User Reviews (7)

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  • rocky-4394023 September 2022
    Brainless movie. Simply dragged the scenes. No proper direction and no common sense used to make this movie.

    Total waste of time to watch.

    Director used his all skills to give buildups to hero but he failed due to lack of common sense. And most of the character artists don't even know to face cameras.

    Other short movies are better than this movie. We didn't except this kind of movie from saikumar son.

    Comedy hero Sunil is not utilised correctly, and in one word we can say its boring brainless movie.

    Worthless to watch.

    You get bored after 20mins.

    Director made this movie a complete mess and no proper dialogues, no common sense used.

    If you want to waste your valuable time and wants to get bored then watch this mess.
  • There is nothing new you will find in this movie. I don't know why people even cast female actress in mass masala type movies.. Just for some dance numbers. Payal Rajput, regardless of the scene, comes up with the same 'stock expressions' throughout.

    This person needs to work on his acting skills, doing same type of movies will sink his acting career and it's high time he gets his act together with his script selection.

    You can easily avoid this and save your 2 hours. Tees Maar Khan is a film destined to fail. Neither does it have a powerhouse performance nor an entertaining plot. Sunil and Purnaa are wasted in poorly written roles.
  • ritwikrao-5145321 August 2022
    Nothing new, same old over action by this actor. Watch the movie if you want to have body pains and fall sick :p

    ** watch it at your own risk.

    I think he should go back to acting school and learn proper acting.
  • Movie is not near 5 rating. Random things happening, everything was predictable. Nothing new. Mixed all old movie stories together and what comes out is this movie. Action sequence was also mediocre. Random plots and connecting them in the end doesnt make movie success. I really rate southindian cinema high as compared to Bollywood but this movie was not par and didn't meet my expectation as shown on imdb rating. Next time plz make movie like they are made for 8 imdb score not posting fake reviews and making public watch this nonsense. Hopefully director and their team can make new movie with better action sequences, story and cinematography.
  • best-review19 August 2022
    The film lacks originality, offering nothing new to the audience.

    It heavily relies on cliches, incorporating elements from various commercial genres.

    The production values are relatively better, especially compared to Aadi's recent films.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had a huge expectation on the movie after watching the opening scene. The opening scene lasted for roughly 10 minutes and it was highly promising. It depicts the lead character's childhood and the trauma he had to undergo.

    After the first 10 minutes, all the scenes were completely predictable and cliché. Hero comes across the heroine and stalks her until she accepts him. The fights between the hero and the villain are predictable and is a cliché.

    To sum it up, excluding the opening scenes which lasted for roughly 10 minutes, the rest of the movie was a complete waste of time.

    I wouldn't recommend watching this movie even once.
  • Watched this movie after seeing 7.5 rating on IMDB but looks like the rating is completely false.

    The direction is very poor. Aadi and Payal are good actors and did not expect them to see in such movie. Nothing new in the story, though the director tried to show some twists in the movie but no twist was surprising, all the scenes can be easily predicted. Though tried to portray as a suspense movie i felt those suspenses are very boring. Songs are also not great. Srikanth Iyengar's acting is good as usual. Villain is too weak though the story tried to show him as a strong one.

    Only watch if you have useless time to waste!