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  • The story follows many different people but the problem is that only a few of those plots and people are interesting, long parts of every episode was so boring I could fall asleep. If all meaningless and boring subplots were removed each episode would probably be around 10 to 15 minutes only, then this would have been a great series.

    The romance between Sebastian and Julie was interesting and I wanted to watch more of it, they had a very good chemistry that made me want to root for them even though it was morally wrong.

    If you wanted to watch this show because it was tagged crime then it is the wrong show for you. The whole crime plot feels like a little add on and it is not the main theme.
  • I realy wanted to watch this to the end and I did, to see who is the murder,bad omg,so bad acting,Julie destroyed this weak show. She is so wooden,ALWAYS have a half open mouth,looks like Bella from Twilight and look like she wanna go to the bathroom,and want to be smart, but she isnt.

    This is zhe worst skandinavian show that I ever watched.

    Like is made for non inteligent People.

    Its painful to watch Julie ,but i like the couple from recepcion and I like Sherin,she is so cute.

    It Will be season 2 but no,i dont have a time.

    This look luke latino novela , Sebastian is pretty as Ken and thats all.

    No no no.

    Painful to watch.

  • The first episode left me needing more, which is usually a good sign.. but when I confronted this feeling, I realized my interest was not based on a good impression of episode 1 - a lack thereof is more likely - and in a moment of weakness, I questioned whether or not it was as bad as I thought (kept losing focus during).. My initial ruling was indeed just though..

    As I'm very apologetic when watching shows in general, 'cos I let my own imagination spin the story's faults in a way that it makes sense (tough to describe).. Especially these detective dramas, because they've been told in so many ways already.. but I suppose there must be at least one character, or idea even, to spark an interest, in order for my brain cells to be bothered with the slack..

    Resulting in a classic cliché, with murder/mystery as special effects.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The only actor in this TV serie that do it good is Samuel Fröler. The other actors are doing a bad job, it's a B-tv service. Even the Music is terrible made. More like if it was made for teens in the 1980. To watch this one is like flush away hours for nothing. If you like Scandinavian made tv series, there are so many That's are much, much better than this one. The scenes are in the Office, bar, front desk or where they live. Very rare with other places than this. It's a low budget and the places where they are could be Done fast from us viewers, it's nothing special at all. The "Jokes" are not funny at all. It makes it even worse. Save your time insted of watching this one.
  • Camilla Läckberg has lost it. This is as bad as the appalling Lyckoviken. I didn't bother with the subsequent seasons of that failure and nor shall I watch the next season of this farrago of tosh.

    As the series was coming to its end, I was wondering how all of the various strands of cheating, murders, love lives and betrayals would be resolved in the final episode. The answer is that they weren't. Not a thing was explained and we were left waiting for a second season which might just bring the sorry saga to its end.

    Done on a shoestring, the series uses what is presumably a real hotel as a backdrop for one of the two rival establishments but the other one is never shown from the outside. Most of the action is on sets apart from a few outdoor scenes. The majority of the actors seem to have little other screen presence elsewhere and most of them are of hideous aspect, it's quite incredible. Where did they get these unattractive people from?

    All the clichés we expect from Läckberg now are here - seaside village, everyone knows each other, impossible situations that simply would never happen. Just one example, a hotel employee is not sacked for deliberately causing a probable divorce between a rich, regular guest and his wife as well as threats of bad publicity.

    Even the glorious Swedish summer and scenery couldn't save this sorry mess. Dreadful acting from the awful actors and actresses did nothing to help. The snogs were particularly bad as the people supposedly in lust clearly couldn't stand one another. One actress refused to be kissed at all despite being meant to be in a physical relationship with her lover.

    This was just so dire. I shan't be waiting for season two next year.
  • ... with such a limited number of review ratings to date (162) it's hard to draw much inference with existing overall rating of '3'... it's far from great Swedish TV programs, yet hardly deserving of such a low overall rating score

    ... soaps rarely earn high marks except in certain countries where the genre is much more accepted-popular... acting in this series is quite passable, production values not a major problem... sure the script-plot is suspect on occasions, but folks don't select watching soaps for their high authenticity do they (except maybe in Sweden)

    ... anyway it ended as if there is an S2 on the boards, if not yet fully approved for shooting... let's give-'em benefit of doubt.