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  • elias-3401312 October 2023
    3 years since Assassins creed Valhalla, AC Mirage goes back to somewhat of its roots with the toned down rpg elements and more approaches of stealth. However it does feel like I'm just playing a re skin of Origins. Baghdad, while beautiful on my console is just boring.

    The dialogue is atrocious. I hope they get new writers for the next game because the acting and dialogue is just plain awful. You can tell they're not even trying to act. Character animations seem like they haven't been worked on since origins. Hopefully this is the last of this engine because I don't feel any emotional attachment to characters that are blatant npcs. Unlike Ezio and his family.

    There's loads of parkour options but the buildings aren't as tall as previous games and there's no giant monuments like pyramids. Although I do like the smaller map. It feels like I don't need to just fast travel everywhere.

    The combat is very clunky, the standard enemies are fine and perfectly balanced however the fast bounty hunters are almost impossible with their incredibly fast attacks and insane damage. Brutes are easy to kill with a few dodges.
  • This entry in the Assassin's Creed franchise provides a fairly compelling answer to the question of what a modern take on the gameplay style beloved by many from the classic AC titles would look like. Save for some clunkiness in the melee combat mechanics, the hybrid model works quite well; although, I would still like to see the scales tip slightly more classic if they attempt this style of game again (and I hope they do).

    The game's biggest weakness is its story, but that seems to be a side-effect of its short length. With more screen time to flesh out the side characters and get to know the allies and villains of the game, they and the plot itself could have all been more compelling. As it stands now, Mirage's narrative is a nice extra chapter in Basim's story to supplement his character arc in AC: Valhalla, but this story on its own does not contain nearly as much substance as the earlier games it is paying homage to with its mechanics.

    All told, Mirage is a good game that's worth playing if you're a fan of classic Assassin's Creed. If Ubisoft continues to refine this new take on the formula over future instalments, I would be happy to continue playing them.
  • I was too excited about this game, hoping that Ubisoft finally decided to go back to its roots and give us the good old Assassin's Creed. But my excitement waned after the first few hours of play. Although, unlike Odyssey and Valhalla, Mirage brought a much smaller map and a not so boring environment with RPG elements ... but too many bugs, boring story and lackluster missions simply decided to give this rating. It's unbelievable that after 15 years Ubisoft can't recognize that they have gold in their hands and commit to making a game worth paying attention to. If they don't already have the talent and good writers who will make a good story, then they can simply go back to the past and use the old formula and make a good game. The only good thing left in Mirage is that there is more focus on stealth missions and a more closed type of map than on a large open world and rpg style gameplay. The graphics of the world are well done and really look beautiful, but the characters look like they are from the Playstation 3 era. The bugs annoyed me a lot and there are a lot of them on PS5 (I don't know what the situation is on other platforms) and that's why I repeatedly wanted to I stop playing. For example, it often happened to me that I would go to a merchant or a blacksmith to do something and I just couldn't click to interact. Likewise, in some missions I had to interact with NPCs, but for some reason it was not possible, so I had to reset the mission or do something else and return to the mission to continue. The combat is very clunky and the enemies are very stupid. What disappointed me the most was the story, totally without any imagination... boring! I would like one day Ubisoft to team up with Naughty Dog on at least one project and make a good story in AC games... The only thing that makes me happy, in the end, is that AC followed in the old footsteps and that maybe in the future we will play the good old ones Assassin's Creed. Not to forget, thumbs up to Ubisoft for not charging full price, the game cost $50.
  • I had expectations for this game. I really did. And here is an honest review form a person that supports Ubisoft that likes the rpg games and every ac game. This game feels so boring that I didn't even bother to finish it. I never write a review for something if I haven't finish it.. But it's the first time in my life that I feel I have really better games to play. And you know something is wrong when you feel you are wasting your time from the first 5 hours. And I see that other reviews match my opinion on the topic. Mediocre. Simple enough. My theory is that Ubisoft put so much effort pleasing the crybabies that didn't like the rpg Assassin's Creed that they forgot they need to make a good game for the people that just want to play a banger that they are going to remember for the rest of their life. I understand this wasn't the big project ubi was preparing. I think Codename red is that. This game is like an anniversary gift to the old schools but it just ain't a good game. They tried so hard to copy the old games and that you can see from the game itself. Kind of Disappointed to be honest. Ubisoft please . Continue making good games. Because you are. Stop trying to do things to please the nostalgia meat riders. I honestly don't like what I am about to say but I don't recommend you to play this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Starting off I would recommend people to finish Assassin's Creed Valhalla as the ending of Assassin's Creed Mirage can be a bit confusing for people.

