User Reviews (6)

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  • This is my first IMDb review because for the first time, IMDb ratings have completely failed me. 6? More like a 2. I've watched teen horror flicks and slash flicks more entertaining and sensible than this.

    The story is badly stitched together, there is emphasis on (nonsensical) action rather than words and when there ARE words the dialogue leaves you feeling awkward and frustrated. You wonder in what universe are humans supposed to behave like that? The dialogue isn't the only thing that's frustrating; add to that the camera angles, lighting, cinematography, transitions, and you're in for an annoying experience. If only a couple of these variables was done right, it would have made a world of difference.

    There are plenty of decent horror films out there with the demon child plot so do yourself a favor and skip this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    JACOB'S HAMMER is an awful, no budget British horror film that tries very hard to emulate Hollywood. The central plot is copied from THE OMEN but retold on such a small budget that the majority of the scenes take place in an house occupied by just a mother and her scary child. It's another waste-of-time shot-on-video effort in a genre chock-full of them.

    The story sees the mother being driven out of her mind by her kid's disturbing antics. Various friends and acquaintances are occasionally murdered by the brat, but the slow and dragging pace saps the film of its thrills and life. The obvious twist ending isn't worth waiting for either.
  • When I saw this had a 5.4 rating at the time of this writing I was thinking I finally found a good movie. Within the first 5 minutes I new I was in for a disappointment. The acting was mediocre at best and the 'twist' was pretty well exposed half way into the movie.
  • I realised after the opening few minutes that this was going to be bad BUT I would never have believed HOW bad it would be. Totally dysfunctional story, the "acting" was so amateur and I'd estimate the Budget for making this, including all wages etc would be about 30K. And to think it was advertised as "horror" in the category section. The film lacked any realism, was NOT dramatic in any way and I would like toknow where there was ANY that could be classed as horror? How this film has an IMDB rating of 5.2 I don't know, I hope that where the 'ZERO' is shown in the RATING that it truly gives ANY reviewer the opportunity to rate it as such. For me, this is unadulterated rubbish.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So, I cam across this via a Google Search & thought it might look interesting or good. How wrong was I...

    The film sees a troubled young mum, Sadie, who keeps seeing sinister visions & apparitions about her home with her only son who she dotes on. But as the evil starts to come to a boil, does Sadie eventually give in & embrace the evil that stems from her son.

    I found the film to be weak & dull. It lacked context & character development so when you saw the film progress from start to finish, from scene to scene, I found myself constantly just sitting there scratching my head & having little to fa with what was going on. Nothing was explained & just happened & I as the viewer, was expected to just understand it all.

    The film has little horror in it & looks & feels like a cheaply (& badly) made Uni film Project. The effects were also cheap & tacky as well as the acting which was pitiful & fake. While the gore was good & the eye candy we got, the story was just bad & a clear copy of The Omen.

    The runtime is 1 hour & 15 minutes, which was good, but the pacing made the film feel longer. The feel of the film wasn't convincing & lacked dramatic impact. It felt weak, disconnected & just "out there" to the point where you questioning whether it was a horror film or not.

    Overall, it's a cheap & nasty horror you shojldn't waste your time on. Basically, it's a discount version of The Omen, which I suggest you should watch instead of this poor imitation.

  • deanjonyt5 July 2019
    Donski laa. Absolute bomber these lads dunno what their talking about. Rippin it in the village lad