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  • "Brightest Star" is an indie romantic drama about the journey of winning back the love of your life versus finding yourself. The Boy (Chris Lowell) loved Charlotte (Rose McIver) and lost Charlotte, and now he's lost himself and will do whatever it takes to get her back. That's right, our lead character doesn't have a name but every other main character does. If you haven't figured it out yet, he doesn't know himself very well.

    Some of the early sequences are out of chronological order, but it's not difficult to figure out where we're at. He was with Charlotte and now he's not. The film seems to revel in its independence with many close-up shots of the characters deep in thought with nondescript music playing in the background. It's a meandering tale of losing your first love and then finding yourself.

    The over-arching element of the story is of the universe. The boy is a liberal arts grad but is really interested in astronomy and he wants the universe to guide him in making the right decisions. As he explains in the opening narration, you could say it does, but I really hoped he eventually figured out how stupid he was being. The whole physics/universe angle is starting to become greatly over-used in recent indie romantic dramas and comedies, so it just doesn't feel all that fresh anymore.

    The writing was decent and the acting was good, but there's nothing to elevate the film to a higher level. The boy goes from meaningless job to meaningless job because he just doesn't know what to do and it takes him a while to figure out how to win back Charlotte. I never understood why he wanted Charlotte back in the first place. We never got to know her and only saw her treat him terribly. But the point isn't to get to know the characters. The point is that The Boy could be any boy, and every boy has a Charlotte. And every Charlotte is different except that they don't love the boy anymore.

    I needed "Brightest Star" to tell a more specific story. Preferably one where the boy wasn't so clueless and didn't need the universe to tell him what to do.
  • AbundantDay22 February 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    I found the movie thought provoking. I didn't enjoy his relationships that didn't work. Yet one lady encouraged him to be more and another one encouraged him to be himself, despite his success in a position with her dad. What I enjoyed was that it made me think about the importance of doing what we desire, rather than what we're good at or what we're successful at. I also didn't mind that there were lots of close ups of Mr Beautiful. I didn't find it too much since he was easy on the eyes. I also thought they did a nice job of transitioning the main character's image from a student to a businessman. I didn't think it was a great movie but it does have an important message. It was timely for me. The movie kept my attention and got the point across.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This rom-dram revolves around three characters. The central figure is only called The Boy...and for good reason. He never grows up and apparently doesn't want to learn how. Lita is the daughter of a business tycoon, and she has found her calling as a singer. Appropriately, the film acknowledges that she is "wise beyond her years." The final link in the triangle is Charlotte, an artist with a face from a Botticelli painting, who does not appear to have much depth or insight into herself or others.

    The film is messy in making credible this curious romantic triangle. The main problem is that it was never believable that either Lita or Charlotte would have an attraction or give the time of day to such an infantile character as The Boy.

    One of the most interesting portions of the film is when The Boy runs away from both Lita and Charlotte to give up a career in business that was handed to him on a platter and to go in in search of the greater meaning of life by working as a janitor in an observatory. The director of the facility who goes by the nickname of Hypathia in lieu of her real name, Jessica, provides some direction in The Boy's life when she tells him, "You're fired!"

    The Boy should be grateful for the precious time he had with both Lita and Charlotte, as well as the good advice provided to him by Hypathia. If there is any message to this muddled film, it might be to count your blessings for the opportunities you have had in life to be with special people even if the relationships do not "work out." And the main takeaway for The Boy is for him to recognize that his true calling in life is to make delicious sandwiches.
  • While watching this movie, I wonder if it would have been reviewed better had it come out before (500) Days of Summer. There are several elements both movies have: the nonlinear structure, a forlorn protagonist with job dissatisfaction, the opening narration warning of a doomed relationship. In this movie, I found it harder to track the timeline, as there were few, if any, visual clues that helped distinguish between past and present.

    This movie seems to be less of a romance and more of a film of personal growth, but overall, the movie, like its protagonist, just moves without a lot of excitement or passion.
  • My wife and I were looking for an entertaining movie after Saturday steak and wine dinner (with chocolate cake, of course) and came across this one on Amazon Prime streaming. BTW, the wine tonight was Mondavi Cabernet aged in used Bourbon barrels, quite a nice wine for a reasonable price.

