User Reviews (25)

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  • It seems to me that this show is trying to be exactly like Heartland. I believe Heartland was lucky enough to have great actors and writers come together and find the formula that worked. In my opinion theres really only room for one of these type shows. I dont consider Yellowstone and Ride or Heartlands mold. Just watching the ads for Ride and its basically like seeing a mirror to Heartlands early years of trick riding and rodeo action. The difference is Like I said Heartland hit the jackpot with writing and acting coming together. We need fresh new ideas like the streaming companies have been doing not these carbon copies with 1/2 the talent.
  • I waited to write a review and give this series a chance to evolve each week, however I am still not quite "hooked" yet and I don't really look forward to watching it the way I did with, "The Way Home". It's watchable, but something is lacking to hook me to care about the characters and what happens to them. I hope that the writers, actors, etc. Will examine what works and what may not be working to improve it. It could be so much better if there were some kind of dramatic plot line besides the "losing the property" one. I will keep watching for now, but I am not excited if I miss a show or two because of other life events.
  • 5.9 stars.

    Let's see if there are any reviews out there so at least I have an idea what I'm getting myself into with 'Ride'. Only one review? This show's been going for a month and only one person took the time to leave a note? RED FLAG! A good show attracts a dozen reviews in the first month, a great show gets a hundred. Take for example 'The Way Home', fans can't shut up about that one, me included.

    'Ride' is slow moving, dry, and too cowpoke for my taste. It's all about rodeo and cowboy stuff. It centers on a family who owns a ranch in Colorado (I believe that's the location) and they are behind on the mortgage payments.

    Nancy Travis is a well known player in Hollywood and shouldn't have any problems keeping a series afloat, but 'Ride' is gonna sink faster than the ranch they are trying to save. I don't have much else to say but that the cast is talented and ready to perform, but there is no story, and no script. 'Yellowstone' this is NOT. 'Free Rein' this is NOT, 'Heartland' this is NOT. This is a show for ranchers and cowboys, but fails in its attempts to resuscitate a dying breed (of ranchers and cowboys).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For months wow the new series the way home was airing they made this new series ride seem like it was going to be the best show ever they promoted the actresses and actors made everything seem like it was going to be a spin-off of the clean version of Yellowstone and I'm really trying too hard I watched the first episode and you killed the best person off like a few seconds into the episode constantly just jumps from here to there there's too much arguing and bickering and all it is is about a rodeo dynasty trying to save their ranch it's like oh we've already done this story and it was called Heartland I don't know who the writers of this series are or the wardrobe department but cowgirls don't wear tight pants and vests that are revealing they wear western shirts and bootcut jeans with cowboy boots and hats that actually fit their heads I'm like they're really overly promoting the show I hope they do not give this show a second season.
  • First, I really love the casting of this show. All of the actors seem to fit their parts well. I like the overall idea of the show. Yes it's very reminiscent of Heartland and yet doesn't have that it thing that Heartland does (but I have to say the main female character here is much less annoying!)

    I can see why it gets so so reviews. But I'm hoping the writing picks up a bit with some more engaging storylines so the show keeps going. I like Hallmark TV shows and wish there were more of them. The Way Home was really good this year after Chesapeake Shores ended and while this isn't as good I do want it to stay on.

    Give it a watch and fingers crossed it keeps going up!
  • My husband and I have watched this show from the beginning and it is EXCELLENT! I honestly do not understand all of the negative reviews, but the characters are well scripted/acted & you really need to watch ALL of the shows to follow along with what is going on! The script from week to week brings you on a journey of discovery with each character. It is not all going to fall into place in one or two shows. Congrats to Hallmark & the entire cast of Rode! It is wonderful to see diversity of characters, storyline & overall excellent show! My vote - please renew for another season! Thank you Hallmark!
  • When I watched the first episode, I thought another western drama but shot in beautiful Alberta, Canada. But the series characters kept me watching week after week. Headed by a matriarch this time around, it stars Nancy Travis convincingly playing Isobel Mc Murray, a tough no-nonsense rancher who has 2 sons that are rodeo bull riders and a daughter-in-law who is a trick rider and what happens to them. It is well written with a good script, good acting and beautifully filmed. What also appealed to me was the importance of family and family values making that a cornerstone to each episode. With no foul language and a mild degree of violence, RIDE is one of the western winners this year! Hope there is a season 2! Definitely recommended!
  • The previews for the show looked promising, unfortunately, they were the best part of this show. It tries to be Heartland and Yellowstone at the same time and is niether. Too much drama way too fast in the first episode. I remember Hallmark's short lived "When Hope Calls" had a ranch family as a back story with basically the same issues. That family was actually interesting. This was a moder update and I don't think it works. Another widower with a huge ranch under forclosure. Seems like that's been done before.

