommend to read a little about Suleiman the Magnificent. At least read about him and his life on wiki. I also wanted to note the music in the show, I am not sure who is a composer, but he/she definitely had done extraordinary job with the music (and i'm surprised that nobody did comment on it before in their reviews) I really recommend it for anyone who loves historical TV series or soap operas.
  • mrqg-4629911 December 2023
    I remember watching this show on TV when I was 10. It is quite a good show. One thing I wanted, were the fighting scenes. There wasn't much gore or actual good or prolonged fights, there were just men riding a horse and slashing. Sure, the imperial politics was entertaining, and I know this is mostly just a romance, but I feel like if they but a bit more effort into the scenes and added CGI for the wound sit would have been just a bit better. Hürrèm Sultan is also quite a good character, she's a cold and selfish consort. Overall, I give this a 7, It's pretty good but I think It could have been better.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Here in Greece in the past years we had a influx of turkeys series in our television program.My issue is not that these series are from a country with which we as a nations do not have the best backstory , personally if the series were good then ,whatever. But they are not, like with here, where the Greek producers just copy the elements that are popular and not make something good and this show is no exception.

    As a History Buff,I feel excited when I here that a movie or series will be based on a historical period or event and if this event is not well known ,bonus respect to the creators to have the balls to invest in to it. Although if the product does not try to be faithful to its source material ,then I get major phished off and I what to crucified them Bolton style.

    And here is the case ,one of the most interesting person in history and with some of the most heart felt story lines, they threw from the widow and gave as the water down version of Game of Thrones!! The funny thing is the GoT although is in a fantasy world, is more realistic than a show, which is based of actual events and characters. Come on people!!

    Any way apart from the fact is boring as hell , this show was intentionally changed in order to be more in line with our own modern view. I mean mean are you mental me? For the producers, guys go have as a based a ruler which is called in the west the Magnificent and to the East the Lawgiver, if you staid faithful then:

    1) You honor your own history

    2) Make the general public willing to invest to the study of a man who was one of the most important in the Old World and his period the...wait for it.. Protestand Reformation!!!

    In short do not see these series. If you want to see a historical period come to life go watch HBO Rome.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Aside from my addiction to and admiration for the series, I would like to give some extra information about the correlation between the series and the historical accounts, in deed.

    First of all, it is not reasonable to state that the series does not reflect the history in an accurate way. Really? I would like to ask these claimers that "which historical account(s) gives a true representation of any historical event?". Well, every historical account gives a sight of subjective perspective; the only objective one is "the chronicles" (only dates and clauses explaining the cases in a brief way). From this series, we cannot expect the bloody war scenes as its one episode is about 2 hours and what is really curious is the life of Sultans in the harem, their education and life styles because the "harem" of the Sultan is forbidden to any outsider for the time. The only confirmed account of harem is written in the autobiographical letters by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who could only visit a Pasha's harem, though. The fictional parts are also needed to seam the unknown lines of the history if we would like to watch a coherent account.

    The acting is really great! The maturation processes of all the characters are well given throughout the series. The music is really well composed and paid attention. The gestures and postures of the actors and actresses are just BEAUTIFUL, especially at critical points. Costumes! They are just true representations of the time's costumes and richness of the Ottoman State. Jewelry! Wow, yes I had already heard and searched for these precious things before I watched the series; but seeing them online is just invaluable!

    The setting is really a true representation of the time. The Topkapi Palace is still there in Istanbul for the ones who wonder. It has to be visited when one goes there. There are still odours that you can smell in the Harem part of the palace. It is explained that all the walls of the Harem was washed with "rose water" throughout centuries, and it left its smells there, really! All the rooms of the consorts, concubines, shahzades (princes), sultans and servants are there in their real forms as you can see in this series (btw, there are hundreds of rooms in deed!).

    The series provides a wonderful insight of the 16th century.
  • Knowing the Ottoman history quite well, I was enjoying the series, indulging in the outrageous telenovela as if gorging nonstop on doner kebab and kanafeh. I was drawn to the series because I am Ukrainian and know very well the saga of the Ruthenian lass who was kidnapped by Tatars, sold into slavery and overcame harrowing obstacles to rise to power as no woman in Turkish history had ever risen. Meryem Uzerli was particularly engaging as Suleyman's beloved with her expressive, mischievous features, the big blue eyes, the cascades of ruddy tresses, the throaty and infectious laugh. Alas, Meryem Uzerli was stricken with a bout of depression and left the series high and dry in medias res. It was most uncomfortable to witness the squirming and floundering of the plot caught in mid action. Finally, after some very improbable twists and turns, our Sultana returns, but after having been transformed into a hardened, shriveled, disgusting old harridan. Even her hair has become dull and drab and turned to stone. I am so disgusted and disappointed.
  • I do not imagine anybody who watches these kinds of shows ever actually expects historical accuracies. It's good entertainment and if you've studied or know a little about the history, it is even more so. It's not meant to be a learning experience. What it does accomplish is portraying the general "feel" of the era from an obviously biased perspective (the main characters'). If you have enjoyed shows such as the Rome television series (2005 - 2007) and The Tudors (2007 - 2010), you'll enjoy this. There is drama, action, a little comedy, complex characters, (mostly) magnificent acting, and beautiful wardrobes. I found it to be rather captivating. :)
  • I love history. I read and read to learn what was actually there in the past all over the world. If you do not know your history, how can you look forward to your future. This series is excellent! Best costume, best soundtrack, best acting and best of all ever filmed for Turkish community. It should be translated into other languages. Far better than many series, I bet. Thank you all the actors/actresses and all the team. I am not a frequent TV watcher due to my daily schedule at work. However, I am in the USA past 3 months and swatch in online. Can not miss an episode :) If you watch it once, you can not let it go. Dear producers, please continue for other crucial history periods since Turkish community seems to forget about it all. Thanks.
  • I've watched many series in my life time and this is, one of my favorite shows.