    Assassins Creed Mirage is a breath of fresh air bringing us down memory lane by introducing some aspects of Assassin's Creed II etc, such as the bounty system and the atmosphere of what Assassin's Creed Mirage gives us. The fighting combat is one of the worst in the franchise, I think Ubisoft tried to base it off Assassin's Creed II which to me was good 14 years ago but not in today's games as it feels to linear.

    The Story I really enjoyed and I thought the investigation board was good feature for the story. Characters are pretty good some are forget able but others like Basim and Roshan are memorable in the franchise in my opinion. The voice acting from the characters could have been better, I feel like Ubisoft recycled to many voice overs for NPC and a few side characters but hey you get that in most games. Map is great and exploration is fun, I like that were back to a medium scale map like Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Unity unlike Assassin's Crees Odyssey were it was to big and very synchronization points.

    Conclusion: It's not the best or the worst AC game in the franchise, I think Ubisoft did a great job on most of the game and I feel like they listened to their fans on what they want unlike *cough cough Infinity Ward* 7/10 is a perfect rating for AC Mirage and I think any day one AC fan should give this a try, ignore the hate.
  • I have played all of the main Assasin's Creed games many times and I LOVE this game!!! I found the story to be quite interesting and the world and atmosphere alone are worth playing this game for! The focus on stealth is exactly what I like about this franchise and the tools make for a very interesting and fair stealth experience which (yes I know) really makes you feel like an assassin. They also made combat more interesting but also more difficult which encourages you to use stealth even more. Basim and his different robes look great and the blackbox missions, fantastic music, the many hiding spots and the more parkour-friendly open world make for a combination of the best features in the franchise.

    I finished this game in about 26 hours and I'm not at all bored by it. In fact I kind of want to replay it again right now, unlike Vallhalla which I didn't like nearly as much as Mirage. It is really impressive how they made this game feel really different from Valhalla despite using the same engine, UI and similar gameplay systems. How they made it feel good again is a mystery to me but I love it.

    I would highly recommend swapping (on xbox) RT (right trigger) with LS (left stick). This makes the game feel so much better as you have more control over whether you are sprinting or not and it feels like the good part about the older games; it makes you feel heavy. The tool wheel is perfectly usable on the left stick but you could also switch that around if you prefer something else.

    In Mirage you'll be eavesdropping and tailing targets in some missions as well which I personally loved about the older games. The assassin fantasy takes center stage and even the larger story about the isu stuff, which I never really cared about until Valhalla kinda, is also really interesting to me here.

    The voice acting and camera movement during dialogue and its animations could really use an overhaul though. Social stealth and blending options are here and they're great, but a lot more could be done with them. The parkour and combat also still suffer from the crappy animations from the previous few games but you can't really fault the game for this too much.

    To me this game is much more than just a "trip down memory lane" which I'm a little bit sick of hearing by now. I think this is a very competent game which deserves its place in the series. Hopefully this wasn't the last game with this level of quality Assassin's Ceed-ness because this confirmed to me why I love these games.
  • ---{ Graphics }--- You forget what reality is Beautiful Good Decent ☑(The face animations are Peak gaming:).) Bad Don't look too long at it MS-DOS

    ---{ Gameplay }--- Very good Good It's just gameplay ☑(Not as good as expected) Mehh Watch paint dry instead Just don't

    ---{ Audio }--- Eargasm Very good Good ☑ Not too bad Bad I'm now deaf

    ---{ Audience }--- Kids Teens ☑ Adults ☑ Grandma

    ---{ PC Requirements }--- Check if you can run paint Potato Decent Fast ☑ Rich boi Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

    ---{ Game Size }--- Floppy Disk Old Fashioned Workable Big ☑ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive You will want an entire hard drive to hold it You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data

    ---{ Difficulty }--- Just press 'W' Easy Easy to learn / Hard to master ☑ Significant brain usage Difficult Dark Souls

    ---{ Grind }--- Nothing to grind Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks Isn't necessary to progress Average grind level ☑ Too much grind You'll need a second life for grinding

    ---{ Story }--- No Story Some lore Average ☑ Good Lovely It'll replace your life

    ---{ Game Time }--- Long enough for a cup of coffee Short ☑ Average Long To infinity and beyond

    ---{ Price }--- It's free!

