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  • This film is one of the most comprehensive UFO documentaries ever put to film. Doctor Grier goes over the past 100 years of the UFO phenomenon carefully picking the most important dates in euphology and explaining them so that. Even the most innocent and hardened euphologist will gain great knowledge from listening to this. All work together doctor Grier goes over basically the last century due to the technology gained from these beings which has been hit by the United States government this. Technology could propel humankind to being a type one civilization. Basically ending all energy needs and propelling us further into a age of great Enlightenment. This is one of doctor Gray's best documentaries in highlights some of the best UFO cases over the past 1 hundrthey also talk about how. The identify aircraft from this. I highly recommend this to those just getting into the topic and even the most hardened euphologists. I give this film 9 out of 10 stars a must see thank you.
  • It's an interesting movie that did touch on some interesting points however....

    The Good:

    The alien kidnappings were done by the CIA. I would not put it pass the CIA. The Organization has done some shady things in the past.

    The military has very advance air crafts

    The overall media can be manipulative and critical thinking skill are important.

    I have noticed in past few years, there has been a lot of stories about UFO,s our air space. What are the powers that be are trying to distract us from?

    Pointing out the Military Industrial Complex is very powerful.

    That there is a Shadow Government made up of Corporations and Political Actions Committees (I live in Michigan and there is a county called Ottawa where a small PAC called Ottawa Impacted were able to get their puppets elected to the county board. This should be frightening to any one on how so few can control things)

    The Bad:

    Cherry picking from speech's by Ronald Reagan and Dan Inouye.

    No proof contact was made with Aliens.

    It is impossible for the government to attempt a fake alien invasion.

    Hinting 9/11 was a false flag (it was not)

    The Ugly:

    I cannot take anything a former Nazi scientist says seriously.

    Too much of this documentary remained me of the Kurt Vonnegut novel, "The Sirens of Titan" where people were kidnapped or went on there own to Mars to be trained to attacked Earth.

    And there was an old Outer Limits episode where a scientist allows himself to be turned into an alien The plan was to create a mini fake alien invasion. The scientist hoped the fear of an alien invasion would unite the world and bring about peace.

    I wonder if the people in this doc read that book or saw the OL episode.