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  • Warning: Spoilers
    It should be an easy job; all Frank has to do is drive a young woman, Delia Weigert, from her hotel to her father's house… of course it isn't easy. Before they have left the hotel they are attacked by a trio of thugs and when they get to her father, General Weigert's house it becomes apparent that he has upset some dangerous people. He asks Frank to drive Delia to the airport in Paris so she can return to the United States with the evidence that could implicate these dangerous people. Once again thugs attack. The General is killed but Frank gets Delia away safely and takes her to his home where he tries to find out who is trying to kill her. Unfortunately the danger comes from somebody she trusts so Frank ends up having to rescue her again when she does off with this person.

    This series seems to have got into its stride and Chris Vance is now Frank Martin not 'the guy who isn't Jason Statham'. The episode opens well with an amusing scene where a woman remonstrates with Frank for leaving the engine of his gas-guzzling Audi running as he sits in a car park… just before he is shot at; this leads to an impressive action sequence which ends with Frank escape by blowing up the woman's LPG powered vehicle! The story proper is fairly standard for The Transporter with Frank driving the young woman around and fighting bad guys… which I suspect is what most viewers will want. The fights are entertaining; especially an early confrontation where Frank defeats some thugs with items including shop dummies and a red bra! Away from the main story it was interesting to see the woman watching Frank; no doubt she will become relevant later in the series. Overall an exciting episode that fans of the show are sure to enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After finishing season 1 of graceland and episode 9 of powerbook 2, i started this. I watch series season by season.

    I watched the movie in the past. I hardly remember. It was not so bad.

    Episode review: It was nice episode. I forgot most of the things. Frank has lots of skills. Driving, fighting.

    There are lots of car scenes but it is not bothering too much.