    Worth the price If it's on sale If u have some spare money left ☑ Not recommended You could also just burn your money

    ---{ Bugs }--- Never heard of Minor bugs Can get annoying ☑ ARK: Survival Evolved The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    ---{ ? / 10 }--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ☑(Very close to 5) 7 8 9 10

    ---{ Author }--- Alpha X.
  • Assassin's Creed Mirage was a giant leap in the right direction after 3 massive open world RPGs. It took elements of those games and elements of the classic games before Assassin's Creed Origins. Assassin's Creed Mirage was about 20 hours long vs the 60 hours for Assassin's Creed Odyssey and 85 hours on Assassin's Valhalla, both of which were argued to be too long. The story was fairly average until the end when it got way better. The intro felt slightly rushed and the combat don't feel like a classic Assassin's Creed game not an RPG Assassin's Creed game plus the addition of the new teleportation mechanic. Fortunately, stealth is back and it is perfect. The developers really nailed that. So all in all, Assassin's Creed Mirage is a good game and worth your time, just understand this is not a classic Assassin's Creed game.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've been playing the Assassin's Creed games since their first release in 2007, so I'm well versed in the franchise and honestly I have enjoyed every single game.

    I've just completed Assassin's Creed Mirage after receiving it for Christmas from the wife. With the short break from work over the festive period I thought what the heck and glued myself to the couch. Needless to say I was hooked.

    Mirage takes the franchise back to the original formula. I was so happy to learn that the player gets to play as an actual assassin again as opposed to Valhalla's viking Eivor or Odyssey's mercenary Alexios/Cassandra (no judgement on the quality of either of those games, Odyssey will always hold a special place in the series for me).

    Once I arrived in Baghdad as the newly trained assassin, Basim I was instantly reminded of the first time I played as Altair all those years ago. The map is smaller than the RPG trilogy (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla) but it's full of amazing sights including palaces, a bazaar and return of Assassin Bureaus. The game still has viewpoints dotted around the map to synchronize with and reveal more of the map before you leap of faith from them into a haystack, and it's nice to see that the vendors are still around for the player to purchase upgrades and other bits and pieces for your inventory.

    As for gameplay, the parkour is great and you can move quickly from A to B, whether it's getting to the next mission or making a quick getaway from pursuing guards. The inclusion of the classic vertical and horizontal zip lines helped me traverse the city with ease however I didn't tend to use the "pull down scaffolding" feature during the story all that much, something I should've done considering there's a trophy for doing it 20 times and they're scarcely spread across the city. The combat is good, a bit repetitive in the animations but with four different types of guards it mixes up the gameplay nicely. I guess with the majority of the games in the series the idea is to avoid a fight so stealth is definitely the key to completing a mission smoothly.

    The story is very good, not the strongest in the series but certainly not one of the weakest. I felt like I connected with Basim from the get go, it helped that he was introduced in the previous entry so it was interesting to go back and see him becoming an assassin. The side characters were pretty good too, especially Roshan (Shohreh Aghdashloo was a fantastic pick for the voice actress). The story was a little shorter than I expected though, it took about 9 hours to get through the main storyline but with the assassin board contracts and the Tales of Baghdad side quests it made up for what was lacking. Being a completionist, it took me just over 30 hours to collect everything.

    I was also surprised to see that none of the present day story made an appearance in the game, there wasn't even a mention of the Animus or what was happening with Layla or present day Basim aside from a brief monologue from William Miles at the beginning of the game. Maybe Ubisoft will continue it in the next installment?

    I really enjoyed Mirage, it was nice going back to the type of assassin's creed games I played in my teens and not feeling like the game was such a struggle to collect everything and hunt for a platinum trophy for hundreds of hours.