    They've tried to put to many story lines into one show. I'm a big fan of Hallmark series, but won't watch this one. It's too bad because I liked the cast.
  • jgwzcpjps11 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Awesome show. Has the drama, rodeo danger that can happen. All the personal problems that some go through and Family secrets. Waiting to see if season 2 comes out. I think it's crazy that the brother in law was the one whom loved her the whole time. It is very suspenseful at the end leaving you with what will happen next. Honestly I am waiting. These episodes were great. Alot of this is different from Heartland as they say. It is not the same. Its about bull riding. I think characters and the roles they play are spot on in their emotion. Very very good show. They have lost a loved one and this is tragic in real life for anyone to over come.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I started watching Ride after really enjoying The Way Home. I thought it would be good with Nancy Travis. Immediately it seemed like a cheaper version of Yellowstone. I've continued watching to see what develops, however Missy is so annoying, overreacting and whiny. Last week when she tossed her coffee on the dress was just dumb. Maybe it's the writing, but I don't enjoy her character. Cash is just okay . I do enjoy Val, as well as Tuck. They need a Beth Dutton to shake things up! I am curious to see what happens so I'm still watching. The Way Home was much better in my opinion, can't wait for season 2!
  • mammamia70124 April 2023
    I actually had to quit watching because the movement of the cameras made me nauseas. It looks pretty much like my home movies. So sad for a professional network..Seriously, why is the camera constantly moving ? Especially when there's a character or scene angle change. It's completely unpleasant and not the way a professional camera man would operate the camera. I doubt that I will try to watch again. I was really looking forward to seeing Nancy Travis in a show again. Sorry, Hallmark, but you lost me, again. I have to agree with others that it seems as if Hallmark is trying to compete with Yellowstone. There's no comparison. Yellowstone is much better.
  • jeveg25 September 2023
    We just found Ride and binge watched the whole Season 1. We anticipate and wait with expectation for Season Two. Please say there will be a Season Two!!!!!!

    Nancy Travis is one of my all time favorite actors. I have no criticism to provide. The only thing that I would do differently would be to have the close up shot of her standing on the back of the horse to look a little more authentic.

    When would we be able to find out the series is under production? Where could someone go to get that information?

    This system is requiring 600 words and I am not a person of many words, so I will type until.....
  • This show has a excellent cast but the writing is terrible. All they do is argue and argue. There is no action no love scenes nothing but people having ridiculous arguments. Please the brother in law and the trick rider just bicker and constantly talking about stupid stuff. Same old items each week. They have time to develop the characters so let them move on. Every week they don't trust the girl who's been missing. The brother-in-law has no idea how to win the sport. The best roll is the millionaire with the rich parents. And all they do is kick him around it's so stupid.

    This series can become a good series but you got to move faster and more action.
  • The core characters of "RIde" are the McMurrays, a Wyoming family descended from generations of rodeo performers. The strong matriarch of the family is Isabel who is the glue that holds the family, ranch and all the other characters together. She has three sons: The two oldest, Austin and Cash are bull riders and the Tuff, the youngest is a "bull fighter" who distracts the bulls after the riders are thrown. Without divulging a spoiler, there is also a young woman, Missy, who lives on the ranch and is treated as part of the family; Missy is a former beauty queen who performs as an expert trick horse rider. There is a mysterious young woman, Valeria, who is also like part of the family; her relationship to them is not at first explained but becomes clear in subsequent episodes.. All of the other characters in the series are secondary; some protagonists and some "villains".

