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  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a guy who watches a lot of Lifetime network flicks, I have never seen one try to be out of the box as much as 2023's My Husband's Worst Mistake. It's wine club Sauvignon Blanc. It's cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater. It's serpentine in fire mode. It's "hey I wish Vivica A. Fox could pop in to see what's the dillio?" Heck, I'll give stab points for the whole darn treatment.

    Anyway, "Mistake" runs 85 minutes with enough coincidences and passing ship characters to make a murderous version of The O. C. look like Romper Room. Check this: husband has an affair with wife of lawyer. Wife of lawyer confesses and dies accidentally falling down the stairs. Husband who had affair confesses to his own wife who throws him out of the house. Lawyer seeks revenge on real estate hubby by getting his kill on and trying to romance pissed off spouse (of real estate dude). Did you get all that? Could you keep up? It's okay if you didn't. For a minute my head was spinning. I felt like I was watching some cinematic multiple choice.

    So yeah, My Husband's Worst Mistake has intentions but tries so hard to bait them, you're left viewing a lot of unintentional garble coupled with an abrupt ending that had to fill that standard, Lifetime running time. "Mistake" also stars actors (Matt Wells, Sarah Cleveland, Scott Gibson) who are so stiffly swayed by the plot mechanics you'd think they were pawns in a mosaic about the art of serendipity. Yeesh!

    To put it mildly, My Husband's Worst Mistake is not a bad film, just a glut experiment in reinventing the wheel of a channel that specializes in manipulation, conniving, and stone-faced men up to no good. I'd give the thing a higher review if every waning moment wasn't so fortuitous. Own "worst" enemy.
  • The acting was below average as well as the plot . Poorly written failed on so many areas. Do not recommend wasting your time . The house was clearly rented and the small props like one plant at front door and daughters clinical bedroom only reinforced this low budget movie . The kitchen appeared to be brand new and never been used . At the 70% mark it was noticeable that 19 cars in a parking lot had no number plates . This only reinforces this amateur hour by this director . There were many other contributing factors that reinforced this sub par effort of a movie . Overall well below average .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    *spoilers* (not that it matters) First of all, there was never an affair, it was ONE NIGHT STAND. Secondly, what love? There is barely 5 minutes seen between Brad and his wife, so the description about controlling and his love becoming obsessive is just not true.

    Also, where was the ACTING! Your wife cheated on you, straight face. You get arrested for murder, straight face. Your wife dies, straight face. Your dad cheats on your mother, IDK what face that was!

    Sarah was the only character that showed a little bit of emotions, other than that, what was this film. The entire film is dragged to NOTHING!

    There was no intensity, no helplessness, no thrill, it was a really silent watch, I was waiting for it to end!

    I changed from 1 to 3 because I have seen WORSE films lol.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is clear that Kent Watts' worst mistake was a one-night stand with his co-worker, Amy Collins. But Kent's wife Sarah also made a nearly fatal mistake when she failed to keep business separate from pleasure in "seeing" her client Brad. Unbeknownst to her, Brad was the husband of Amy, who died when he pushed her down a set of stairs. Now, the deranged Brad is out for revenge against Kent.

    There was a poignant line at the end of the film when Detective Philips referred to Sarah and her daughter Lucy as "comic book heroes." The dialogue and situations in the film were so over-the-top that this "thriller" could have been a graphic novel!

    The most outrageous scene was when the monomaniacal Brad was able to worm his way into becoming Kent's lawyer after Brad had just framed him for the murder of his colleague Miguel. The jaw-dropping lines spoken by Brad insinuated that Kent essentially had no defense and that he would be wearing an orange jumpsuit for a considerable amount of time. But nice guy Brad implied that he would take good care of Sarah for him!!!

    The actors seemed to connect well with the comic book style. The quick-thinking Lucy was effective in serving almost like a marriage counselor to her troubled parents. And she used her computer skills to ferret out the truth about the nefarious Brad Collins. Comic book heroine indeed!
  • Actors were as stiff as cardboard, script/writing was completely unbelievable, and the characters were not convincing in the slightest, and the plot was weak and lacking of any action or suspense.

    I'm not really a big fan of cheating/infidelity movies anyways, and this film only cemented that opinion.

    I am not even in my twenties yet and can write a better script in less than a week. I am convinced that these screenwriters have the mentality of a 10 year old if stories like this is all they can come up with.

    Activities like watching paint dry on a wall, waiting for your lawn to fully grow, or watching the DVD logo move across the tv screen would be ten times more exciting than this sad excuse of a movie.

    I remember when Pierre David and Tom Berry movies used to be fun to watch, now they're a total yawnathon.

    Also I agree with the other reviewer here. While this movie was bad, there are certainly worse films that LT has aired in the past.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First things first, I have seen Matt Wells in a few Lifetime movies and the only one he's been good or at least convincing in was Bury the Past.

    As a few contributors said the acting was quite poor by all, especially Wells and Gibson. The latter's portrayal of a psychopath widower hell bent on revenge was laughable.

    Not long into the movie and there was a major flaw in the story line. If Kent and Amy worked together at the realtor's office, then surely he must have attended her funeral alongside all the rest of her colleagues. And obviously he would have seen Brad the grieving husband and that would have been that.

    But the story goes on in a way that Kent does not know who Amy's husband is and Brad continues his shenanegans without any hicups

    Almost all the actors performances were very wooden and soulless, Matt, Sarah, Lucy among a few.

    Anyway I have seen worse LMN movies than this.