    What attracted me to this movie was Rose McIver, apparently this was made not long before she starred in the TV series "I Zombie" where she was bitten by a Vampire at a party, she was a medical student who found out if she ate brains of a deceased person she could see what happened, so her job at the coronor's lab also helped the dectective solve crimes.

    Anyway in this movie she is not the main character but she is one of the girlfriends. The "Boy" doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life, he gets a job in international sales and does it well, but isn't motivated. He is interest in Astronomy but doesn't have a technical degree so he takes a job at a remote observatory to see if some magical spark will direct him.

    I don't rate this movie very highly. However we did both find it enjoyable and entertaining even if the flashes back and the flashes to present aren't always easy to follow. It is an unusual movie.
  • There is one thing about this flick that ruined the whole movie for me! Why? Oh, Why? Did Maggie Kiley use so many close-ups of Chris Lowell's face? It's like every 8 minutes --- close-up. Does Ms Kiley have a 'thing' for Lowell's face? Am I the only one to notice this weird obsession from start to finish?

    Actually the plot gets difficult to follow because Lowell's face is constantly taking over the story. I get the message - he's young, confused, thinks he's in love, and like most people finding direction and focus in ones life is not easy. This would have been a superb story had Maggie Kiley stuck with the conscience direction of 'the boy'. Instead she plastered his face on screen at every chance. It got on my nerve's!

    So to sum up this review - if you want a shallow story floating around a guy's pretty face - this is the flick for you!
  • People (myself included) often hear the word "existentialist" and start thinking about dark, brooding, nihilistic philosophies amounting to something like "life sucks and then you die." Sure, that's a rich tradition amongst existentialists, but there's another side of the coin.

    The core theme of existentialism is the idea that we exist in an unfathomable universe without any predetermined right/wrong, and it is up to each of us to determine for ourselves what right/wrong is. That's what "Brightest Star" tackles in the guise of a romance about a guy trying to win back his ex-soulmate. It uses a poignant, recurring metaphor of the stars. The guy goes through life believing that "the brightest star" will one day appear and show him exactly what to do. But for some reason that star eludes him.

    If you go into this expecting a standard romcom, you'll phase out by the 2nd act. If you're looking for a tidy Hollywood story with an eventful plot and bang finish, you'll end up hurling your popcorn at the screen. But if you're up for a challenging look at "finding your way" in love, life and logic, then this film delivers.

    Some films are like freight trains, picking up momentum toward a singular destination. Other films take a deliberately wandering approach, with frequent jumps in the timeline, or episodic events that seem unrelated to each other. "Brightest Star" falls squarely into the 2nd category with the likes of other fragmented, soul-searching films like "(500) Days of Summer", "Forrest Gump" and even "Citizen Kane".

    This is quite a bold directorial debut from Maggie Kelly, certainly not designed to be a crowd pleaser, but for those of you who stray off the beaten path into unwritten territory (like the main character who, if you notice, doesn't even have a name) then this film is for you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Between Jessica Szohr, who disappeared from my radar since Gossip Girl went off, and Rose McIver who is on both Once Upon a Time and Masters of Sex that, for me, was the main draw of this movie. I mean, yes, there is a very cute poster, and a nice little trailer, but with the lead simply being "The Boy" and a plot which seemingly isn't sure what it really wants to do with its unnamed protagonist, it is hard to really understand why they called such a dim story the Brightest Star.

    Characters & Story

    To begin, we follow around "The Boy" (Chris Lowell) who is in a deep, almost obsession like, fascination with a young woman named Charlotte (Rose McIver) who, like 90% of the characters in the film, come from a well off family. However, unlike most infatuations, somehow he gets the girl of his dreams. Thing is though, while Charlotte has both ambition and beauty, "The Boy" is rather aimless and seemingly coasting through life to the point that, eventually, Charlotte decides it is time to move on because as she gets older, being stuck with the guy who seems to have no passions is just not the life she wants to live.