    Although I hadn't planned on it, I ended up binge-watching all ten episodes in Season 1 of "Ride". I had originally given the series a low rating for much the same reason that many others here seemed to have, but with one important difference: I stuck with it through the complicated first couple of episodes which barrage the viewer with a whole lot of characters, situations and drama all at once (in fact, initially I was thinking that THIS is the show that should be called "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once). Yet by the time I had finished binging all the episodes I had changed my rating to a solid nine. When I initially watched the first episode, I kept checking to see if I had missed an episode because of the way the story jumped right into the middle of what seemed to be so many confusing storylines, characters and plot points. BUT... by the time I had finished watching the 10th episode I was completely hooked. It was well worth it to stick with it, because by the end of the first season all is explained and everything makes sense. As the story goes on, there is more and more action and the characters became more and more empathetic, and by the end all the loose storylines are neatly tied up and explained.

    The storyline gets more dramatic and there is more conflict and more action as "villains" are introduced who are working against the protagonist core family.

    I am an avid reader, and I could compare this first season of "Ride" to successful novels. As with all good stories, there is a beginning and a middle that builds to a climax and a denoument that wraps everything up.

    On a final note, if anyone is looking for a shoot-em-up, action-packed Western, you will be sorely disappointed and will probably give "Ride" a low rating because it did not meet your expectations. After all, this is a Hallmark Channel original, and like all Hallmark productions it's all about the characters, the situations and the drama. For those whose expectations lie within the Hallmark genre, you will be very satisfied with "Ride".

    I really hope that we see more of the. McMurrays in a. Season Two. But if not, the writers did a fantastic job of tying up all the loose ends in Season One so no one is left hanging.
  • Yup, it's not good. In fact, it's pretty bad and not worth the time. Typically Hallmark: poorly written, directed, and acted.

    It's like some genius at Hallmark saw Yellowstone on Paramount+ and figured that they needed to make their own PG version of the show on an extremely limited budget.

    I feel for Nancy, though. She's trying to carry the entire show but it's just too poorly written for her to be able to handle.

    I swear, there's a screenwriter's sweatshop somewhere where Hallmark gets all their awfully written scripts from. This show came from said sweatshop and the chimpanzees at the typewriters who churned out the first season weren't compensated in any way.

    Bottom line: it's Hallmark.
  • Why are there so many people saying it's not good and they say it's the same as heartland? It's not the same. You have to watch all of it before you judge it. Different story line. This one is about Bull riding and saving what they have left. And their dads and son/brothers legacy. Heartland was about saving horses and also saving their ranch and saving teens from becoming locked up or dead. Yes there are a few similarities but maybe it will change in each episode / season. You have to give it a watch or they might not renew it and for some of us we liked it and would hate for it to be canceled.
  • I totally thought this one would be a winner, as I love Nancy Travis and Beau Mirchoff. But, I have watched 4 episodes and find Ride rather boring. The character development has been confusing and off-putting. I really don't like the Valeria character and the younger brother. I also don't know how someone who is a trick rider would know anything about how to train a bull rider. Which brings me to my biggest problem with this show. I find rodeos and everything associated with them to be appalling. It is animal cruelty, and I seriously think if this show had been about cattle ranching or about horses or farming, I wouldn't have had an issue. Needless to say I won't be continuing with the show, and really hope Hallmark can find better scripts as they have really been letting their fans down recently.
  • I tuned in to this because I saw that Nancy Travis was headlining it, and I've always liked her. That said, I just cannot get interested in this series. I've tried, but it just doesn't grab me. I think the story is flat, and there's just not a lot of character development going on. I keep hoping that there will be more to inspire me to watch and to engage me a bit more, but so far that hasn't happened. I agree with others that this appears to be a "Heartland" wanna be, and it's not making it. Really hoping that the storylines improve. Haven't decided yet whether I'm going to hang in there with it or not. This has potential, but so far it's falling short.
  • jlketner5624 April 2023
    I have watched the first 5 episodes. And i was hoping for better storylines, but there has not been a lot of continuity. I guess I was hoping for better writing because it would be a better choice than Yellowstone. Yellowstone is filled with fowl language that apparently the writers have no creative word skills. Because this program is on the Hallmark channel they at least have creative writing but it is lacking something. They also need to look at their central characters at the way tgey wear their cowboy hats! They are all wrong. They all look like the went into a store & put on a hat and said this is it, NOT. They are not right. A cowboy hat that is not creased properly and then worn properly just does not fit. They look like drugstore cowboys!
  • Right out of the gate, Ride tries to up its game by "borrowing" its characters' names from world champion riders like Tuff Hedeman and Ty Murray. It's beyond laughable that they named one of their main characters Tuff McMurray. They might as well have given Austin the name Lane Frost McMurray. (Is that a spoiler alert? Does anyone at Hallmark even understand the absurdity?) Seriously, though, how do you kill off Marcus Rosner in the first 10 minutes? Nancy Travis and Rosner are the only recognizable actors, with the noted exception of Greg Lawson in a character role. Of course, Hallmark being what it is today, Ty McMurray is of the Brokeback Mountain variety. That might as well be the target audience, to be honest. Cowboy hats look like they were just shipped in new from Garland, Texas. Wranglers remain as stiff as the day they were bought - dirt and sweat are out of the question - and boots aren't even scuffed, let alone stained in (you know), on this show. If you've actually lived and worked on a ranch, you might stomach it to the 20-minute mark of episode 1. That's as long as I could manage. For those just looking to be entertained, please know this is a very poor man's Heartland.
  • It's been a while since I've seen writting this bad. I normally like the shows even if they they aren't my favorite. This one just didn't do it for me. I didn't connect to any of the characters and found myself second guessing all of their life choices. Missy married the wrong brother but the way they are playing that story line is just uncomfortable. It makes cash come across as the creepy brother. Also who named their kid Cash that's not a kardashian. I'm looking at you stormy.

