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  • China and Taiwan is really great telling people's life in movies specially in tragedy, Life of Never End tells is a movie about a child's view of different environments of locations.

    Little Ting is 8 year old girl from the Taipei city, who is sent to her grandmother in the farmland due to her parents are too busy with work. At first Ting hates her new environment and scared of her grandmother but little by little she learn to understand her grandmother and her village, and she befriends with Le a boy who at first bully her. Later her parents come back to take her to America, but for her they are no longer her family, her grandmother is.

    This movie is excellent with a human view, specially from the eyes of a child, and Sandy Yan Chen Lin is sooo adorable in her role as Ting, if it wasn't for her the movie wouldn't have work since her co workers are all still. A highly recommended movie for those who wants to see Taiwan.