User Reviews (3)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    In Israel, a school trip to Poland was a rite of passage for many high-schoolers, intended to give them a feeling for what the Jewish people went through under the Nazis. Unfortunately, kids old enough for the trip are also just at the age when they'd rather be carousing-- and carouse they will, although the Holocaust does shock and move them. The movie conveys the dual experience; indeed, it seems to be pulled in both directions itself.

    There's another pull at work too, by the way. The Polish establishment these days is insistent that Poles had no part in the Holocaust, and since this movie was made with Polish cooperation, it includes no implication of Polish guilt or Polish anti-Semitism. It does show the kids being warned not to reveal that they're Jewish or Israeli, but when they ignore the warning, they find the Poles friendly without exception.

    The kids amount to a big busload, and although the movie concentrates on four of them who have a complex relationship with one another, even that small cast of major characters isn't always easy to follow in terms of their motivations and mutual attitudes.

    Two of Israel's best adult actors. Ezra Dagan and Alma Dishi, are on hand in supporting roles and add a little gravitas. Interestingly, both their characters fail to carry out their work with the kids to their own satisfaction; their failure goes well with the realization that the whole project of passing a proper awareness of the Holocaust down from generation to generation is on the one hand necessary but on the other hand not perfectly achievable.
  • A group of Israeli highschool pupils go on a trip to Poland to visit the sites where the Nazis systematically exterminated European Jews during world war II. They also want to have fun, get drunk and get laid. It is a mixture of national sentiments, hormones and tears. This film masterfully takes you through different emotional states with a sure, subtle and gentle hand. Nothing seems to be overdone. All the parts combine beautifully to insightfully sketch a universal coming-of-age story. The cast is great, the original soundtrack is a great touch and the film is visually awesome. Well done. Loved it.
  • The movie is from a visual point of view actually really well made, filmed and edited. The color manipulation works flawlessly and the overall aestetich is not bad at all. The acting is also great, but plot-wise it's confusing and at times you completely loose the track of events. A lot of scenes were not important and did not contribute to the plot of the movie at all. The plot itself was extremely puzzling and I didn't even understand what was the movie about before reading the reviews afterwards.

    Apparently, it's about teens' finding their true selves alongside a trip they're on that also tells us about their perspective on past historical events. Most of which is told by visuals instead of them talking about it wich leaves us to assume their thoughts/feelings. That normally wouldn't be a problem but the way it's done in this movie just doesn't work and you're left completely confused, not understanding what each character meant to say or do, and why they said or done a specific thing.