    Keep it up Ubisoft, more games like this please!
  • My first AC game was black flag and eventually I expanded to other games in the series such as rogue, unity, ac 2, etc. When Ubisoft said they were going back to their roots I got exited to play it and it met slightly below my expectations

    Baghdad is stunning the graphics are incredible but I have a small issue with the RPG aspect still being there, Assassin's Focus can break immersion and the combat system is LACKING. Other than that the stealth is incredible the world building is amazing and other than the fact that it's short the story was good. But overall I enjoyed this game and i think any fan should try give it a try.
  • Assassin's Creed was one of my favorite franchises. When the first game was coming out, I was extremely excited about this new ip coming from one of my favorite developers. Mixing the genres of stealth and action with new social stealth mechanics.

    But what truly made Assassin's Creed standout was the characters, the stories. I will always remember the emotion I felt during the end of Assassin's Creed Revelations or the memorable music like Ezios theme song. It's iconic. Ubisoft truly had made a generational hit. All these years later, the Assassin's Creed franchise has been reduced to nothing. Gone are the great well written characters, gone are the great emotional impacting stories, gone is the memorable music. What do we have in its place? Soulless, cheap, cashgrab titles that focus more on wasting your time rather than providing a meaningful experience.

    Now what of Assassin's Creed Mirage. Is it truly the return to form that Ubisoft promised? Well, to that question, I answer as a whole no, but in small partial ways, I say yes.

    So what does Assassin's Creed Mirage get right. Well, the atmosphere, Ubisoft truly did a wonderful job at bringing us back to the better days of this franchise as far as the world is concerned. The look is there, the feeling is there, and the games character animations are actually surprising well done, with almost no glitches or issues.

    Probably the best part of this recent addition to the franchise is the costume design. The outfits you can wear are beautiful, personally myself. I was rocking Altairs' original assassin's outfit no one can beat the og! As for you, Ezio fans, don't worry. Ubisoft has you covered. You can unlock his outfit, too.

    Having Altairs outfit was a tremendous plus for me because not only did it look fantastic in the games world, but it literally helped me role-play like I was back in the golden days of this franchise Believing myself to be Altair once more was such an amazing feeling. Then I had even more fun when the edition of the game I had came with a Prince of Persia costume pack. So I then also role-played like I was playing a new Prince of Persia title. I miss that franchise, too. But even with all this fun, I was able to have it doesn't hide the fact that this game is just so painfully average.

    The voice acting is boring, the characters are boring, the writing is boring, the story is ok, but I barely cared for it. However it did I must confess to having an interesting twist ending. But I can tell you right now it wasn't the story that got me through the 17-hour experience of this game.

    The world is well for lack of a better word dead. The npcs in this game are not reactive towards your actions. Obviously, they react to your killing, but what I mean is they lack any reaction to seeing a man cloaked in white climbing walls and jumping off roof tops. They don't say anything like past npcs did in the original Assassin's Creed titles. It's not a big deal, but it added to the grounded feeling those past games had.

    The side objectives are ok and can sometimes lead to interesting things, but like recent Assassin's Creed entries, they're just busy work intended to merely expand the games time. While the rewards from said objectives are useful, I just didn't care enough to do them so much.

    Disappointingly, the stealth mechanics in this game I found to be extremely choppy and half baked. Getting caught in instances and scenarios that left me thinking, "wtf, how is that possible?" I eventually gave up on stealth and said screw it, I'll just kill everyone." But the combat system is no better. The best I can say for it is that it's slightly better than the combat in Odyssey or Valhalla, though I barely touched Valhalla because a couple of hours into that game I could tell it was another Odyssey except with Vikings, and I absolutely detested Odyssey. I forced myself to complete that atrocity!

    The parkour mechanics also felt choppy. I found myself on multiple occasions to be fighting the playable character in going in one direction, but the animation forced him in another. But to be fair, these issues have plagued the franchise since the start. So I can't really deduct points on that. Though you'd think all these years later, Ubisoft would have it fixed by now.

    The nicest thing I can say about Mirage is that at least I didn't have to force myself to get through it, but after 11 hours, I was eager to be done. However the biggest problem with Mirage is that it requires a lot of "let's pretend" like let's pretend I'm back in the golden days of Assassin's Creed, let's pretend these characters are interesting, let's pretend I'm actually caring about anything in this game. If you are a fan like me and loved the original Assassin's Creed games as I did, then you will understand that this is not the return to form that was promised.

