User Reviews (5)

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  • I hope this series is renewed by Netflix. The plot was engaging and well-written, I was very impressed. I don't even speak Spanish but it didn't feel like anything was missing. I will be disappointed if the series is left where it is, without finishing the story, as I believe it has the potential to be much bigger on Netflix with the right promoting and marketing. People love drama, and they love a good story regardless of it's origin, as we've seen with the success of shows like Elite and Money Heist. Definitely hoping they continue this series and invest in a little marketing for it, because right now it's a very well kept hidden gem.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Show was going good for me until the lgbt scene, and unfortunately that is where i have to stop. To be honest the plot started to take a decline for me anyway. Up until that point the story succeeded well in explaining each character's role and their purpose. From beginning to middle, each one seemed to fufill their roles perfectly, as the plot smoothly and unpredictably flows. But toward the end, it seemed to steered towards the very common, repeatitive romance twist of the devoted ex-lover (who has impeccable timing) who is not satisfied until he gets back his mate. It even managed to diminish the innocence of the main character (Maria), after we just see her put her neck on the line for husband, only to then withold vital info from the same man. Then add the revealing of a not-so-important secret that happens to be THE perfect not-so-important secret NEEDED in order to catapult a string of MORE events.... Just seemed to me as one unecessary convoluted insert after another, to prolong the story. I believe it could have been better had the ex-lover departed, and the story continued with the success of Maria's family and the young boy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The year is 1967, not 1467! Why is an unknown old man coming to a far away town and choosing a bride that is to marry by proxy? The family decides that the youngest daughter will marry this old man because they need the money, yet there are 3 grown children and a mother who can all work so how badly can they need money if they live in a small house and don't spend much. It turns out the groom is the old man's nephew who hates his new bride yet has a sudden change of heart. He goes from being a lazy drunk to a sober, loving husband. And why is the main character's ex creepy boyfriend also smirking? Even when things go wrong for him, he takes out a tobacco and grins. Super low budget, bad writing, awful plot - just terrible!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Like a previous poster - I was happy enough to watch this until about episode seven - when out of the blue a gay storyline was shoe horned in for the sake of political correctness - I assume - or maybe to use sex as a lure for more viewers.

    To begin - Don Ramon - a wealthy land owner - travels hundreds of miles to find a wife for his nephew Manuel - who is a hopeless drunkard following the disappearance of his wife, Llanos.

    He decides on Mary - the youngest girl - her mother is quite prepared to sell her even though she is only fifteen - there are three adults in that house - none of them working - so this is unforgivable. Maria is accepted in her place.

    There is a woman at the house Justa - who is in. Love with Manuel - and whilst posing as Maria's friend does everything in her power to break them up.

    There is a mystery regarding Llano which is cleared up in the most simple and implausible fashion.

    This is the basis of the story.

    Just when they are beginning to connect, Maria's old lover turns up - Jose - this actor just grins and grins to a noticeable and annoying degree. That Manuel trusts him in business matters knowing who he is and what he is trying to do is ridiculous.

    The series doesn't seem to know in what timeline it is set - they dance the twist - early sixties - they wear bright middle sixties fashions - and then they wear seventies flares and wide collars.

    Suddenly the youngest girl is an actress - no explanation of how a girl from a tiny village who is penniless achieved that. The brother Guillermo is "special" - and here comes the unbelievable section of the story which exists purely to titillate. He is bullied then seduced by a worker in the factory who is engaged to a woman.

    As usual contrived situations drive the plot forward and the worst villains are rehabbed by the end of it.

    Not something I would watch again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'll say I understand Spaniards behavior after seeing this 😆 it is a mere tantrum after a tantrum. There's an epileptic child living in a stable who out of nowhere is fine and back living inside the house. A drunk who out of nowhere is the most amazing man. An uncle who is a tyrannical fiction character and ends up being the father of the proacher that steals his bunnies. I'll leave it there. Nobody waits for any reasoning from the other side before making their own conclusions (this is how people from Spain are). If cheap, old fashioned catholic drama is what you're seeking this is the right place.