    Enter Lita (Jessica Szohr) who is now renting the place Charlotte left "The Boy" in and, after breaking up with her boyfriend and quickly swapping him with "The Boy," Lita now takes this man child in her arms. And while their relationship is cute, she can't get past the suspicion that she is just a rebound, and as her father gives him all Charlotte may have desired in a man, "The Boy's" mind wanders and we are left wondering will he ever decide what he wants to be, who he wants to be with, and what he will do in his future? Or will he simply drift to what comes easy and rely on the pity of others to keep him coasting through life?


    What I liked most about the film is that "The Boy" and Charlotte have a complicated romance. Yes, it begins rather quickly, but from there a progression begins in which, as they leave the honeymoon stage, they enter into an adult relationship which requires more than fun times in the present, but an actual future. Which, unfortunately for Charlotte, seems to be this man trying to spend all his time with her. And though it sounds like that part more so belongs in the section above, I note that part here because the story addresses the weirdness of romance films in which often one side is so infatuated with the other that it seems they don't do much else with their life besides focus on them. And rather than Charlotte be the kind we are used to which makes excuses and is long suffering, she seems real. She leaves and creates a story for "The Boy" which maybe about him finding himself to a point, but also it shows the sort of sickness that heartbreak can cause as he becomes mentally geared to do whatever it takes to get her back, and in this we see a clear issue of how men act in romance films in which they show up, expect to be forgiven, and then think things will go back to how they used to be, which Charlotte, albeit at first, reminds him isn't how the world works. She notes his ways are creepy, and you can see how uncomfortable she is, and in that you get a rare glimpse of reality which often is missing in films like these because they want to focus so much on the whole lovey-dovey aspect to the point they gloss over how problematic the male lead is acting.


    However, even with the praise, which perhaps is a bit overdone, this film does somehow make an hour and 20 minutes seem a bit long. Perhaps part of the issue it seems long is because the lead is never given a name, back-story, and the one friend we see him having, she disappears once Charlotte becomes his girlfriend. Thus making "The Boy" pretty much a mirror who only reflects whoever he is currently with, or dated last. And, mind you, though he does progress and evolve, somewhat, throughout the story, I just felt that with his being defined so much by him being validated by a love interest, I just couldn't get into the movie.

    Overall: TV Watching

    Though the film certainly has its problems, it isn't horrible. McIver makes a likable love interest, as does Szohr, but Lowell is just too dull, and his character underdeveloped, to say this needs to be at the top of your Netflix, or be something you need to see now. At best, it is good to kill some time with on a Sunday when there is nothing to do. But, don't expect a whirlwind romance; a satisfying development from a lost college student to someone with a purpose; and though I praise Charlotte noting how creepy "The Boy" is, mind you that this isn't like Don Jon where there is a real, in-depth, sort of thought developed into how and why men think their approach to woman is appropriate.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is going to reach the stars, and they have only just set out. "The Boy" is on his journey, and seems to make the right decisions at just the right times, even though at the time they seem so wrong, and unplanned. I once had a Charlotte, and I lost her, I will always long for mine, and according to this movie things can work out, but I would need to have found my Lita, the heart, and soul of this movie really. The real girl, the best line from Lita "Growing on your own always seems to involve being depressed." yeah that one knows stuff. I know I have let plenty of those slip past. This is a fabulous story that is filmed beautifully, and acted with full intent, and love. Each character brings so much to this young man's life, even if they are only in his life for such a short time. I really Enjoyed this movie, I liked the way that time passed with you noticing the technology, and rest of the little minutia that change like the seasons that flash by so quickly. I would recommend this film to anyone. There is nothing dark, or dirty, and the language is all pretty PG. This is simply a love story, and a really good one.
  • christianchatcommunity13 October 2014
    I found the movie awesome to watch. Unlike the previous review of it, I am struck by Chris Lowell's face and thought that it was used well.

    I say this because I found Chris well able to convey strong emotion just by looks in his eyes and the expression on his face. His eyes and face said it all and there was no need for dialog. I get why the film maker just had a lot of shots of his face. Those pictures were worth a thousand words.

    Yes, Chris Lowell has a pretty face, but if you look past the face to see what was beneath, you get the pain his character is in.

    I was deeply touched by his portrayal because it captured the deeper heart level of what was going on internally for the character. I think he carried the film and hope to see him much much more.