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  • I know you can call me crazy because they are completely different genres but the last time i felt such an intense felling of ecstasy and excitement was watching the Chimera Arc in HunterxHunter. This not only was one of the most heartwarming and passionete episodes I've ever watched but also one of the most incredible masterpieces I believe I'll ever be able to find so greatly enjoable to watch.
  • ste_palom24 June 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    When fans talk about their favorite character it is always either Kaguya or Chika or Ishigami and we always forget the one character that actually make every other character member of the student council even better. The one that helped Ishigami at his lowest point, the one that help Miko overcome her fears, the one that torments Chika with his incompetence(ok this might not be a benefit) and now in this episode he is able to make Kaguya take off her mask so she can finally be honest about her feeling. The GOAT of this show has always been Miyuki Shirogane!

    What an incredible episode, for a show that loves to troll and meme all the cliches of the romance genre they just gave us the best ULTRA ROMANTIC love confession of all time, Aka Akasaka is a genius!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am truly left speechless in this final episode of season 3 the way shirogane planned everything was pure genius and perfect not surprising for the president and when IT FINALLY HAPPENED I had nothing else to say truly a beautiful episode and a amazing season i can't wait for season 4!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The best episode of the show and also the most anticipated one. Words cannot describe the satisfaction I've felt after watching this masterpiece. 7 years, it took 'em 7 years to come to this!!!! Ishigami-Miko scene.😳 The Voice acting, Miyuki's planning, everything!!!! 10/10.
  • If you have not watched this anime, u need to asap. 24 minutes has never gone by so fast. This ep is just 2 minutes of euphoria. The emotion was real with this one. No question, definitely one of the best season finales for 2022. Wraps up pretty much most loose ends with a few questions that will be answered next season or movie. Season 3 undoubtedly has one of the most fluid animation, literal eye candy, the soundtrack stood out the most this particular episode, the delivery of each characters dialogues, it was all just perfect. 10/10.
  • It's all been leading up to this, I started watching this show about an year ago and I was so looking forward to this. I am going through a rough period so I couldn't watch this as it aired but it was all worth the wait. Yeah I shed tears and I felt a little fomo but its never all happy. The confession surpassed my expectations, although I was a bit sad they censored the kiss, like come on, everyone knows. A little sad for Ishigami too, man been left hanging for too long. Overall, it was a journey and a half, I look forward to anything the studio has in store for us, and I wish you all the best in life.
  • rahmad-6005727 June 2022
    Big W
    Warning: Spoilers
    W + peak fiction + peak romance + confessed + kissed + chad + reached the promised land + not maidenless + french + the best romantic comedy of all time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The feels man, and finally the confessing. Good payoff after 35+ episodes. This arc has been a blast, good adaption by A-1. The fans have been waiting and waiting for their confession and it was played out beautifully. Visually it was good, very emotional. The balloons and then the kiss, perfect finale. Love is war is indeed peak romcom. Excited for S4.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is how you get something to pay off. 3 seasons of build up lead to a satisfying payoff that leaves room for a lot of intrigue for the next season. This episode was fantastic, with the characters of Kaguya and Miyuki and their romance taking the forefront, while not completely overshadowing how all of the other characters stories are being concluded in the festival arc. Tsubame and Ishigami also had a very satisfying payoff this season. This episode delivered.
  • I promise you all, this episode is one of the best episodes in anime history. After three seasons of waiting, the audiences see what they are waiting for and there is nothing more enjoyable than this. As an anime fan, I am completely satisfied with this episode and I don't think it deserves a score other than 10. If you haven't watched this anime yet, start watching it immediately. You will be faced with a fantasy and entertaining romantic comedy. You won't get tired of watching it. Unlike many other anime in the romance genre, this anime doesn't maneuver too much on romantic issues and doesn't play all its cards at once. The comedy of this anime is not spoiled and childish. One of the best anime is facing you.
  • This episode is so well executed, everything is perfect and the build up to this moment is so good. Watching the final scene, when shirogane and kaguya kiss, it really pays off and I'm not really a guy who likes romantic series or things like that, but the characters and the character development, expecially in the manga, i really liked it, I liked it so much that I even read the manga and it is so good even after the kiss scene, I would say it even gets better and it is not boring at all, the manga came to an end some months ago and it was a great ending in my opinion, I hope the next season of love is war will be great as the others.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After all those buildup in previous seasons this episode really pays off. With each other tossing their ego aside and perfectly executed plan by shirogane. Heck, if someone doing this to me i'd not just kiss that person, i'd marry him immediately. This is literally the best single episode of rom-com i've seen.

    (Spoilers for non-manga reader) BUT... After this arc, expect more drama and less romcom. Especially the final arc.