User Reviews (2)

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  • Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival

    "A Little Prayer" is a story about a man tries to protect his daughter-in-law when he finds out his son is having an affair. The main story is pretty simple about family bonds, father and son, and how far a parent will go to deal with certain troubles. This movie was decent.

    Director Angus MacLachlan clearly has a vision and passion with this project and it does shows. The performances from the cast members were pretty strong especially David Strathairn and Jane Levy stands out the most out of all the actors. Strathairn and Levy both have great chemistry anytime they appear on the screen together. The dialogue is pretty good as some moments had some Whit Stillman vibes to it with mix of drama and comedy.

    The production and camerawork is good tho the setting does feel like if it was too much from a play rather than a film. The main story is simple and with the characters provided, the characters had some moments but they didn't feel as impactful as I was hoping for because the characters were either okay at best or really boring to observe.

    Having seen only one film from Angus MacLachlan, he has talent on telling stories in country side parts of the United States. Overall, this film was simple but the strong performances and dialogue does help to offer something interesting.

    Rating: B-
  • Angus MacLachlan has brought forth such heartfelt performances here...especially from David Strathairn and Jane Levy, one almost feels like we're eavesdropping. This "small" movie is timeless and touching, and the love between a father-in-law and his daughter-in-law is fresh, sincere and very moving. Kudos for all who dedicated themselves to such a labor of love. In interviewing Mr. MacLachlan this last year at the Provincetown International Film Festival, I asked him why he obviously loves actors. His reply: "Because they can do two things at once. They can perform a function, like any of us, but they can also reveal themselves and their hearts."