    1. This series is based on a true story, it has happened 500 years ego about a king that had a harem of 300 wife's, the scenes are rapid cuts and keeps you on the edge of your seat, and you can't wait for the next show.

    2. The show has many great love stories to tell, like, the kings lovers, the sisters love lives that turns in to tragedy and all his children's love lives. Basically the story revolves around love stories and it's misery.

    3. The scenery is beautiful, most of the filming is done in a beautiful palace across from the ocean and psychologically you feel you're there when you're watching the film.

    4. I love the tranquility in the series, there is so much action and yet there is NOT any violence, you'll never see any blood! If, they are injured the blood is blurry. Even dough there are wars but the story revolves around the palaces, the loves and betrayal.

    5. The Camera, scoring, shots, everything is perfection in this show. 6. Addictive to the max. 7. There are people that have watched all 380 episodes 4 times. P.s. I only watched it 2wice. I swear, :)
  • At first glance it appeared this would be a good series to watch. However, after 5 episodes it has become very boring. How many times are we going to see the same situations played out between the Sultan and his favorite concubine, Alexandra.

    The long close ups of every ones sad faces is too much to endure. The part I find most interesting is the costumes .... especially the hats. They are great.

    I will watch one or two more episodes and if the story line does not improve .... I am done with this series.
  • To be honest i am not a fan of this show. I am not even watching it. So how come i am so into it ? Simple, my wife is watching this show every week. I am only listening the show while i am doing something else. Time to time i just peek in to see what is happening. Truly, acting, the song, costumes, and the places it has taken are all great. It is true history with adapted parts to todays TV show. You can even compare it to Game of Thrones. It is all about plots. Of course there is no dragons but this is the real thing of GoT. The love story is real. All the wars are real. All the killings are real. You will cry for the dead people knowing that, he/she was really killed like it in history. If you like palace plots and love stories you should give it a try.
  • Dante200410 December 2023
    I started watching this thinking it had some historical accuracy. The entire series was a soap opera with catty woman fighting to get into the Sultan's bed. I watched until episode 15 and finally decided not to waste anymore time. Unfortunately, some will watch this series and think it's based on fact and that's just shameful. You would think with all the money spent on making a film, it would at least have some accuracy. Shameful to say the least. The acting was ok except for Meryem Uzerli. Not sure if it was intentional, but her turkish was just awful. Her acting skills made it even harder to watch.
  • Even Cardi B fell in love with the series but our Turkish men did not like it because it misrepresent the ottoman empire. Okay I agree with you. HOWEVER it doesnt change the fact that this show is perfect. Generally women love this show as it contains lots of plot, cabal.
  • The great historical line of strong woman stolen from Ukraine and sold on bazar of Ottoman empire, gifted to Sultan harrem, she became his wife and ruled country equally with her husband Suleyman. Of course there are affairs, gossips, jelousy... But SERIES? Seriously you can watch it day night and still hardly imagine somebody watched all parts. I watched one part, 1h 30m, boring, very very boring performance. I was disapointed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    At the end! Suelieman on our TV screens in Spanish. Without doubts, this serial is able to beat faster our hearts. Scenes about the love's prove between Suelieman and Hurren excites every human being. In the other hand, music is marvelous , beautiful and very relaxing, I can't stop listening to it.

    Well, I have tried to write the above text into Spanish, but appears a lot of mistakes. Then, I'll continue in English. So, I suggest everybody watch this wonderful serial. It was a huge success in Arabic World and Romania, and now is going to be a successfully serial in America.
  • shamsalbayati9120 January 2013
    One of my favorite Turkish TV series. so interesting and entertaining just love it <3 the actors and actress are amazing, and fabulous :D great show... really enjoyed it everyone did a great job in their role and especially Alexandra because of her face emotions that had so much meanings to it. really great. when i started watching it, it made me so interested to search about the real ottoman history and what really happened. its a very nice show. worth watching i guess One of my favorite Turkish TV series. so interesting and entertaining just love it <3 the actors and actress are amazing, and fabulous :D great show... really enjoyed it
  • I am disappointed Netflix did not renew or continue. While using subtitles in English this did not spoil for one second the opulence of this series , well written well acted and the sets were splendid. I would love to see this series fully (since Netflix did not have all seasons) or have the producers have DVD's available with subtitles for the US for sale . A well done Docusoapdrama which I would recommend to others which in fact I did along with Dirilis Etugral .
  • Good costumes, setting design and actors. It is also pretty accurate compared with a lot of historical TV Shows. However, this is very much like a historical soap opera. Cheap sentimentalism and palace intrigues which play out over and over again. It's badly written and just so cringe. It's also too long and boring. It doesn't deal much, if at all, with Suleiman "the Magnificent", his conquests and politics. The show is entirely focused on his relationship with Hürrem Sultan (born Aleksandra, known in Europe as Roxelana), and the usual intrigues going on between women in the Harem. I wouldn't have minded if they would've made a show about the Sultanate of Women, but the soap-opera structure and writing style makes it unbearable to watch. Don't waste your time. Read a good book on the subject instead. There are plenty.
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