    Now Assassin's Creed Mirage isn't the worst game in the franchise I can happily say, but it doesn't live up to the legacy of the original games that Ubisoft promised this title would go back to. Respectfully, I can say that Ubisoft did abandon the big open world, the boring rpg mechanics, and return to the days that we played in more of a sandbox with multiple avenues of completing mission objectives. But there's nothing exciting in these mission objectives. Literally, one mission objective was to get some flowers for an npc. How exciting! And I'm sorry, but I can't take anything seriously when the characters in the game themselves just don't seem to care. Literally felt like the voice actors phoned it in. But I will give Ubisoft credit in saying it seemed they did cast what looked like an entire Middle Eastern cast, so I can appreciate that.

    Lastly, I will say that as a positive, this title is not a full priced game, $49.99 for the base game, then $59.99 for the deluxe edition. So, I am genuinely surprised by that price point. But considering this title is no where near as big or as long as recent Assassin's Creed entries I understand why but even then I'd rather play this smaller more compact game that the inflated nothingness that Valhalla and Odyssey were.

    Overall, Assassin's Creed Mirage is a mild disappointment. It has some things that, as a fan of the original titles I can enjoy, but it relies heavily on your ability to ignore all the bad. This is why my final score is a bit difficult because I want to be generous, but at the same time all the games faults are blatant, yet I did have fun in the role-playing capacity that I had with Altairs outfit, still though I shouldn't have to play make believe to feel like I'm playing Assassin's Creed in an Assassin's Creed game.

    So I will choose generosity and give Assassin's Creed Mirage a five out of ten. For merely being the most playable Assassin's Creed since Origins. But I will put Ubisoft on notice here by saying you have a chance for the next time you do a title like this to truly go back to the golden days of Assassin's Creed. Please go back to the roots that made this franchise great, I want to believe in you, Ubisoft. Make Assassin's Creed great again.

    Final score: 5/10 3/5

    Played on Xbox Series X and Ubisoft Connect on PC.
  • I had high hopes for this game, following Odyssey and Val Halla, but was very disappointed. I honestly wish that I'd not wasted my money.

    The storyline was very short, with nothing in terms of character development or adventure.

    Once again we were uncovering a hidden/ancient group of cultists, just like the in Odyssey, but outside of that was nothing.

    If you're looking to buy this game, I'd say don't waste your time. I wonder if this game was just a short term money maker, while they develop the next real adventure?

    Very disloyal to the lifelong players of Assassin's Creed, by teasing with vague elements of the original games.
  • I started playing the Assassin's games when Origins was released and I've sunk hundreds of hours into the ARPG games, (Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla), since then and loved every minute. I also tried the older games in the series as, according to Assassin's fanboys, the earlier games are the GOAT, but they just aren't. They're clunky, slow paced and the game mechanics are awful, just like they are in Mirage. Which isn't surprising, as this was touted as a return to the roots of the franchise in a pathetic attempt to appease a loud minority who hated the direction the new games took. So, now we have a mediocre game with terrible combat, QuickTime events, skill trees with only a few perks, a short completion time and a tiny map. The only saving grace is that Ubisoft didn't charge a lot for it.

    I hope that Shadows is a return to the ARPG style of Origins et al, and that Ubisoft disregard the keening of the minority who are stuck in the past and, when faced with a fantastic game with a large map full of side quests and filler content markers, are unable to realise that they dont have to interact with everything: that they're free to concentrate on the main story and complete the game in 20 or 30 hours instead of whining about the extra content on the Internet, or that they're free to just not buy the newer games in the first place if they don't like the gameplay.

