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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Oh boy... where to even begin with this one?

    When I saw the poster and the storyline here on imdb I was expecting a really good and funny Bond parody much like the chinese flick From Beijing With Love. How wrong I was!

    The very start of the film aint to shabby when our hero Agent 0014 beats up a few bad guys while a woman is seen masturbating... yes you heard me MASTURBATING. After that we get a really silly and stupid theme song about Agent 0014.

    After this the movie goes downhill fast... For some reason our hero has a very strange looking device that makes people in the same room very horny and because of this we see a whole lot of sex and nudity. Don't get me wrong I like films that are sleazy and have nudity in them but only if you have it for a limited amount of time. In this flick it seems like at least 90% of the film is nothing but porno like scenes and the other 10% a re a few action scences and bad jokes. I think it should have been the other way around especially since it's aimed to be a Bond paody.

    Don't get me started on the acting... it was atrocious! Im not surprised that most of the cast turned out to be adult film stars either. Our main actor is also bad but mainly because his voice is so damn stupid and over the top that it made me want to kick him in the face so he would have chocked on his own teeth!

    The only somewhat good acting performance in this has to be that of Michelle Bauer and she is not really known for good acting to begin with. Also for some reason we did not get to see her tits this time around but I can't blame her since this is a real crapfest.

    Music is really awful as well and very repetitive and almost gave me a headache.

    After I've been rambling on you might ask yourself if there is anything good in this film except for the very opening scene. NOOO! Well... yes one thing... you could actually see what was going on.

    After about 25 minutes into this film I was already thinking of giving this film a 2 out of 10 but this movie pissed me off so much that I can't give it anything else than a 1 out of 10.

    If you want to watch another Bond spoof I can highly recommend From Beijing With Love.

    As for You Only Live Until You Die...