User Reviews (2)

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  • The kidnap plot comes to a head as the team of bounty hunters mount their attempt to capture Palpatine and Obi Wan works undercover to stop them.

    The complex layers of subterfuge and deceit is very deep. Palpatine seems focused on strengthening Jedi's trust that he is on their side whilst creating division and mistrust between Anakin and the Jedi and the way this plays out is dark and deep. It adds greatly to the events of Revenge of the Sith and provides background to Anakin's drastic decisions.

    It is a convoluted plan and it is unclear how much Dooku knows about what Palpatine is up to but it is thought provoking and interesting.

    There is also lots of fun action and dialogue.

    My rating: 8.5/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm surprised to see that this episode only has an 8.2. You can really see that Anakin is getting closer and closer to being able to best Dooku, and the looks on Palpatine's face throughout their fight prove it. I believe Dooku knew this on some level as when he calls Anakin an unworthy adversary, I believe this was to posture in front of his master. Very compelling all around. I also enjoyed seeing Anakin being pushed closer to the dark side when Obi Wan admits that it was his idea to keep Anakin on the outside of the councils plot. One thing I'm still curious about is what Palpatine's endgame was if the plot to "kidnap" him was successful. Overall, this is one of the most action packed, interesting, and underrated episodes of an amazing show.