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  • Been playing since last night and been liking the physics so far, feels fresh and new. We still get to keep the same moves from street fighter 3 and 4 with a more realistic twist. I was getting beaten by these pro gamers who are cooking up a storm with their combo's and teleporting behind you, but this time around their is a player block feature which you get to choose straight after the match by picking player info and blocking them which is also satisfying after losing to them. This helps you stay clear of such players who have way too much time in their hands. I'm a casual gamer on the weekends kind of guy.
  • After years of waiting, Street Fighter is finally back and stepping onto the latest consoles with Street Fighter 6, and while it doesn't necessarily shout about its newness visually, there are some huge changes under the hood.

    With a significantly beefed-up singleplayer section of the game providing better on-ramps than ever, and a new control scheme that could completely rip up established assumptions about skill levels, it feels a bit like a fresh start for the fighting game giant.

    This is amazing for learners and newcomers, making the most intimidating part of any fighting game way more trivial until you know enough to kick off the training wheels and take more control.

    Street Fighter 6 retains the same basic gameplay seen in Street Fighter V and Street Fighter IV. Characters have a noticeable weight to them compared to older 2D installments, which makes their attacks feel more visceral and impactful. I've been playing these games for three decades so it was easy for me to acclimate to the controls in seconds. Capcom didn't mess with what works, which is great.

    The hip-hop-inspired soundtrack is very reminiscent of Street Fighter III. Though I'm more partial to the rock-inspired tracks from older Street Fighter games like Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter 6's music fits well with the visuals and gets you pumped during battles.

    It takes a lot to reinvent a 30-plus-year-old franchise while keeping step with tradition, but Capcom has succeeded admirably. This is a rare game where losing is still fun, because it all feeds the drive to improve, to find your warrior's path and maybe rack up some sweet wins along the way.
  • So in comparisson to past Street Fighter's, 2 is aging a bit too much now. 3 and Alphas were a bit ugly and again feeling a bit old. 4 and 5 were shockingly bad, so this didn't have too strong of a task to stand out as one of the best Street Fighter's.

    Honestly, a SF 3rd Strike remake and update would have been better. My reason for the low score is it just feels slow to play and a bit boring. The drive slows down the action, the special animations interrupt the action. The game all feels way too counter based, throw push backs, parry, rush reversals etc it feels like too much attack and defend gameplay has switched to counter attacks.

    A major gripe is the AV design. The sound is awful. Some short snippets sound more like generic quiz show jingles, poor dated sounding music, character designs are awful. Ken's homeless look is ridiculous. Voice acting annoying, stories from uninteresting to outright silly.

    Pricing is ridiculous and greedy although this hasn't affected my score. The small roster has. I only really enjoy around 6 characters. 18 to choose from is a bit lame these days.

    The artwork unlocks come fast though and that is a nice little bonus.

    I feel it has lost too much Street Fighter vibe now. Even when the game is fast, it still feels slow. I have had some input issues (PS4) where the down button isn't registering and I get standing kicks instead of sweeps. Small gripe but annoying all the same.

    With its very dated design and sound choices and slow feel, it doesn't hold my interest for long.

    I have several games that take preference for me over this at the moment. Mostly I find them more fun.

    King of Fighter's 15 Mortal Kombat 11 Injustice 2 Blazblue Centralfiction Guilty Gear Strive Killer Instinct Garou Mark of the Wolves (IMO best fighter ever) Dead or Alive 6

    I seem to chose one of these over SF6 everytime. I do prefer it to Tekken 7 though.

    On the plus side, the three counters of throw, parry and drive, as mentioned earlier really do add a new dimension to gameplay. I just personally don't like that new dimension. It bores me a bit. Many people love it.

    Is it worth £50, or £80 including DLC? No. If it was £10-£20 absolutely worth it.

    Impressed and disappointed all at once here.

    4.5 out of 10.

    If they ditched the cheese, sped up the flow, fixed the slightly buggy controls, drastically improve the sounds and songs and lower the price and my score would shoot up.