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  • I've seen all the trailers to the show and I'm super excited to see it. When is it going to be available in America?

    From what I've seen from the tiny clips on YouTube it's extremely fascinating. I really wish I could watch the full episodes on the site.
  • I love this series, a awesome and beautiful story about understanding that pregnancy is a powerful and magical process that people with female reproductive organs can experience.

    The series left me wanting to watch more episodes, after the final episode. Man, I love this series and Xian Liam is one of the best actor ever.

    I highly recommend this series to mpreg fans. This series has many beautiful mpreg moments to enjoy.
  • I would absolutely love to watch this show and was wondering when it will become available in England?

    The clips I have see on YouTube are amazing and I would love to actually be able to watch this show in its entirety.

    Also, when this does become available will it have English subtitles too? I will still watch this show even without being able to understand what the characters are saying (that's how much I want to watch it), but it would be nice to finally know what is actually being said in this show rather than making it up as I go based on what's happening in the show. So, if you could please let me know if their will be subtitles too, I'd really appreciate it.