    The world has moved on, things change, listening to dewy eyed fanboys in rose tinted glasses barking about the good old days only results in games like Starfield and Mirage two of my worst purchases in recent times.
  • boggysamy2 January 2024
    I simply struggled for 3 months to convince myself that it's worth playing and I can't play, I gave my money for nothing, the same repeated missions over and over and over again, useless and annoying missions, I'll never buy another assassin creed. The game is very weak, the stories and the gameplay and the missions are repeated endlessly and you end up hating the game..gamers wants easily accessible gameplay without nerves and to change the missions for the hell of it, because I'm damn tired of looking for cards and dummies in the map. When you assassinate someone,wow what a tricky mission was this, this assassin creed rubbish should cost you 20 pounds maximum not what they ask me for them.
  • mckenzie-boyle13 October 2023
    Every step forward this series has made with the last two releases seems to come with two steps back. Mirage is no different. From overly difficult, clunky combat, to a lackluster story, to twenty minute puzzles that end up only rewarding you with "gear schematics" for gear you don't even use. Every system seems to have taken a backslide into the realm of irritating and inconsistent. The whole game feels rushed and poorly thought out. Half of the skill on the skill trees are unimaginative and only questionably useful. Compared to Odyssey, which I personally consider the best entry into the series, this game feels like we're back at Brotherhood - not a terrible game in its own right, but a far cry from the masterpiece that was Odyssey. I know they were trying to make homages to the original games, but they picked all the wrong places to make them. The clunkiness, the bugs, the tepid story telling - these are not the things people remember fondly about the old games, but that's what we got with Mirage.
  • I don't know why, but Ubisoft haven't evolved on the graphics on the Assassin's Creed series since Origins.

    It's as dull as a ps4 game released 10 years ago. Shameful really. Apart from that, the story is almost twilight level bad and predictable with mediocre to laughable voice acting.

    The bad out of the way, the assassin approach in this game in direct contrast to the past 3 RPG titles, is a welcome change. It brings a sort of mix of the rpg and the old AC vibes. It feels rewarding to be stealthy. The upgrades and tools also make for a good change of approach on your missions and it's fun for a good handful of hours, if you can refrain from cringing over the voice acting and bad facial expressions.

  • Downloaded the game they're offering - like 90 minutes to play the game before you have to decide weather to buy.

    I was done less than 30 minutes in.

    First issue was he wouldn't run up one of those triangular wooden things leaning against a wall.

    Literally WOULD NOT RUN UP IT. Ran around it, but if I tried to make him run up to thing he'd vear off. After wasting 45 seconds trying to get him to do this simple task, I gave up. But I realized this showed a lack of quality control in the development of the game.

    Then, a few minutes later I was trying to steal whatever the Templars had in that box AND HE WOULDN'T KNEEL ANYMORE. Tried hitting the button over and over.


    I need him to sneak.

    He won't sneak.


    I get it that quality control is lacking these days.

    But this game has been out for months now. And you'd think they'd want folks to have a nice experience while this shoehorned "secret" story unspools for 90 minutes.

    But no.

    Will literally never buy anything else in this universe.

    And this from someone who's put well over 400 hours into Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
  • The developers lied this is no step in the right direction of what assassins creed fans actually want we want the games to go back to how assassins creed 2 was the graphics were way friggin better this has still got stupid RPG stuff in it which we never even asked for even when origins came along and odyssey and Valhalla seriously who in their right mind asked for a stupid RPG genre for assassins creed it doesn't go with the parkour or stealth or assassination's seriously Ubisoft do you even know how to make your own franchise anymore a franchise you've been making since 2007 you're telling me you've somehow forgotten how to make your games funny stuff.
  • The beginning of the year I tried playing Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 and was horrible Replay even if I remember them being one of the games I liked very much when I was younger, but now every time I climbing up building. I just get bored every time I tried a combat I get bored and I'm just like I'm playing one of the new games and then I'm seeing if I'm done with this franchise.

    I begin playing this game tried the controls that felt really bad because it feels like my character wanted to jump up things and just do whatever they wanted. I never felt like I could stay on the top of a building I felt like I have butter on my Feet. I could just never Trust my character to do what I want it.

    Only thing I filled where when I looked at the city and how hard it must have been to make a realistic model of a city that no longer exist that is at least what they said in overly sarcastic production.

    In the moment, I get control of the game and can do what I want then I realized. Oh no, why is there so many icons on my map? Oh, no, there is crafting element so I can create better swords. Oh, no, it's one of those games.

    I really liked in the old Assassin's Creed game if you Perry then they died and it was really fast the combat filled more like a distraction then a real part of the gameplay, but here they are trying to make it a real part of the gameplay, but it's just not fun the fight feels so sluggish and I hate how long fights are and I put it on Hard Mode.

    Play the game for some hours. I was wondering so I looked how long to beat and then I realized that it would take too many hours and this would be horrible struggle because of boredom so I took my Retreat and stop playing, sorry I didn't complete it but god damn it's too boring.