    So if you want to check out a show I recommend the way home or good witch. This show is honestly a huge waste of time.
  • dwarol29 January 2024
    I don't know what the point of this series is, but it's clearly not done by anybody who knows much about rodeo.

    For one thing, it's set in Boulder, CO. Anybody familiar with that city knows that rodeo is not part of the culture there at all. It's more about rock climbing, triathletes, and cycling. It's also part of the Denver metro area so while there are a few small cattle operations that rent land from the city, cattle ranching and cowboying are definitely not part of the culture. There's certainly no rodeo site inside or near the city, unless you count the National Western Stock Show in Denver which is completely different.

    I don't know what Hollywood's obsession with Boulder is about. A few years ago there was another show, "Make It or Break It", about gymnastics that was also set in Boulder. SyFy even had a show where the baddies lived in the foothills above Boulder. All complete nonsense. And I might add, none of them filmed in Boulder because of costs.

    But the poor choice of setting is just a symptom of overall laziness by the producers and writers. The characters are two-dimensional and don't have any personality. I don't see where the show is going or what's the point. The actors do the best they can, but there's no saving this show.

    I think some corporate exec at the CW said "We need to capitalize on Yellowstone" and this was the result. That's really the point of this show - a dying network flaying about.
  • Hallmark has gone out of its way to alienate its core viewing audience. It is a crying shame. What an abomination of a show. Hallmark can't be trusted... period... it cannot be trusted.

    On what planet are cowboys not cowboys? Have you ever lived in a small town Hallmark executives? This show makes them seem like a bunch of drama queens.

    It started out very promising by pulling in the star from I Married An Axe Muderer and Last Man Standing, two shows which were very family friendly. But within 10 minutes on the first episode they completely blow the whole thing up.

    Are there no safe channels to watch anymore? Nowhere where families can site down and watch TV together, even with young children, and not have immorality and drama shoved down our throats?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I did the free trial for yet another streaming service you have to pay for in order to watch a series so I could watch the first several episodes. I've watched the first 3 episodes so far and already find it blah. I like Nancy Travis from Last Man Standing as the family leader, and somehow watching this I wish I was watching Last Man Standing. And now Hallmark has to throw in the Brokeback Mountain theme to try and tell us gay cowboys should just be a normal part of ranch life. Hallmark, like Disney now, is no longer a safe experience for wholesome entertainment. Sad but true. And so far this series is just not that good or worth the time.
  • ainugan27 October 2023
    ...trying to be Yellowstone... bad acting and weird writing... no real flow and no good choice of actors... I've tried watching, but even the music is bad... sounds Irish sometimes, dosen fit Colorado where it plays.

    Also a weird start and you have to guess what has happend... main actress is trying to play her role as tough as it gets, but when emotions are missing tough feels like a joke.

    It's all so cold, no real emotions...

    As you can See, i don't like the series at all.... but ist always a taste thing.

    It just doesn't fit Hallmark. They are known for emotions and romance...the way these actors speak is even robotic.