User Reviews (10)

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  • A nice independent film with great visuals. It is a good experience for new film makers and cinema lovers. How to utilise the available locations, set and time to create magic. Especially when you stuck in situations like covid and everyone is struggling. This film gives confidence and encouragement for the new film makers. All the characters are acting so real and the film is like peeping in to their life and watching. Especially the main lead. All the exterior long shots are like great paintings with great colours and nature. The voice over pattern is engaging and it clearly explains a creator and his struggle.

    A worth watch.
  • The travails of a film maker in a foreign land , in a shaky ground and in uncertain conditions. That too during pandemic. COVID KARMA is a perfect Title.

    For Chris could not stop lifting things , Joe could not stop building stone walls and you could not stop filming .

    For Joe building stone wall is an obsession. I could identify. The masons of my place Nagercoil are very famous for their skill in building stone walls ( Karungkal ) Every piece of stone is unique and they know how to fit it in perfectly with some small bits to fill and support. While doing that they toss the stone in their hand few times to get the feel of where it will go and take its position. The same way you cut in your shots to fit the scene. The way Chris swinging the hammer and juggle it skill fully. Yes we must keep doing what we are good at. Never stop doing it. Out-come is not important. Like Juan Antonio Samaranch, former chairman of International Olympic committee famously said "important thing is not to win but to participate"

    You wanted to make a feature film , but ended up with a documentary. You started Monster of the Forest and shelved it ultimately. But you kept making films

    I liked the philosophical ending . While realizing the foibles of Chris , I discovered my weakness and inabilities. The past and future is not that important, living the moment is life.

    Chris could not stop juggling with his hammer, Joe could not stop making stone wall. And you could not, cannot and will not stop making films.
  • This film brilliantly portrays the struggle that a filmmaker goes through during covid lockdown. A must watch for everyone who loves good cinema. The making is brilliant. Kudos to the director and the entire team 👍👍 The way the emotions are handled makes the viewer get attached to the film in an unique yet interesting way. The lead character is funny and he exactly reflects the fact as to how karma works. Yes, How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours! Biju Viswanath, the director yet again shows his excellence in film making. Go for it. It is well worth your time. It worked for me. I am a 100% certain that it'll work for you too.
  • anbusath28 September 2022
    This film ' Covid Karma' gave me the experience of reading a modern novel. Along with beautiful images, the filmmaker has narrated the whole story nicely through voice-over.

    The filmmaker brilliantly used natural and available light sources throughout the movie. I also liked the realistic way of framing. Though the movie runs for around one hour, I have got the feeling of watching a ten mins short film. It is such engaging throughout.

    The acting of the main character 'Chris' is too good.

    The whole film and its making inspired me a lot. I wish grand success to this film and the crew. I also request them to make many more such impressive films.
  • vineshnethaji26 September 2022
    A very unusual and interesting movie. The film brilliantly portrays the struggle of a filmmaker during the Covid lockdown. The making is super. Director Biju Vishwanath has once again proved his excellence in film making. All the characters act very realistically and the film feels like a peek into their lives. The way emotions are handled connects the viewer to the film in a unique yet interesting way. The voice over pattern is attractive and the director Biju Vishwanath has made the movie very beautifully. It is a good and excellent movie that everyone should watch because of the variety in the story and the way of presentation.
  • It draws you in and tugs at the heart and mind. Several funny moments and characters that add so much color to our humanity! The shots of vast landscapes and sky remind us of how infinite the universe is. Beautiful cinematography despite the seemingly chaotic heartbeat of the filmmaking process we get to witness. Check it out for yourself and send up warm cheers to Chris and his unique mind! Chris and the people who surround him are eccentric and intriguing in their own right. You find yourself wanting him to win at life in spite of the odds others have judged him on. Chris' perseveres and does just that!
  • Covid Karma tries to document the life and struggles of its central character through his self-reflections as well as through the people in his life. While doing so, the director turns deeply introspective. The pandemic of Covid-19 adds another important dimension to the film. Narrating the struggles of Chris Annino and his daunting life, the film maker ends up being an important but mostly unseen character. Striving to create the film against every odds, it is as much a chaotic-comedy as a meditative experience. There is a method in the medley of seeming unbalance.

    Both Chris and the director overcome their disabilities -- of the mind or of filmmaking in difficult times. It has humor, feelings, and drama. A study in independent filmmaking, Covid Karma deserves a serious viewing to understand a different story and storytelling.
  • A beautiful, brutally honest film about the absurdity of life. Great visuals and a great chance to have a good laugh! Watching an indian filmmaker striving so hard to make a good film during covid, without getting any valuable result, gives deeper insight into the fragile human nature, that seems to be continously depending on external circumstances..... and feels easily victimized, when expectations are not met at all. To watch him fighting his battle (his karma) in an almost unstoppable way and to feel his desperation is impressing and touching .... but even more the fact, that at some point we understand, that happiness can be felt in a very simple moment.
  • Sensitive and original . Told to a certain extent without judgement. Actors bring the characters to life, caricaturing them with humor.

    It took a little over 24 hours before I weighed in on my official thoughts on this movie . As the film continues to settle within my cinematic soul, this very well could be the one of the funny, sad and quirky films I watched recently.

    They should feel so lucky to have the gumption to choose something this honest

    The protagonist who suffers from PTSD and slew of other mental issues is Unsure, arrogant, and dismissive to the world around him. The filmmaker explores the narrative in a deft and delicate manner that we get a front seat to his soul.
  • Film portrays the struggle during corona and the fact is proven...making is very good as usual it's directors touch...these kind of independent films should be encouraged always ...different then a usual movies we regularly watch...Director gives us a feel wat we all experienced during Covid pandemic situation in this movie...We are expecting these kind of movies to be done in a future...The characters in a movie has been casted perfectly and they done very well...overall the movie is a must watch kind of movie...Lot of youngsters can gain knowledge by seeing this movie that how to make independent movies.