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  • Ron Swanson is a fascinating character. A self-assured man who goes by no rules except the ones set by himself. An individualist who stays out of other people's business. A private person who is just happy being alone doing the things he loves. However, when we see the show break these rules and show different sides of Ron, it is always bizarre and hysterical. Mostly it is when people from Ron's past come back to visit him, and in this episode, we see possibly the three most important woman of his childhood return, so things are only bound to get crazy.

    In the excellent "Ron & Tammys" we get the introduction of Ron's first ex-wife, Tammy 1, and even his mother, Tamara...who also goes by Tammy. We find out so much more about the ever so complex character that is Ron Swanson. We find out Tammy 1 was not only Ron's ex-wife, but also his Sunday school teacher, middle school math teacher, baby sitter, and even helped deliver him as a baby. This episode does an excellent job of hyping the character, so much that not only Ron is afraid of her, but even Tammy 2. It would have to take a great actor to be able to pull off a rich, deep character like this, but luckily the show was able to get an Academy Award nominated actress to portray her.

    Tammy 1, played brilliantly by Patricia Clarkson, is a lot different from Tammy 2. In return, Ron acts a lot different around her then with his second ex-wife. Tammy 1, who visits Ron and announces that she is going to get the IRS to audit him, immediately acts as an authoritarian towards him. I love how much control of the room she has as soon as she walks into Ron's office the very first time we see her. Seeing everyone's reactions to her are great, especially April's, who seems to have an odd fascination with her. "She's the cold, distant mother I never had. I love her." As the episode gets further a long, we see Ron become as Leslie describes, a "neutered wimp." Nick Offerman gives another comedic performance for the ages in this episode, and the storyline builds to a great climax involving a heavy drinking contest.

    This episode also has side-plots believe it or not, which aren't nearly as memorable as the main plot, but still very funny. Chris helps Ann shoot a new PSA for City Hall, where Chris starts to show his OCD side in a funny way that annoys Ann to death. Also, Ben helps Tom and Jean Ralphio with their new business, Entertainment 720. The best parts of these scenes are seeing Ben's reactions to everything. He basically reacts exactly how we, the audience, react. It makes no sense how this business can possibly be profitable, but it's still hilarious seeing just how clueless Tom and Jean Ralphio are to running a business. "Your new nickname is Jell-o shot. - What do you think of that, J-shot? Do you have questions?" "Yeah. Where are we?"

    This episode is packed full of hilarious moments and scenes. It not only provides even more layers to Ron's insane backstory, but we also see some more of Entertainment 720 and even a different side to Chris, proving that he is not the "perfect" man that so many people make him out to be. The episode is one of the best in Season 4 and is a must watch, especially if you like the previous "Ron & Tammy" episodes.